
Showing posts from November, 2024

Raz VS Omori

  (Made by Ninjamonkey3904) (Drawn by Wurushi) (Drawn by Stars) “You either control your mind or it controls you” -Napoleon Hill Razputin “Raz” Aquato - Psychic Prodigy, savior of your world and your mind working for the Psychonauts agency. Omori - Empath DREAMER of HEADSPACE, seeker and keeper of the Truth. The conscious mind is the only tool we have to experience the world, and our limitless imagination is able to manifest anything we could think of. However, beneath it all is our desires and memories of our lives, not all of which we would want to remember. In the end, we are forced to confront and conquer our own mind, lest the mind conquers us. When these two psychedelic video game mind travelers go hand to hand in this mental brawl, who will come out on top in a DEATH BATTLE ? Before we begin… With a matchup as untraditional and complicated as this, it is only fair to establish some rules and details for the discussion. Starting simple, the goal for Raz is to deal with Omori...