Doomsday VS SCP-682

(SCP-682 art by IsisMashiro)

"Immortality - A fate worse than death."

-Edgar Schoeff

Doomsday, DC’s Monster that killed Superman

SCP-682, the SCP Foundations Hard-to-Destroy-Reptile

In a world of natural selection, only the strong survive. Although nothing lives forever, these two terrifying monsters have lived through and survived so much that they very well might just be immortal - and yet, ironically, they want nothing more than to end all life in existence. When these two immortal terminators meet head to head, who will survive? And who will finally meet their demise in a DEATH BATTLE?

Before We Start

The nature of SCP as a community-driven writing project obviously makes it trickier to handle in a VS sense compared to most series. There are many conflicting canons and interpretations of characters, and a low bar for entry, to the point where basically anybody can write for the site. For the purposes of this blog, we’re looking at SCP-682 composited across all his appearances across the site. In cases where there are major contradictions between interpretations of the characters, we’ll try to resolve it with what we think is the most consistent, logical, or in some cases generous interpretation of the character, as Death Battle tries to take characters at their best. Appearances that are simply too far removed from other interpretations of the character will be excluded. Similarly, for scaling between characters, we’re looking at the specific writers and relevant canon in each instance, as the characters SCP-682 fights are usually also subject to many contradictory interpretations. Also, only the SCP wiki and the accompanying Wanderer’s Library wiki will be used for analysis of SCP-682.  Outside material will not be used for this blog. We believe on the whole that this is probably the most in-line with Death Battle’s standard rules for compositing.

Additionally, we’re focusing on stories from the English language branch of the wiki. Other language hubs are usually a little too contradictory and far removed from the main article’s depiction of the character, and frankly just practically speaking, it would be a nightmare to go through over a dozen untranslated hubs with their own interpretations of the Foundation for what’s supposed to be a fun community blog. Gotta give us a bit of a break here lol.

As an additional note, for this fight in particular, win conditions such as incapacitation, red mist etc. are not going to be considered viable. They are already a gray area in Death Battle itself, and having a character win because of this would completely go against the point of both characters as well as the debate. They have been incapacitated before, but their entire characters revolve around being unable to actually kill for good, and if one of them were to lose to something that is barely considered more than an annoyance to them narratively, then what's the point? Neither of them have the capabilities to actually incapacitate the other forever, and it would be out of character for them to attempt this, as they both wish to destroy all life they come across. SCP-682 even has a conceptual, memetic influence over people that will make them continue pursuing ways to kill it. This is not a confirmation that either of them are able to incapacitate or red mist the other for a prolonged period of time, or would be likely to do that in a fight, but rather setting ground rules for our analysis.



“I’m not easy to kill. You can’t kill death… But I bet I can kill You”

Thousands of years ago, a scientist named Bertron was determined to make the ultimate life form, this process was achieved by planting themself on a entirely hostile planet that would kill anything that moved on it, and then for lack of a better term, throwing a genetically built infant out into there to die, grab the corpse and remake them yet again to be send out and die again. The infant's body slightly developed and lasted a few seconds longer, this process lasting for 4 decades straight of the infant dying, being recreated and sent out again only to die again. Unfortunately, Bertron didn’t know what to do when he realized that the creature that had evolved to be able to survive in the toxic hellscape he was being thrown out to had its memories of its thousands of previous lives and thus had a grudge against their creator. Because Bertron is the worst.

He also didn’t know what to do in general when the creature reached this state-but he didn’t have to find out since they died shortly after when the creature decided to kill him and end up ravaging across several planets, slaughtering whatever they came across. Until they ended up on a little planet called Earth, and ended up fighting the superheroes of the planet, dominating and devastating every single one-even gaining a proper name from Booster Gold about who he is. Doomsday, his rampage was only stopped by one person who he went blow for blow with, Superman himself.

Needless to say, they fought for a while-to the point of both killing each other(ignore that Superman was knocked into a heal coma via retcons because for a while Superman was dead because of Doomsday), leaving Doomsday with a legacy of being the only entity ever to do the unthinkable: Kill Superman.

However, what wasn’t known is that Doomsday made that a zero-loss battle, seeing as he has the power to resurrect as well, and he always comes back sooner or later, be it tied to an Asteroid outside of orbit, put in a teleporter where he never gets more than 25% loaded, left in the Phantom Zone or being faced with the end of the universe with entropy itself, Doomsday will always find a way to come back, stronger, faster, and better adapted to find a way to kill everything, once and for all.


"…they were… disgusting…"

The origins of the entity known as SCP-682 are shrouded in mystery. Some say it is Atanti ql-Paneu, survivor of a catastrophic, world ending event. Some say that it is a child of the Scarlet King. Some say it was the serpent from the Bible that suggested to humanity the fruit of knowledge. Some say that it is a God, the esoteric concept of hate itself. Some say that it was the author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid. And some say that it was all of the above. No matter the case, SCP-682 is one of the most notorious SCPs in the Foundation, known for its visceral hatred for all life and an unkillable body.

SCP-682 is a Keter class anomaly, which means it is especially difficult to contain. It was found by the SCP Foundation after murdering a group of farmers, however its existence seems to have been around for all of human history, potentially inspiring the common archetype of the treacherous snake, reptile, and dragon in multiple mythologies, religions, and cultures. SCP-682 hates all life, and as such has very violent tendencies towards living beings, constantly breaching containment and attacking anyone in its path. Due to this, the SCP Foundation has made it their mission to destroy the creature, however to little success. No matter what they may throw at it, SCP-682 always survives, adapting to each and every threat. Until the Foundation finds some way to kill that damn lizard, SCP-682 will remain one of the darkest banes of the gift that is life.





Also nothing.




As is decently well known, Doomsday has rather potent immortality, in both the regeneration and resurrection areas, allowing him to shrug off deadly blows and even death in a matter of moments. His regeneration is potent enough to restore his body after it was incinerated into a corpse by Superman, within a relatively short time frame. Most notably, after an analysis by Batman, it’s learned he can come back from mere genetic scraps, and he’s come back from the dead mere moments after being killed. Doomsday feeds on solar radiation, and his body is almost entirely solid, with no internal organs, meaning he never tires and has no need to eat or sleep.

Doomsday has also been stated to have a level of invulnerability equal to Superman. This makes him bulletproof, and impossible to perform an autopsy on him. However, this does not make him indestructible, as he’s still capable of being harmed and outright killed many times before. 

Bone Creation 

Doomsday can produce razor sharp bone claws from his fists and legs. These claws can be used in close quarters combat, or be shot out as a projectile from a range. They’re sharp enough to draw blood from Superman, and are poisonous, as shown when they were affecting Clark himself, making his head fuzzy


Probably Doomsdays most famous ability is his ability to adapt to his opponent and the environment he ends up in. Be it gaining new abilities to counter his opponent, suddenly becoming resistant or immune to their abilities, altering his physiology to counter his opponent, or flat out mimicking their powers on a more potent level. His body will also be constantly growing in power over time.

Some of the many abilities he’s adapted over the years have included fire breath, assimilation, energy blasts, telepathic blasts, energy nullification, telekinesis and flight. 



While mostly being a simple-minded beast, Doomsday has been shown to develop intelligence and strategy many times before. During the Gog War, Doomsday was able to develops emotion, reason, and strategy, as he decided to take Clark’s side and fight against the army of Gogs, all within a fairly short period of time. He’s tactical enough to recognize when he needs to retreat from a big enough threat, and is even able to carefully plan out events to his favor.

Enhanced Senses 

Doomsday’s senses are beyond regular capabilities, allowing him to see every detail of planes that are miles away, and sense the teleporters inside of the Watchtower

Spatial Manipulation/Portal Creation

After breaking out of the Phantom Zone, which resides in the Sphere of the Gods, Doomsday ended up gaining the ability to open portals from it as seen above. Allowing him to travel distances he physically can’t just run or jump to.

Deconstruction Aura

One of Doomsdays most potent abilities is his mere presence, funnily enough, being able to cause loads of damage to everything around him by merely existing. Causing such things as Molecular Instability, Sudden Combustion, Cellular Decay, and Comas, along with it being able to absorb energy and life forces to amplify Doomsdays power, and to top it off, it can be fired out to specifically target individuals or target foes down to the nano level.

Doomsday Virus

Probably Doomsday’s most unique ability, that isn’t his stubborn refusal to die, the Doomsday Virus is a disease given off by Doomsday’s bloodstream, along with gas clouds he can release. This virus is capable of killing the likes of Wonder Woman if ingested too much, but if you do survive its toxicity then the more interesting stuff happens.

If you are to survive the initial toxicity and lethality of the Doomsday Virus, you end up turning into Doomsday. This amps the infected target’s strength to being able to kill the likes of Superman and defeat Justice League teams, along with giving them his natural abilities such as the Deconstruction Aura. But the most notable thing about the Doomsday Virus is how it affects the person’s mind. It causes hallucinations and loss of rationality, and more notably, it essentially spawns a second presence in the mind vying for control, Doomsday, meaning when you're infected you’re basically fighting a battle in your own mind for control. This was able to degrade even Superman's mind, who can resist mental attacks from beings like the Phantom Stranger



(Art by SunnyClockwork)

As a child of the Scarlet King and the Fourth Bride - an invulnerable being with phenomenal adaptive prowess, SCP-682 is effectively immortal to almost anything that may attempt to kill it. It has survived 100% of its body being destroyed, is able to regenerate from a single cell, been reduced to 1% of its body mass and reformed into a quantum state of matter, has been erased by an absolute void and continued to exist in a non-existent state before regenerating, and has even had its entire personal timeline and history completely erased by SCP-6871 before somehow regenerating a few seconds later. In the past, 682 was divided into two halves that just regenerated into two completely new 682s. SCP-682’s healing also can increase in speed to match the damage done to it, even exceeding light speed.  Part of this may be due to the fact that its physical body is suggested to be a conceptual projection that exists in this world so long as we perceive it to be, which allows him to regenerate from another individual's memory. Even if SCP-682 were to somehow cease life functions, it can just revive itself. This has prompted numerous Foundation scientists to propose that SCP-682 is not living or dead in the traditional sense.  Needless to say, "Hard to Destroy" is a very big understatement.


(Art by Dan Temirov)

SCP-682 is able to morph its body into any way it likes, as such it is able to make large tendrils, change its form to trick others, or be able to adjust its size to such lengths that it can either be microscopically small or grow as large as the universe itself. SCP-682 can assume any form that it deems necessary to survive including a gelatinous state, a living shadow, an unknown form of matter, or even a police car.



(Art by LunaShadowbane)

Do not let its appearance deceive you, SCP-682 is highly intelligent. SCP-682 is so intelligent that it is capable of causing suicidal tendencies and even kill those who hear its beliefs and the human brain is incapable of perceiving the world the way it perceives it. SCP-682’s consciousness is capable of completely taking over and manipulating an entire Foundation site. SCP-682 is also capable of recognizing the danger posed by many different anomalies, including knowing how to defend against them. It even possesses knowledge of ancient magic glyphs, entities, and civilizations. Additionally, SCP-682 appears to possess an unknown ability to sense oncoming danger.  Even if SCP-682’s consciousness were to be detached from it, its body is still capable of functioning and fighting on its own. SCP-682 has been active since before the creation of the current multiverse, defeated entire armies for centuries, and even Able, while being noted for his millenia of fighting experience, had difficulty matching him.

Kill Agent

SCP-682 also knows several auditory kill agents that can cause cardiac arrest, and even bypass sound insulation. Memetic kill agents are lethal cognitive information where if your brain processes it, it will induce lethal injury to shut down your body, such as the visual memetic kill agent you are looking at right now! Good luck!


(Art by fanTASyartistry)

One of the things that makes SCP-682 so unkillable is its ability to adapt to the environment as well as any perceived threat in order to circumvent it. Its power increases based on the damage that has been inflicted on it, and it even gains different abilities based on what it is adapting to. While the lengths this adaptation will extend to are not fully understood, multiple sources have indicated that this adaptation can allow SCP-682 to match any power exerted upon it. As such, when the SCP Foundation threw every spectacular anomalous creature at it, it sometimes had… Odd results. It should be worth noting that in the past, 682 has been able to immediately regain past adaptations when it thought it needed it despite not having to endure the same circumstances that lead to it, and has been able to create adaptations for its convenience, even when it didn't technically need them to survive. This means that, theoretically, SCP-682 would be able to instantly regain any past adaptation he may have had at one point during a fight without having to go through the same situation as of his choosing. These adaptations often also involve directly replicating the powers exerted on it, including mind control, biological contaminants, cellular deterioration, teleportation, shrinking, near indestructibility, and much more.  SCP-682’s adaptations can even create hostile living entities independent of itself.


SCP-682 has, on numerous occasions, shown the ability to screech so loud that it can cause the destruction of recording devices, as well as bizarre effects depending on the adaptation. For instance, its roars have been able to disperse an entire cumulonimbus cloud, and after being exposed to the effects of SCP-999, it gained an adaptation where its roar carried the same paralyzing and sleep inducing effects that 999 had.


SCP-682's preferred way of killing its victims is to just eat them and absorb them into itself. On one occasion, 682 was separated into two halves that regenerated themselves, and 682 just absorbed the additional 682.  It is also known that instances of SCP-682 are able to kill others of the same species by consuming them.

Reality Warping

(Art by wildragon)

One of SCP-682's more esoteric properties is its ability to manipulate reality itself. Using this, it has been able to create and dissipate a singularity, and may be responsible for its many cases of surviving things that it otherwise shouldn't be able to. One of the Foundation's doctors described this as 682's essence not actually residing in reality, and when it interacts with our universe, it is like poking your finger into a balloon: you're inside of it, yet still outside of it. Projecting themselves into reality can cause issues with our universe, similar to a programming error.


(Art by Ivan Shvydkov)

Over its many, MANY termination attempts, SCP-682 has proven the ability to resist almost any means of attack.  Mind control, mental attacks capable of inducing a catatonic state, molecular decomposition, transmutation, assimilation, having its body’s electrical signals drained, soul manipulation, anomalous diseases originating from multiversal deities, reality warping, complete erasure, and even being removed by the SCP authors have all tried and failed to put SCP-682 down for good and usually lead to catastrophic results. For a more in depth listing of SCP-682’s resistances, please refer to this document.

Dimensional Travel

Okay, so killing SCP-682 is a little difficult, so why not banish it to another dimension? The problem with that is SCP-682 possesses the ability to travel across different dimensions and universes, such as when the Foundation attempted to use SCP-5175 to trap it in an alternate realm, only for it to escape. Most notably, even after being trapped in the Ravelwoods with an especially powerful ritual, despite the Ravelwoods being impossible to escape and coming from an extra-dimensional plane over all creation, he was able to make its way back to Earth.  Even being held in containment by a metaphysical pointer that controls the concept of “inside” is not enough to contain SCP-682.


The true source of SCP-682’s immortality, and largely the reason it’s so hard to kill. SCP-6820-A is the Foundation’s designation for the “memeplex”, in essence a hyper-dense thought or concept, behind 682. This concept is massive, containing concepts such as “adaptiveness”, “hatred”, and “a theoretical process for large-scale localized entropy inversion". As a result, it partially overlaps with the Noosphere, or the higher-dimensional collective thought-space of humanity. This results in an embodiment of the concept manifesting in reality, in the form of the lizard we all know. As 682 is a result of the concept’s overlap with the Noosphere, 682 changes over time, corresponding to the growth in humanity’s conception and ideatic space. 6820-A is described by the Foundation as “the difference between life and death”, and anti-Noospheric concepts like it are even conceptually beyond the concept of death itself. All this makes the physical embodiment we know as 682 effectively unkillable

SCP-6820 (no A) is a machine built by the Foundation to essentially eject 6820-A from the Noosphere. However, as its computing capacity exceeds that of the human brain, it needed to be stored partially outside of the Noosphere, resulting in it being partially corrupted with the Noosphere, while its goal of removing of 6820-A from the Noosphere backfired and meant nobody could now remember what was corrupting the machine. Even after the Foundation managed to remove the corruption with the use of SCP-055, this left 6820-A entirely out of the Noosphere, allowing it to find its “perfect” form with the aid of SCP-3125, and giving it the ability to create its own Noosphere and doom its universe of origin.  

It’s important to note that the 6820-A memeplex cannot directly interfere with reality normally, only interacting via its embodiment on Earth as SCP-682. However, it can interact with other concepts outside of the Noosphere and adapt and consume them, essentially corrupting them into itself. In the case of SCP-6820, its partial existence outside of the Noosphere allowed 6820-A to target it.

The idea of 682 as a physical embodiment of an abstract concept is not confined to this one article. It’s been described by Dr Gears, the original author, as being not entirely corporeal, and, in a later article written by him, is speculated to be like an event intruding into existence, manifesting into reality when certain conditions are met. An incident log suggests 682 as “projecting” into reality, and the Serpent’s Hand believe it to be some sort of alien being imprisoned on Earth. Likewise, the tale Reptilius depicts 682 as being the platonic concept of a reptile, who appears in humanity’s realm of ‘shadows’ only because humans observe it. Other SCPs, like the aforementioned SCP-3125, are similarly abstract concepts which reside in the Noosphere.









(Art by SunnyClockwork)

  • Has survived everything the SCP Foundation has thrown at it

  • Has caused containment breaches a multitude of times

  • Consistently battles other powerful SCPs, such as SCP-096 and SCP-076-2

  • Guided SCP-053, Quarseta, through multiple dangerous scenarios.

  • Alongside the Scarlet King’s forces, damaged the Tree of Knowledge 

  • Escaped from the Ravelwoods, which should be impossible

  • Survived the end of the previous multiverse and the Koitern

  • Became one with its perfect form, forming its own Noosphere.

  • Gave humanity the fruit of knowledge 



(Art by Hg-lab)


(Art by markoriginals)



So let’s get the obvious out of the way, in a vacuum without adaptation, Doomsday isn’t the most intelligent and ends up relying more on brute force before he ends up adapting in intelligence. Another notable weakness he has is that despite his resistances, in terms of the common ‘immunity’ upon resurrection he supposedly gains to his own former cause of death-this is not the case, he becomes stronger and more resistant but he can still be put down with common things such as blunt force or energy blasts, and of course, provided the fight lasts till the end of the universe, Doomsday has no defense against the entropy that awaits


Despite its obviously impressive survivability, it is surprisingly easy for SCP-682 to become incapacitated, at least for a short while. Many of its adaptations will also wear off after it is done with them, and when it is fighting a particularly strong opponent, it will often need to be able to adapt to them first before it can begin seriously trading blows.  Also, SCP-682 has died in specific circumstances.  While many of these deaths are one-off tales that directly conflict with SCP-682’s other canons, a version of SCP-682 did appear to be dead in SCP 2935, an alternate dimension where all forms of life and consciousness suddenly died. SCP-682 has also died along with the rest of the universe to the natural oblivion of entropy.



I’m death. And if there’s ANY truth to existence at all, it is this: Everything dies.


  • Much stronger, tougher, and faster initially

  • Has all of his adaptations at all times and does not need to regrow them

  • Could potentially evolve to become more intelligent

  • Could recover from most of 682’s abilities 

  • Has more consistently defeated stronger opponents

  • The Doomsdaymobile

  • Extremely potent regeneration that would cause most of 682’s methods of attack to be shrugged off…


  • …but in comparison, his regeneration is far inferior

  • Less versatile and potent adaptation

  • Far less experience and practical knowledge

  • Despite his array of abilities and his own staggering power, has no way to conventionally kill SCP-682

  • If SCP-6820-A were to become involved in any way then Doomsday has nothing to combat it, nor any defenses against it

  • The Doomsday Virus is a significant hindrance due to how much it benefits 682, rather than vice versa

  • The live action adaptation


(Art by razuzyamu)

"What would you prefer? A welcoming warm-bath or spend a nano-second longer in this disgusting reality. Imagine being dropped into a world where the very sky ached to look at, where every sound raked like a power sander across teeth, where life seemed specially bred to mock and torture your every sense. That's what I feel. Imagine if the air was physically made of house centipedes. Disgusting."


  • Potentially stronger at its peak with finite ends, and can at least match infinite ends

  • More potent and versatile adaptation 

  • Far older and much more experienced and skilled

  • Better range, battlefield control, and transformation capabilities

  • Has a far greater array of abilities to use against Doomsday

  • Resists all of Doomsday’s primary hax abilities

  • Vastly superior regeneration, making it virtually impossible to kill directly

  • Could likely adapt to and utilize the Doomsday Virus to match Doomsday if its natural adaptation was not enough

  • If SCP-6820-A were to somehow become involved then the fight is over.

  • Has engaged in a rap battle before. Twice.



  • Initially much weaker and slower

  • Its auditory and cognitohazardous attacks can all be nullified by Doomsday’s adaptations

  • Although it may be able to get to a level similar to Doomsday, its reactive power may be playing catch up to Doomsday's growing power 

  • Drunk driving

  • Never actually says "You've brought this on yourselves" on the wiki


Before We Begin…

Universe Sizes

There is this well known scan of Superman stating that the big bang would expand over 60 trillion lightyears in half a second, which has been used to extrapolate some pretty crazy numbers for the DC universe's size. I'm sure most people know by now the argument that the initial expansion of the universe was much faster than the aftermath, but even after the gradual decline the universe's speed would have waned significantly as it progresses, which is the whole premise behind concepts such as the big crunch. Additionally, if the DC universe truly was larger than our own, then it makes sense that the initial expansion would also be far greater than in real life - as well as the later expansion speed being far slower, via contraction of gravity. There is no way to realistically quantify how the DC universe's expansion works in relation to ours, due to its dramatically different properties. Ultimately, we decided that going with the stated size of a hundred trillion lightyears was the safest option, as it leaves far less open to interpretations, assumptions and guesswork. Don’t worry, it will not have any major effect on our verdicts.

On the topic of universe sizes, as linked above, the statement used for the SCP universe’s size in multiple calculations above would suggest it to be hundreds of billion-trillion light-years long. There’s contention between some of our members over the validity of this statement, such as if it’s strictly linear or is referring to multiple universes. We’ve stuck with it for the calculations as presented, but be aware that if there’s disagreement over it in the verdicts below, that’s why. Again, don’t worry about it significantly affecting the verdicts either way.

Phantom Zone Feat

As shown in the feats section, in Batman/Superman #11, Doomsday has a feat where he breaks out of the Phantom Zone using supposedly nothing but his fist. While being quite infamous in the vs community, this feat is debatable for a few reasons. The Phantom Zone reduces its prisoners to formless, astral impressions of their former selves, with no tangible body, who only exist as mere thoughts. This makes it arguable if Doomsday truly broke out through his power alone, and if it actually counts as an Outerversal feat. It’s also possible this was a result of Doomsday’s spatial manipulation, as his ability to open portals is connected to the Phantom Zone, which he started to utilize after he broke free. 

We decided to stick with it as a feat for Doomsday, but do note verdicts may have different interpretations surrounding it due to these reasons. 

Doomsday’s fight against Darkseid

In Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey #1, Doomsday rampages across Apokolips, eventually coming across Darkseid himself. They have a brief encounter where Doomsday is able to overpower and knock him out. The scaling is fairly blatant for Doomsday, however, whether or not this is True Form Darkseid is largely a big point of contention with this feat.

True Form Darkseid/Darkseid’s Conceptual Godhead is Darkseid’s true nature, an idea introduced by Grant Morrison in Final Crisis, that fundamentally changed how Darkseid works as a character. It explains how he’s able to appear through “Emanations” or “Avatars” with a physical form, without truly being present. A few writers have made comments making it ambiguous on which Darkseid was defeated in this fight. Going by his appearance, the release date of the comic, and what makes more logical sense, it’s much more likely this is Darkseid as intended to be portrayed through an Emanation, instead of an example of his Conceptual Godhead, which only came to be many years later, and is very distinctly different. While more hypothetical, It’s also possible Doomsday was amplified in size, in accordance with the plane that he was residing in at that point in. Regardless, we’ve decided to stick with the scaling as listed in the feats section. 



So, I feel like to start with, I deserve you guys an explanation, as well for anyone who is not "in" with our community circles that may see this. No, this isn't G1, but a lot of us that have worked on this blog have also worked on past G1 blogs before, including myself, though sometimes I went by Ninten. Anyways, a while back, about when Death Battle was going to have a break after Boba Fett vs Predator, and what is now the official Death Battle discord server was going to have a poll for what G1 blogs the G1 people would do over the summer. Me, as well as some other people, rallied hard for them to do Doomsday vs SCP-682, a matchup that a lot of people had wanted to do as a blog. Alas, when the poll finally came up, Doomsday vs 682 was not even an option! Those scoundrels! G1 mods up on their crystal palace looking down on the little man! So what did we do?

We did this.

At first the blog was moving kind of slowly, primarily comprised of only five people. However, in August, things really began to ramp up, and I'm quite proud of the work we've managed to accomplish. Sorry for rambling, but this is a blog.

Anyways, Doomsday. Big rock monster. It must be very uncomfortable having to fight him, I sure wouldn't want to. SCP-682, basically the kid at the playground back in elementary school that kept saying "nuh uh I can't die". Scott. Who wins? Who will have the point of their character completely ignored for the sake of these nerd debates?

Well, I've read effectively every single article with 682 on the SCP website, so that means unlike the majority of people in vs circles that talk about SCP, I know a fair amount about it. Spoilers, 682 isn't Darkseid, or Pennywise or whatever. He doesn't really have a "true form" - well, he kind of does, but it doesn't work like people think, and is only in a select few canons, if not just one. Oh yeah, canons. I'm not going to explain how we dealt with that to you, go read the intro.

First, I want to clear up one big thing that people have been repeating for a long time which simply is not true, being that Doomsday's adaptations are better suited for the fight because 682's are more defensive in nature and rarely offensive. This is simply untrue, at least in any practical sense for the fight. 682 has dozens of examples of adapting to powers and using them offensively either against the Foundation or his opponent in the termination log alone, and most of the time when he doesn't, it's either because he doesn't need to or he doesn't want to. Even the guy who made this argument no longer agrees with it. Please stahp. 

Although on that point, SCP-682 does have incredibly versatile and potent adaptation, which has shown to be more extensive in what it can do than Doomsday’s, so point for him.

I'm actually struggling to think of where exactly to start with this matchup just because there is so much to talk about, so I'll just get the boring part out of the way first, their stats. Despite being, well, a DC character, 682 can actually throw hands fairly well in terms of feats and arguments against Doomsday.

To start with, Doomsday can embarrass several DC heralds who have a plethora of universal feats, the one being used in this blog being Superman fighting Superman, and almost destroying two DC universes, one of which is almost 10 billion times larger than our observable universe. Can 682 match that level of power? Well not immediately. In base form 682 can release enough energy to dissipate a large cumulonimbus cloud and cause a Magnitude 9 level Earthquake, and has even created a black hole, which is impressive, until you realize that he's fighting someone who can destroy the universe 10 billion times over. However that's not the end of the story, because SCP-682 is able to grow in power in direct proportion to the force exerted onto him, as well as grow in power by himself - or rather, just grow really, really big. Universe sized big, in fact. So how big is the SCP universe?

Well the wormholes from SCP-5588 exist 150 billion lightyears beyond the observable universe, which can make a small increase for the overall universe size, but you've already seen the power section. One of the Black Queens had a statement alluding to universes in SCP being a "few hundred billion-trillion lightyears". Recently there has been a lot of discussion surrounding it, but I think it's probably fine to use. Firstly, she was referring to a specific universe that was mentioned earlier in the article - one that had 90% of its contents turned into ice cream and waffles.

Aside from that, when she says "a few hundred billion-trillion lightyears" in a general sense, that likely just refers to the linear size of the location, as opposed to the volume of it. However, even if you only used a regular universe's size, growing to such an extent would still be more than enough energy to adapt to Doomsday's power, and that is because of a little something called gravity.

Everything with mass has gravity, even you. However, not everything is massive enough to have a significant gravitational pull. But planets do. Stars do. Those objects are able to keep their gravitationally bound state because of their GBE, gravitational binding energy. Something else worth mentioning is that the universe is empty. Really empty. That means that the total gravity of the universe is not as great as it would be if it were a solid block - or, alternatively, a giant lizard. Even using our observable universe as a base, the GBE that 682 must be holding would be over 263 duodecillion times the amount of energy needed to destroy the observable universe - and, using the stated size from the Black Queen, over one duotrigintillion times more energy than our own universe. Needless to say, this is more than enough to match up to and adapt to Doomsday's finite feats.

But we're not done there, because we can go beyond the finite into infinity! Doomsday could potentially scale to the Guardians, who can destroy every universe in the multiverse. However, 682 can fight Able (Which is supported multiples times throughout the website, as well as 682's original author, and can be linked back to 682's original article), who can destroy the Bloom, a gigantic, multiversal flower that was going to collapse the entire multiverse. Even if you used Doomsday's Phantom Zone feat to scale him up really high in the DC cosmology, 682 actually has a couple of counter arguments to that. Namely, when SCP-423 observed a narrative story where 682 was defeated in a war against every other SCP, the story actually began to change to where 682 adapted to be powerful enough to destroy 77% of the entire omniverse and fight off notable heavy hitters, or how he was bred to march at the front of the Scarlet King's war, adding his power to the effort as the forces damaged and destroyed the roots of the Tree of Knowledge, which supported all of creation.

By the way, that feat I just mentioned has this odd reputation of being from 682's "true form", even though that is never stated and there is no reference to 682 having anything of the sort in the Djoricverse. Anyways, the point I'm making is that whatever you give Doomsday, you can make the same arguments for 682. But let's say you didn't want to do that. Let's say you wanted to give Doomsday every benefit of the doubt while being extremely stringent on 682's scaling. 682 can still catch up to Doomsday's power because of Doomsday's own ability, the Doomsday Virus. 

The Doomsday Virus is, well you know what it is. It’s a very lethal virus that can either kill someone or fuck up their head, turning them into a mindless Doomsday like beast. However, in doing so, it also gives the infected all of Doomsday’s abilities - most notably, his adaptive and evolutionary capabilities. SCP-682 has actually weaponized other viruses that were used against him before, and he has ways to get around the viruses' other dangerous properties.

SCP-682 has shown to be able to adapt to mind altering effects numerous times before, but the most interesting to me is the instance of SCP-061. 682 initially showed a plain immunity to the effects of it, before continued influence took over his actions, before 682 then adapted and overcame it yet again. 

You can count the number of instances to try and get a good idea of the amount of layers 682 would have, which would be well over what the virus can amount to, but the important thing here is that 682's adaptation and resistances are progressive. This means that even if the virus was too much for 682 to resist initially, it would eventually overlap and overcome the effects of it to become immune. After all, SCP-682 has, in the past, continuously adapted to being able to leave the Ravelwoods for entire years. Eventually it would become immune. Even if it couldn't, 682 has other ways to adapt around it, such as changing its body to being inorganic or a different state of matter, or controlling his body remotely with his consciousness outside of it. Even if the virus did take over 682's mind, the virus doesn't work like Doomsday hypnotizing someone. It just makes them bloodlusted like himself, which 682 already is in most of his fights, meaning it would not end the battle at all.

So 682 can potentially reach Doomsday's level, but this depends on him actually surviving that long to adapt. Can he do it? Of course he can, he's SCP-682. There have been multiple instances of him regenerating even after being completely destroyed, and has even regenerated after his entire personal timeline was erased within a few seconds. Doomsday doesn't have anything in his arsenal, as impressive as it may be, to deal with something like that. Though, that's a good segway into one of Doomsday’s more unique abilities, his "deconstruction aura".

I think it's kind of funny how we've given this thing of his its own name, for what is essentially Doomsday being so buff that just walking around causes weird shit to happen. But, as cool as it is, 682 completely resists it. Transmutation? Check. Molecular decay? Check. Making people comatose? Check. Absorb his life force? Not only can 682 just make himself completely inorganic, he has mimicked and redirected similar abilities before, which goes for his other powers as well.

Speaking of which, while it is well known that 682 loses some (not all) of his adaptations after he no longer needs them, he is able to instantly regain them whenever he needs or wants to. He's done so before, and has gained adaptations solely for his own leisure or desire, rather than as purely survival necessity. This means that a lot of his abilities he had before, he could theoretically use against Doomsday if he were to try and find a way to kill him. It also means that, for scenarios of which took 682 a significant portion of time to come back from, he would render them immediately ineffective.

Doomsday's own regeneration and resistances are nothing to scoff at, either. He can regenerate from mere scraps of his genetics, and resists a lot of 682's abilities as well. However, both of them are far more limited in scope compared to 682, who can regenerate from less and his adaptations can be far more esoteric, as well as transformative. 

What this leaves us with are two characters who are nearly impossible to kill, but one of them dying is a lot more conceivable, as well as the opposing one having better adaptive capabilities. While Doomsday is very difficult to kill, he's not literally impossible, whereas 682 might as well be. 682 has multiple methods of AoE that could theoretically destroy his opponent, not to mention he has been active for far longer and has generally better abilities and battlefield control. I mean, he can literally separate himself into two completely new 682s, as if one wasn't bad enough. Eventually, it is far likelier that 682 will be able to figure out a way to kill Doomsday than vice versa.

But, people don't want the fight to end like that. The people want the cool win conditions, the things that give this matchup its edge, so I'll talk about it. 

Let's say that 682 utterly fails in finding a way to kill Doomsday for 1.7*10^106 years. Could Doomsday potentially use entropy as a method of putting down the lizard? Not likely. While Doomsday has encountered entropy before, there is little evidence that he actually knows enough about it to utilize it, or that he understands he was even at the end of the universe to begin with. Even if he did, there would be nothing stopping 682 from just following Doomsday out of the universe, assuming they aren't already actively moving across universes. But, ignoring that, could Doomsday theoretically win by punting 682 into entropy and just hoping he doesn't just escape before it takes effect?

You're gonna hear people talk about this a lot, but nah. 

You see, for most of the debate cycle, I was so hyper focused on how potent 682's regeneration was as opposed to how it worked. Near the end of it, we were discussing some of 682's regeneration feats, when I brought up the 3930 feat. Contextually, this made me realize that Doomsday killing 682 through entropy is problematic, because aside from just being able to regenerate from nothing, 682 regenerates from people's cognitions - as in, he can reform so long as others can remember and observe him. This actually has precedent in other articles, such as Reptilius and 6820, where they needed to forget about 682 in order to try and kill him.

What this means in practice is that, as long as Doomsday remembers 682, then the lizard will always just reform with a new body wherever he is. Hell, 682 managed to survive 6820 by remembering himself while he was erased as a concept. If the Foundation calls something "Hard to kill", trust them. 

So, Doomsday has, for lack of a better term, effectively no real win conditions. It's unlikely he could find out how 682's regeneration works, and even if he did, he can't really do anything about it. It's also possible for 682 to try and find someone else in another universe to recognize him, so that in the event that the two are both consumed by entropy in a dead universe, 682 would just reform. 

But Doomsday can evolve in intelligence, so he could probably become a super genius and figure some way out of this pickle, right? This actually releases a whole new set of problems for himself ironically, and leads to one of my favorite potential win conditions for 682.

SCP-6820 was able to be affected by the form of 6820-A, the conceptual form of 682, because its intellectual capacity had reached a certain point. If Doomsday were to evolve his intelligence far enough, he would put himself at risk of conceptualizing and becoming susceptible to 682's cognitive form, and be taken out by it conceptually.

This would be such a cool way to end the fight, by the way. You can also have it reference 682's multiple implications of being the serpent from the Bible, what with the theme of Doomsday becoming too knowledgeable for his own good and how the serpent gave humanity the fruit of knowledge.

Ultimately, what this fight comes down to is their sheer survivability. Doomsday is remarkable, killing him is no simple task and I don't wish to diminish that, but 682 just can't die. His immortality is broken beyond belief, and beyond that, he takes almost every other advantage. What advantages Doomsday does have are going to be diminished as the fight goes on - he will have better stats initially, but he can't stop 682 from eventually catching up to him. His strength may grow mid battle, but 682 can gain that ability as well once he utilizes the Doomsday Virus, and he would immediately adapt to his newfound strength. He may be able to grow his intelligence, but not only is he fighting someone who has been active for billions of years, all that will succeed in doing is leave him susceptible to 6820-A. It is far likelier that 682 would eventually be able to completely destroy Doomsday, and even if he couldn't, he's going to have the advantage for the rest of the fight until outside sources, or Doomsday himself, eventually leads to either both of them dying or 682 alone surviving in some form.

Doomsday is an incredibly powerful fighter and tough as nails to put down for good, but Atanti Ql-Paknew how to take him down in the end. The winner is SCP-682 


(Bringing back the classic pfp, also Immovable Object slaps)

Before I start, I’d like to say it’s been quite a pleasure to work on this blog with Ninten, Theory, KL, and Ninja. We’ve been hard at work with figuring this matchup out, and it’s been quite a roller coaster of events lemme tell ya. I was never too invested in Doomsday VS SCP-682, but overtime (and especially now), it’s become one of my most wanted matchups. There’s so much you can do with it with their adaptation abilities, sheer gore/brutality, and loads of great potential character interactions. While SCP would be a different approach for the series than the others, I definitely think it’s doable.

But onto the debate itself, it’s quite a complicated one I must say. At first I went into this thinking it was a relatively clear-cut fight, but I’ve since come to learn that there are a LOT of factors to consider here. I’m going to be splitting this verdict into two sections, one for stats, and one for abilities and adaptations. Let’s start off with

Stats (Strength/Durability and Speed):


Born as a genetically mutated kryptonian hybrid, Doomsday is extraordinarily powerful, allowing him to match and even defeat many top tier characters in the verse. These include the likes of Superman, Wonder Woman, and even Darkseid. But just how far does Doomsday rank on the hierarchy? After all, being a herald tier character can only mean so much. Well, suffice to say, Doomsday’s showings prove he is far above the standard s-tier. 

His mid ends consist of drawing blood from Superman, making him actively worry about keeping up with his speed, no-selling a barrage of blows from him with ease, and forcing Superman to put everything into his strike during their fight, which resulted in both his and Doomsday’s “death” (though rest assured, Superman wasn’t truly dead thanks to the beauty of retcons). This means that Doomsday should reasonably scale to many of the feats Superman has performed, minus when he was heavily amped by suns to face the World Forger. Doomsday is also capable of breaking Wonder Woman’s arms, and drawing blood from and defeating Darkseid in a fight. This could be argued much higher if one were to take the argument of it being True Form Darkseid literally, but that likely doesn’t hold much weight (see before the verdicts for more info). Even in his early appearances he’s been shown to be team busting entire teams of herald tier characters, solidifying his placement as one of the big boys in DC  As thus, Doomsday should scale to the following feats:

Basically DC heralds consistently pull off Universe level and MFTL+ feats (up to 9 duodecillion c for finite ends, and infinite speed for non finite ends). You can push the AP tiering higher, but that depends on whether you’d like to lean more into Volume Scaling or Space-Time Scaling, which is a whole separate debate to get into for another time. If you go with Volume Scaling, there’s the argument that the DC universe is one hundred trillion in diameter, making it nearly 10 billion times larger than our own universe. This would make the Universal feats technically Multiversal level, as it’d be the same as being able to destroy that amount of universes. An alternate interpretation however is that the DC universe is infinite in size, which has many statements backing it up, however this doesn’t change the verdict too much in the long run; so I’ll be sticking with the finite end. 

For Doomsday’s high ends, he was able to tank blasts from the Guardians of the Universe, who are capable of destroying all universes, and Doomsday himself was able to break out of the Phantom Zone using only a single punch. The Phantom Zone is an area that exist within the Sphere of the Gods, which resides above the infinite dimensional bleed. By most standards, this feat would be within some range of Outerversal, buuuuuuuuuuut, there should be some caution taken with a feat like this, due to added context from other sources.

You see, the Phantom Zone isn’t just this standard prison people can just break free and escape from like a real life prison riot. The way it works is that it reduces its prisoners to literal astral spirits of their former selves, with no tangible form and only existing and communicating as thought. This leaves the scan up to more interpretation than before, as it’s unknown if Doomsday could be doing this via an ability/adaptation or his physical strength. However, considering that this feat was around when Doomsday gained his ability of spatial manipulation, allowing him to open portals to dimensions, I think it’s more likely him breaching the Phantom Zone was connected to that, as opposed to him literally punching it out with pure force. Additionally, the way these higher dimensions work is that your size, and thus, strength is adjusted proportionate to the dimension you’re residing in, meaning it’s likely it wasn’t Doomsday’s own natural strength, even if he did physically break out. 

For argument’s sake, let’s just assume the feat is applicable to Doomsday’s AP as a high end adaptation showing. While these are all fairly impressive ends……682 definitely has the higher ends matched.

Starting off with his mid ends, 682 has been shown capable to grow to the size of planets, such as Saturn, and even as large as the Universe, where it was consuming entire galaxies. Now, similarly to the DC universe, SCP has statements implying the size of the universe to be a few billion-trillion light years in diameter. Could this let it match and even exceed DC’s universe? Absolutely 

However, the key difference between this and DC’s statement is that for DC, we know what the size is refering to. It’s for the universe and space within it. As opposed to SCP, where it’s actually not really clear what the light years is referring to. It could be refering to multiple different universes, and not just a single one, especially considering the character who states this, which is the Black Queen. They are inter dimensional, with the group existing across different universes. Since the statement is pretty non-specific, I think it’s just as likely referring to multiple universes instead of one. Fortunately for him, 682 does not need the bigger universe diameter to keep up with Doomsday. 

For high ends, 682 has fought on par with Able, who’s able to slash through the petals and reach the heart of the Bloom, a Multiversal construct resembling a flower that would collapse the infinite multiverse by pulling universes together, annihilating them. This would match Doomsday’s infinite multiverse scaling, assuming we place them within that range without going into higher dimensions. Though, speaking of higher dimensions…..this leads into one of the more frankly insane feats to have come out of this waiting period, for me at least. The Omniversal feat.  It was documented that 682 would kill 95% of SCPs, destroy 77% of the omniverse, and even combat other absurdly powerful entities such as the Scarlet King and SCP-3812. This would get 682 massively above Multi+ and even simple dimensional tiering, (considering SCP’s omniverse contains spatial dimensions). A similar feat was also presented, where as one of the Scarlet King’s children, he contributed to the war where they were able to damage the Tree of Knowledge, which supported all of creation, and it’s destruction would’ve also destroyed all of creation. 

He’d be an Outerversal threat at this point, at the very least, which is about enough to match Doomsday’s high ends, such as breaking the Phantom Zone. Now being honest, do I think either of these ends are 100% solid? No. As previously mentioned I think Doomsday’s feat is very much up to interpretation, and with 682 I think the context could be a bit vague on both feats. But the point is that whatever argument you could make for Doomsday, you can make a similar argument for 682. 

Now speed-wise, Doomsday definitely has 682 best via raw numbers. Scaling to Green Lanterns and Superman gets him much higher than 682 does, even if you were to calc his universe expanding speed or Able slashing the petals of the Bloom. Not to mention, the infinite to immeasurable ends being much more solid for Doomsday. 682 has a potential way to keep up though, which we’ll get into later. 

So with that, we’ve established Doomsday would have a lead in the start with AP/Durability and Speed, but any high end argument you could make for him, 682 could match as the fight goes on. 

Abilities and Adaptation:

Now for the main focus of this fight, their abilities and how they counter each other. Both Doomsday and 682 are fairly basic in this regard, but can essentially gain many useful abilities. At his “base” level, Doomsday could produce poisonous bone claws, which he can use as a ranged attack. Doomsday has shown the ability to adapt fire breath, telekinesis, telepathetic blasts, energy nullification, flight, and many more. Doomsday has also developed this unique ability to deconstruct matter around him by merely existing, which can cause sudden comas, incineration, transmutation, and much more. Doomsday can also use spatial manipulation to create portals to different dimensions, allowing him an easy way to escape scenarios that wouldn’t be in his favor. Finally, Doomsday has the Doomsday Virus, which he can infect people with through his blood or through gas spores from his body. This can actually harm Doomsday more than it benefits him in the long run, because the Virus will, overtime, amplify the infected person’s strength and speed, essentially making a new Doomsday. It also alters the target’s mind such as causing hallucinations and forcing your body to fight for control over Doomsday. Overall though, this ability can be taken advantage of by 682, allowing him to keep up in speed, as he previously would be unable to with just his own feats and scaling. 

In comparison, 682 seems to have less versatile abilities, but more potent ones overall. For example, his shape shifting allows him to gain a huge battlefield control advantage over Doomsday, as it allows him to grow as large as a universe. He also has a fairly large area of effect with his attacks, being able to casually dissipate clouds and cause earthquakes. For his more esoteric abilities, he’s able to reality warp singularities into existence, reflect the effects of cellular deterioration onto the user, absorb someone entirely, change the physiology of his body, and can travel through dimensions, just like Doomsday. He also has auditory attacks, and kill agents which can cause cardiac arrest.

So how do these counter each other? Well, for starters Doomsday would resist auditory attacks, as he resisted the Motherbox’s ultrasonic sound wave. He’d also resist the kill agents, as he’s able to resist his own deconstruction aura overlapping with his body, and contains no organs. Resisting his own deconstruction also means he’d also be able to potentially endure cellular degradation. It’s also likely Doomsday  would resist absorption. While it’s not entirely the same, he did remain in control when merged with the Watchtower, showing he has some level of resistance against being absorbed into another form of matter. Lastly, Doomsday resists mind control, as he has mental defenses that can keep Martian Manhunter out of his mind, and can resist the Lasso of Truth’s control. 

So that leaves us with Doomsday pretty much resisting a vast majority of 682’s powers. But what about vice versa? Doomsday’s telepathetic blasts and the virus’s mind hax probably won’t do much against 682, considering 682 has mental defenses that can fend off SCP-061. Transmutation won’t work, as he can also resist SCP-409’s crystallization, and molecular destabilization also wouldn’t work due to 682 countering SCP-536’s ability. Dimensional travel would counter Doomsday BFRing him, and lastly, for Doomsday’s poison and virus, Doomsday has been shown to resist diseases several times before. However, this leads into one of the most important factors in the fight, that being the regeneration these two monsters have.

Doomsday’s regeneration is insanely potent, able to regenerate him in a short timeframe from being incinerated, and from mere genetic scraps. But, it can’t compare to 682’s regeneration, which reaches a whole other level. 682 can come back from it’s entire body being erased, not just destroyed, but erased. It’s entire timeline and history has been erased before, with 682 still regenerating mere moments later with a new body. This is because 682’s bodies are really just projections formed from his higher dimensional conceptual self. Even if Doomsday was able to kill 682 via brute force, incinerating him, poisoning him, or throwing him into the sun, 682 would just come to be seconds later, especially since he can reform himself from memories people have of him, which Doomsday would end up receiving and have no way of erasing. 

And this ends up being the final nail in the coffin for this fight. Their survivability, and who’s able to kill the other more easily. Could Doomsday fight back against being absorbed? Could Doomsday adapt to 682’s abilities and counter them to grow stronger? Could Doomsday potentially resist being sucked into a black hole? Sure, he can do all of these, but what he cannot do is regenerate from absolute nothingness. Doomsday has lost fights before, both against the Radiant and Imperiex. He won’t simply perfectly counter everything his opponent throws at him, and he isn’t unkillable. With 682’s strength adapting to a point where he’d match Doomsday/using the Doomsday Virus to close the gap, superior battlefield control and better survivability, and overall much more potent immortality, 682 should be able to completely destroy Doomsday and leave nothing left to heal

Are there arguments for Doomsday? Yeah; but I don’t find them the most reliable. They’d likely consist of arguing layered haxes for his deconstruction aura, and arguing he’d find a way to outsmart 682 to use entropy against him in the end of the universe. Problem is, the former doesn’t fix the issue of 682’s regeneration, and the latter would be an overestimation of Doomsday’s intelligence. While he’s grown to understand emotions, and strategy, he has almost no info on entropy or any way to figure out how to weaponize it against 682. If Doomsday by some miracle finds a dead universe to throw 682 into, 682 would live on through Doomsday’s memory.

Doomsday put up a tough fight, but SCP-682 had what needed to take the victory. Doomsday may be able to bring the Man of Steel to his knees, but on this day 682 was the one to steal his victory. Doomsday truly brought this on himself. 

(Wait what do you mean 682 never actually says that in any article wh-)


If you know me, you know I love debatable matchups.  I believe that an interesting debate can elevate a matchup greatly and make it fascinating to discuss.  Debating how two characters’ powers and abilities would work off each other and trying to deduce the outcome of a reality bending fight with research and logic is thrilling to me.  Which is exactly why I was so excited to work on Doomsday vs SCP-682.  So now that I have gone through all of the research and debate, what is my stance on the matchup?

In my opinion, this fight is a lot like Wally West vs Archie Sonic or Dio vs Alucard.  On the surface, the matchup looks dead even with both taking their own advantages but neither having enough to completely overwhelm the other.  All of the powers both have could lead to an endless number of possibilities that are almost impossible to truly predict. It seems like the debate will never reach a consensus.  But then you start to dive deep and peel back the layers of the fight and slowly but surely the outcome starts to become clear.  So how about I address some of the big questions to help reach that conclusion?

Can SCP-682 ever hope to catch up to Doomsday in the stat trinity?

While there is no doubt that Doomsday absolutely obliterates SCP-682 in the beginning, SCP-682 has everything it needs to level the playing field.  

Despite his clear strength and speed advantage, killing SCP-682 outright is going to be impossible for Doomsday at the start.  Since SCP-682 can regenerate from 100% of its body mass being destroyed and return from complete existence erasure, Doomsday could beat SCP-682 until it is a mist of blood and fluids and it will be more of an annoyance than a victory.  Physical force is not enough to put SCP-682 down for good.  So killing SCP-682 before it can adapt is out of the question.

But how does SCP-682 manage to keep up with Doomsday in a fight?  Simple, adaptation!  SCP-682’s speciality is adapting overwhelming forces of destruction and growing to fight them off.  There are two separate statements claiming that SCP-682 can adapt to match any force exerted upon it.  One is from the Wanderer’s Library, an extra-dimensional collection of all knowledge in the multiverse.  This one explains that SCP-682’s power is related to the laws of magic, which in SCP is able to operate on a universal scale.  The second statement was created by the SCP Foundation in an attempt to prompt the SCP writers to erase SCP-682.  This statement claimed that SCP-682 was “an extremely powerful entity, capable of adapting to any damage.”  However, this attempt by the Foundation led to a reality restructuring event to make this description of SCP-682 accurate.  So that is two separate claims that it can adapt to any damage inflicted on it.  One is from a multiversal source of all knowledge and one was made true by the SCP writers restructuring the SCP narrative.

Okay those statements are nice and all, but does SCP-682 have any examples of growing to levels like Doomsday?  

Yes, it does.  SCP-682 is able to fight and kill Able who can slash through petals the size of universes and almost collapse the entire multiverse.  While Able does canonically vary in power A LOT and is usually able to be killed by a simple nuclear bomb, Able reaching this level of power is not unprecedented, given his potential scaling to his brother Set and his father Adam El Asem who both scale in some way to the Scarlet King, a consistent threat to all creation.  SCP-682 is sometimes depicted as a child of the Scarlet King’s fourth bride, further verifying this scaling.  SCP-682 has even grown to the size of the entire universe and eaten all of its galaxies before.

SCP-682 would also likely be able to adapt to match Doomsday’s speed and durability as well.  Beyond simply scaling to Abel and other SCP cosmics entities, SCP-682 has been able to adapt to regenerate faster than the speed of light and move efficiently while universe sized.  In terms of durability, SCP-682 could likely adapt its body to be as tough as Doomsday’s skin and spikes, like how it managed to recreate a hyper advanced crystalline structure that the SCP Foundation thought to be indestructible.

Even if SCP-682’s pure adaptation was not enough to match Doomsday’s stats on its own, SCP-682 has another option to even things out, the Doomsday Virus.  The Doomsday Virus can turn street tier humans into monsters capable of killing Superman and teambusting.  SCP-682 has a lot of experience with powerful viruses and has even weaponized them before in order to escape containment.  With this ability, there is nothing stopping SCP-682 from using the Doomsday Virus to amp its physical stats to be able to fight on par with Doomsday.  In fact, that is exactly what an alternate world Batman did to kill an evil Superman.  This Batman, now called Devastator, later went on to almost kill mainline Superman.  While this was an engineered version of the Doomsday Virus, there is no evidence that Batman’s experiments were the sole result in his dramatic growth in power.  Also, SCP-682’s experience with adapting to and utilizing viruses and other hostile anomalies could allow it to get similar results.

So yes, SCP-682 has multiple reliable options of catching up to Doomsday in stats.  It will not happen immediately but SCP-682 will inevitably close the gap.

Couldn’t Doomsday just keep growing in intelligence to become smart enough to kill SCP-682 for good?

Doomsday’s ability to rapidly grow in intelligence is an interesting power to consider but it is pretty ill-defined.  While Doomsday has been able to learn to speak, strategize, and even copy the abilities of others, Doomsday has never become or shown the potential of becoming a genius by any regard.  Even after fighting the Gogs in combat for centuries non-stop, Doomsday’s intelligence never grew beyond the capabilities of a normal human.

It would also be difficult for Doomsday to exceed SCP-682, who is smart enough to engage in complex conversation with an advanced AI and take over a Foundation site.  Beyond simple intellectual capabilities, SCP-682 possesses extensive knowledge of the anomalous world and has been active for thousands of years.  Doomsday has never been shown to have the same innate understanding of the world as SCP-682 so surpassing it in intelligence would still be very hard.

But, in the hypothetical scenario where Doomsday’s intelligence DID continue to grow and he became a super genius, would it help Doomsday find a way to kill SCP-682?  

Unlikely.  Remember SCP-682 has been the constant test subject by the SCP Foundation for decades.  The SCP Foundation is composed of the world’s greatest scientific minds and anomalous experts and has studied every aspect of SCP-682 exhaustively.  Yet, despite their many, many attempts, they have never been able to find something that puts SCP-682 down for good.  In fact, their attempts have cost them innumerable resources and thousands of lives to the catastrophes that these tests usually lead to.  If Doomsday were to attempt any of these many creative solutions, he would likely encounter similar results.

Beyond even that though, if Doomsday really was able to rapidly grow in intelligence, higher than all of the minds of the Foundation combined, that could cause another problem.  It could make him vulnerable to SCP-6820-A.  SCP 6820-A was able to attack and control the advanced weapon SCP 6820 after its intellectual capacity grew too large.  If Doomsday grew too intelligent and actively intended to use this intelligence to destroy SCP-682, it could result in him becoming a target of SCP-6820-A.  

SCP-6820-A has massive reality warping capabilities, strong enough to create an entire new Noosphere in which it could consume and shed reality and subsume anything physical or conceptual.  It is also powerful enough to “carry” SCP-3125, a complex collection of ideas that exists in a higher dimension.  SCP-6820-A is even conceptually above death itself.  Even if SCP-6820-A is only capable of its higher reality warping when in its complete form, it still has demonstrated strong reality warping and even greater adaptation then SCP-682’s regular form.  Also, SCP-6820-A would constantly look for the key to its true form and probably find it eventually with the help of SCP-3125 (the Foundation only accidentally accelerated the process by providing SCP-6820-A with SCP-055).  Afterall, SCP-3125 was beginning to re-emerge in baseline reality because of SCP-6820-A.  Needless to say, Doomsday would not be winning that fight.

In summary, Doomsday likely could not grow in intelligence enough for it to really threaten SCP-682 and even if Doomsday did, it could cause more problems than it solves.

How do their abilities and resistances interact?

Both Doomsday and SCP-682 have a lot of useful abilities that would bounce off each other in interesting ways.  I already covered why SCP-682 should have no trouble utilizing the Doomsday Virus so I will further elaborate on the effects of that first.

One of the major dangers of the Doomsday Virus, beyond its lethality, is its effect on the victim’s mind.  Even Superman, a being capable of tracking the zeta-beam, which is compared to putting the entire universe into a thought, and has trained his mind to resist mind control from beings like the Phantom Stranger, had to actively fight against the Doomsday Virus turning him into a monster wanting to destroy everything.

Luckily for SCP-682, it can resist these attacks.  SCP-682 has resisted mind control on many occasions, including from hostile intelligences attempting to take over its body.  More often than not, SCP-682 tends to redirect these mental attacks to harm others.  Furthermore, SCP-682’s body is able to fight even when it is disconnected from its consciousness, including working in tandem with the consciousness.  Yeah, I know that sounds stupid, but it happened.  Besides, even if the virus did take over SCP-682’s mind it would just make SCP-682’s mind like Doomsday’s mind.  It would not end the fight, just probably lower SCP-682’s intelligence.

Let’s move on to the main abilities they share: regeneration and adaptation.

Now it should be no surprise that SCP-682 has superior regeneration.  While Doomsday is capable of regenerating from scraps of DNA and coming back from dying almost instantly, SCP-682 can regenerate from literal nothingness and will continue to survive as long as it is perceived to exist.  While it is true that SCP-682’s healing factor can sometimes take up to a month to fully repair its body, its regeneration is also capable of acting much quicker in order to keep up with a foe.  Doomsday’s regeneration can heal similarly quickly.

Regardless, the rapid healing of both will make it very difficult for any damage dealt to be really meaningful.  However, the adaptive abilities of both present the opportunity for them to find new ways to defend themselves and, even more importantly, harm each other.

Both Doomsday and SCP-682 can become immune to abilities, develop counters, or just straight up copy them in the middle of fights.  This would mean that both would be consistently adapting to their opponent.  These adaptations would also begin to stack on each other, constantly growing in amount and power in order to match the other’s adaptations.  Given how long this fight would last and the sheer adaptiveness of both fighters, this would spiral out of control very quickly.

But whose adaptation ability is better?  Once again, I must side with SCP-682.

Doomsday’s adaptiveness is nothing to scoff at, trust me.  It will allow Doomsday to constantly be growing in power which could make it difficult for SCP-682 to keep up in stats, at least initially.  Doomsday also has the advantage of not losing his adaptations over time, meaning he has far more abilities to work with from the get-go.

Unfortunately for Doomsday though, SCP-682 edges out in all other fields.  SCP-682’s natural adaptation to harm means that it will always match Doomsday’s power eventually, preventing the stat gap from ever becoming significant.  Also, while SCP-682 does tend to lose its adaptations after a while, this is only when they are no longer needed.  In a constant fight with Doomsday, they will not just disappear.  In fact, SCP-682 has been shown to keep its adaptations indefinitely when the scenario called for it.  

Furthermore, SCP-682’s adaptations are often much grander in scale.  While Doomsday’s adaptation involves gradual improvements over a long time, SCP-682 is capable of completely changing its size, body structure, and composition on a dime, or, should I say, on a penny.  SCP-682’s adaptation also possesses a reality warping aspect which can cause “errors in reality” such as the sudden formation and dissipation of a black hole.  The amount of abilities to which SCP-682 has developed counters is also far greater than Doomsday due to its extensive termination attempts.  Given all of this, I believe it is fair to say that SCP-682’s adaptation is far more potent than that of Doomsday.

What about their unique abilities, how do those work against each other?

Let’s start with SCP-682 this time.  SCP-682’s roars will be completely ineffective against Doomsday.  Even though SCP-682 can scream loud enough to bypass sound-proof material, Doomsday has adapted to protect himself from Superman shouting, which is far more impressive.  The memetic kill agents that SCP-682 knows also would do no harm against Doomsday who can resist mental attacks from Martian Manhunter.  Properly inoculated individuals are able to perceive kill agents without issue, so there is no reason Doomsday could not do the same.  Plus, it is not like stopping Doomsday’s heart or frying his brain will put him down for good, especially considering he doesn’t have them.

SCP-682 also has the incredible ability to massively grow in size.  This can be done through the consumption of large amounts of matter or in response to taking excessive damage.  Doomsday does not have a clear counter to the obvious size advantage that this would present and has never proven the ability to grow to the same degree.  However, this is also not a definitive win condition by any means, given that Doomsday would still likely be able to keep up in overall stats.

When SCP-682 is torn apart it also can just create separate SCP-682 instances that will work together.  Doomsday has not shown a similar ability and when his body is severed, it requires time to heal back and reform.  This could result in a SCP-682 gaining a numbers advantage if Doomsday were to tear it apart, which given Doomsday’s power and destructive tendencies, is very likely.

Finally, comes SCP-682’s assimilation through consumption.  SCP-682 can integrate whatever it eats into itself to grow in mass and aid regeneration.  This ability also allows SCP-682 to consume other members of the SCP-682 species as well as entities split from the original body.  SCP-682 is also able to integrate with other anomalies as well.  Doomsday also has shown the ability to assimilate enemies and likely possesses resistances to this form of attack.  However, SCP-682 has also demonstrated resistances to assimilation from multiple sources such as consumption from biological and mechanical enemies and escaping massive entities capable of absorbing prey.  Despite these resistances, members of the SCP-682 species are still able to consume other members of the species, with this being one of the only known ways they can truly die.  Therefore, it is possible that SCP-682 would be able to consume and integrate Doomsday into itself if it had enough strength and Doomsday was in a weak enough state.  If this were to succeed, it would likely be considered a victory since Doomsday would now just be a part of SCP-682.

Now back to Doomsday.  One of Doomsday’s more potent offensive options is his mere presence.  His presence is able to induce many disastrous effects, such as molecular instability, combustion, cellular decay, sudden comas, and absorb energy and life forces.  To avoid doing a complete rehash of SCP-682’s resistances, I will just tell you that SCP-682 has clear feats of resisting every single one of these feats except for the life force absorption.  Now whether SCP-682 could resist life force absorption is unclear.  It does have a feat of resisting an anomaly that feeds on the body’s electrical signals, but it is clear that Doomsday’s ability does not work the same.  It is possible that SCP-682 could just copy the life absorption ability, like it has with so many other strange powers.  SCP-682 could even potentially use the Doomsday Virus to replicate the ability, since infected subjects have demonstrated auras similar to Doomsday.  There is also always the possibility that the life absorption would not work at all since SCP-682 is not really living as we understand it.  But if SCP-682 is unable to provide any counter, this would be a good source of power for Doomsday.  Although, it would not be a win condition since SCP-682 can regenerate from no life signs.

Doomsday’s spatial manipulation, while great for movement, will likely not work on SCP-682.  SCP-682 has resisted battlefield removal many times and records held in the Wanderer’s library indicate that these attempts usually fail.  Even when SCP-682 is teleported away, it can come right back and redirect the teleportation as an attack.  But what if Doomsday trapped SCP-682 in the Phantom Zone.  Well SCP-682 can escape from extra-dimensional locations like the Ravelwoods, which is similar to the Phantom Zone in terms of position in the SCP cosmology.

There is also tactile telekinesis, an ability Doomsday copied and then improved upon.  While this ability is quite versatile and deadly, SCP-682 has dealt with telekinetic abilities before.  When a mechanical arm capable of telekinetically crushing distant objects was used on SCP-682, it survived the crush, resisted further compression, and then redirected the crushing power to cause a disaster.


Let’s end this segment on one of the most iconic superpowers of all: flight.  Doomsday has that. does SCP-682.  

Well that was anticlimactic.  But at this point what were you really expecting?

Can either of them ever kill the other for good?

Alright, time for the big one!  Could either of these immortal monsters find a way to put the other down for good?

Both have shown a clear weakness to the inevitable entropy of the universe.  If neither are able to kill each other, the eventual heat death of the universe which will occur in 1.7*10^106 years killing both. So they both have some time until that happens.  The heat death will take so long to actually take effect, that they both have a functionally unlimited amount of time to try whatever strategies or adaptations they want.  So can either of them kill the other before then?

Doomsday is going to have a rough time getting past SCP-682’s immortality.  As previously discussed, physical power alone will not do the trick and none of his other abilities can serve as win conditions.  The argument has been proposed that Doomsday could just last until entropy becomes a factor and then use his spatial manipulation to evacuate to another universe, leaving SCP-682 behind to die.  However the problem with this argument is that SCP-682 has dimensional travel feats of its own and it can always just copy Doomsday’s spatial manipulation in order to follow him (given how long this fight will have lasted, the chances of Doomsday having used his spatial manipulation on SCP-682 by this point is essentially 100%).  So it all comes down to his adaptations and if those could allow him to theoretically obtain a method to win.

Based on the info from SCP-6820 and Reptillius, it would be theoretically possible to destroy SCP-682 by completely ending all perception of it, removing its essophysical form from standard reality and returning it to the Realm of Ideas.  Given the universe shattering power that these two bring to the table, killing almost everyone in this reality that knows of SCP-682 should not be an issue.  However, this also includes Doomsday and probably even SCP-682 itself (given that it has survived alone until heat death and the SCP-6820 termination attempt failed because SCP-6820-A remembered itself).  So in order to destroy SCP-682, Doomsday would need to eliminate his own memories of SCP-682 as well make SCP-682 forget its own existence or destroy it beyond regeneration.  Doomsday would also need to realize that he needs to do all of this, although this could be possible if he is in fact able to rapidly grow his intellect to supergenius levels.  But as we discussed earlier, that is unlikely.

So Doomsday’s most likely method of winning is for everyone else in the universe besides these two to die, then adapt a way to completely destroy SCP-682 beyond its incredibly potent regeneration, and completely erase its own mind of any perception of SCP-682’s existence before it can reform.  Also, it must use questionable intelligence growth to figure all of this out in the first place.  That is his MOST LIKELY win condition.  

How does SCP-682 fare then?

I covered in the resistances and abilities section that if SCP-682 were to match Doomsday in power and critically injure him, it could consume Doomsday whole for a potential victory.  While whether this would work is impossible to determine, Doomsday’s resistance to assimilation has never been shown to be on the same level of SCP-682 and SCP-682 can still consume others of its kind.

In the unlikely circumstance that SCP-6820-A gets involved in this fight, SCP-682’s victory will be all but assured.  With its scaling to SCP-3125 and its own conceptual consumption, SCP-6820-A would be capable of completely obliterating Doomsday in a way it has never experienced. 

You might say, “But Doomsday was considered unkillable by Darkseid and has tanked both the Omega beam and the Astro Force.  Isn’t that proof that Doomsday can resist attacks similar to SCP-6820-A?”  That is definitely a fair argument.  However, there is no proof that Doomsday could stand on par with Darkseid’s true form and power and really only scales to the power of its avatars.  This fact is similarly true for the Omega effect and Astro force, with Doomsday never taking the full brunt of their power.  These feats are impressive, but not solid ground for scaling Doomsday to the same levels as SCP-6820-A.

Beyond those two options, SCP-682 could also just attempt to adapt a method to permanently kill Doomsday.  Unlike Doomsday, SCP-682 would not need to wipe its own memory to secure the kill.  Also, SCP-682’s metamorphic and reality warping capabilities give it much more radical adaptation capabilities, making it more likely that these adaptations would find a method of ending the fight first.

Final Thoughts

So if you have read all the way to this part, you could probably determine who I believe is more likely to win this matchup.  I could make a joke bait-and-switch and start arguing Doomsday, but in all honesty, I cannot really think of a way TO argue Doomsday (hopefully my fellow researchers find some way to do so).

I am going to lay out how I believe this fight will go, addressing possible outcomes that were elaborated on above, to demonstrate why I think more often than not, SCP-682 should reign victorious.

Doomsday will absolutely dominate early on, given his absurd stat advantages.  But, through a combination of SCP-682’s adaptive abilities and the Doomsday Virus, SCP-682 will close the gap soon enough.  Then, the two will begin throwing their unique abilities at each other while also adapting to counter the attacks thrown at them.  They will both exponentially grow in power as their adaptations begin to stack on each other.  As this progresses, both will attempt to adapt new abilities to kill their opponent.

SCP-682 will grow in size to completely eclipse Doomsday and could use this size to injure Doomsday and then swallow him whole.  Then, SCP-682 could forcibly integrate Doomsday into itself and secure the victory.  SCP-682 could also grow to the size of the entire universe, absorbing any of Doomsday’s genetic material and preventing it from regenerating.

Doomsday might rapidly grow in intelligence over time and be able to deduce the way it could kill SCP-682.  But not only is this intelligence growth not well founded, but it could also put Doomsday in danger of SCP-6820-A.  SCP-6820-A would completely overwhelm Doomsday and probably destroy him outright.  Even if it didn’t, it would actually take away the possibility of SCP-682 dying to entropy, as SCP-6820-A contains a theoretical process for reversing entropy, among other things.

If Doomsday attempted to wait out the death of the universe and then just leave when entropy starts to kill them both, he would have to endure 1.7*10^106 years of SCP-682 constantly attacking and finding new ways to harm him.  Even more importantly, SCP-682 could always just follow Doomsday by copying his spatial powers or using its own powers.

If none of the above victory conditions are convincing to you, then this would just come down to which of these two would be able to find a way to kill the other first.  Given SCP-682’s better regeneration, more versatile and potent adaptation, and superior knowledge of the anomalous world and universe, I posit that if either could find a way to put the other down, SCP-682 would do it first.

So that is my conclusion, the product of the countless hours I have put into my research of SCP and DC (mostly SCP).  I hope my ultimate explanation answers any questions you could have 

Tarrasqued.  This fight would be most people’s Doomsday, but if Superman could survive it then this SCP can six-eight-too!


Hello to all you amazing viewers who are taking time to read this blog that we put a lot of effort into! I am Ninja, and this is going to be my verdict on one of my favorite matchups of all time, SCP-682 vs Doomsday. Now most people who have some context on me as an individual and my opinion on this blog know that I am probably one of-if not THE Doomsday advocator for this matchup, so let’s see if my advocating holds up in this blog, which absolutely nigh unkillable monster will finally go down in this battle of the ages? Well let’s take this one step at a time and see how they hold up. Without any further stalling, let’s get into the meat of this matchup


Starting off with one of the easier areas to go with, the stat trinity is an interesting area to discuss with these two-more so because of how one of them has really simple stats and the other is this weird fluctuation that is awkward to narrow down a specific tier for, who is probably very obvious

Starting with the easier one in Doomsday, at bare minimum, he’s massively upscaling a single DC Universe’s size(being about 10 billion times larger) due to green lanterns being able to contain the big bang and Doomsday being able to slaughter them en mass, and is backed up by him(and beings he should logically be equal to such as the likes of Devastator) being able to defeat entire Justice League teams time and time again, along with being able to be comparable to Superman and Green Lantern in speed, who have their respective reality blitzing missiles feat (20 undecillion C) and searching the universe in a heartbeat feat (9.4 undecillion C).

So massively upscaling into Multi and stupidly high MFTL+, that’s where Doomsday taps out? Theoretically, but we can push Doomsday tiering higher with him being able to battle a Guardian of the Universe, who are capable of destroying DC”s infinite multiverse with their power, and scaling him to some of the many immeasurable feats DC heralds have, like seriously just look at the G1 Blog for Scarlet Witch vs Zatanna-Doomsday can scale to like half the immeasurable feats there-be it Superman reacting to Wally outrunning the concept of death, Hal breaking the speed force barrier or one of the other many immeasurable tier feats DC heralds have.

So we’ve established Multi+ and Immeasurable Doomsday which is fitting as he’s team busted and blitzed the Justice League before on his own-now you may ask about my opinion on Doomsdays battle with ‘true form Darksed’ and his infamous punch breaking the phantom zone, and if I buy them or not to get Doomsday to Outerversal levels of power, or even higher, the answer?

For Darkseid the caveat is that the Darkseid that Doomsday beat unconscious was not only a battle long before TFDS was even established, not only does he have nothing signifying that it isn’t just another avatar of Darkseid when there’s no evidence implying this is true form, but the statement that it was true form was by the guy who wrote the comic-years after he had stopped working at DC comics and thus has no real say over if Darkseid was true form or not, so no, Doomsday didn’t clap TFDS.

As for the Phantom Zone punch-this one is mostly just damaged by what the Phantom Zone is, as the clarification on the feat above says, the feat is awkward due to Doomsday being only thought and not having any true tangible body-add on it being stated that Doomsday is using the Phantom Zone to power his Spatial manipulation in the same storyline just continues to poke holes in that the feat was based on his power, instead of his spatial manipulation.

So yeah, Multi+ and Immeasurable Doomsday is where he taps out-how about the more unsolid on their specific tiering of the duo, SCP-682.

Before we even get into the specifics of 682’s own stats, let’s bring up the Omniverse feat, do I buy it in the slightest? Well to reuse a joke I literally used not even five paragraphs ago

My fellow blog-member Theory did a fairly in-depth discussion on the problems with using this as a feat for SCP-682 in the resistance doc he made(linked back in Adaptation), so to quote his own problems with it

“While the SCP 423 test does clearly imply a form of scaling between SCP 682 and both the Scarlet King and SCP 3812, this cannot be taken at face value.  This entire test takes place in a lower narrative, a story that even to the foundation is fictional.  Lower narratives in SCP hold little bearing on the narratives above them and can often be more exaggerated.  To the foundation and its universe, this test is decidedly “less real.”  This test was not even done on the real SCP 682, just a written character representing it.  For this reason scaling SCP 682 to these in-universe fictionalized abstractions of the Scarlet King and SCP 3812 is extremely unreasonable.  Even if this scaling was grounded, this would be a textbook outlier with SCP 682 never having demonstrated power on the level of the Scarlet King, and even having many other stories where it acts subservient to the king.  SCP 3812 especially is on a level of power that SCP 682 has never even come close to approaching.”

 So yeah, throw that feat out the window for this verdict cause I do not buy it in the slightest, but that is a bit of sidetracking from 682’s actual stats, so where does he lie?

Starting with some of the lower-end stuff, between his creation of a singularity and scaling to SCP-096 being capable of moving the Sun, SCP-682 at minimum is solidly Star level with minimal adaptations, along with having a blatant FTL statement for his own regeneration speed. But this is only the lower stuff for SCP-682’s stats

More notably he was capable of growing to the size of the universe-which when scaling him to the size of the SCP universe is a few hundred billion-trillion lightyears large, which turns out to be over a hundred decillion times larger than our own universe. Surprisingly enough to one shot Doomsday if I wasn’t scaling him to the Multi+ tiers within DC, and being able to move at that size at all scales to him around 6 nonillion times the speed of light. But a higher end for his AP is judging by his gravitational binding energy when he is as large as the universe… and the AP end for this is quite literally, One duotrigintillion x universal-like Ninten calced this and I am still laughing as I type this because this was a last-minute calc and it is hilarious to me.

But there’s one feat that would theoretically get 682 to even grounds in AP, even if he’d still be slower then Doomsday by an infinite margin is scaling him to Able, who is capable of slashing through the petals of the universe. Which was capable of collapsing SCP’s own infinite multiverse, which results as a Multi+ and Infinite speed feat. Which is infinitely slower then Doomsday, but comparable in AP, and SCP-682 can compare to this with his consistent fights with Able.

So Multi+ and Immeasurable Doomsday vs Multi+ and Infinite SCP-682, so what, is this fight just a blitz and relative AP and that’s the extent of this fight?

Well if you know this matchup at all then you know we haven’t even scratched the surface of the matchup.

Regeneration/Just general stubborn refusal to die

One of the main connections to this matchup is that both generally have a stubborn refusal to die, and that can come through in boths resurrection and regeneration. Both of which are surprisingly easy to discuss in comparison to the miniature essay known as my takes on both of their stats

Doomsday can be described with two scans, in terms of his regeneration he can recover from mere genetic scraps as discovered by the god damn Batman, and after death he can simply get back up and come back to life in mere seconds after being labeled as ‘dead’, which is really potent and useful considering it makes putting him down nigh impossible via physical means.

SCP-682 meanwhile is a much longer story in terms of their regeneration and general immortality, in terms of raw regeneration, SCP-682 is capable of coming back from quite literally nothing, which that alone is enough to outdo anything Doomsdays regeneration can muster up, and his general immortality is connected to… something that will be discussed a fair bit later but let’s just say it’s a fair bit hard to kill SCP-682 conventionally, and that is the true state of things.

So yeah, SCP-682 has superior regen to the point where physical stats do not matter on both ends even still because with how little both can come from, it’s basically impossible for a conventional victory to be achieved. 


The other cornerstone of this matchup’s connections in terms of their abilities is both having very potent adaptability on the fly, so let’s take a look at both of their adaptations and see if this has any sort of answer to who can kill the other if physical force is out of the question. Does one of their adaptations utterly eclipse the other that they’d annihilate the other in this category, well… to be blunt, I don’t think so

So, Doomsdays adaptation is capable of allowing him to alter his physiology to counter attacks, suddenly become resistant to abilities on the fly, develop hard counters for the abilities, and flat out mimic his opponent's abilities on the fly, along with having continuously growing strength that is enough to be noted by the likes of Superman. Extremely potent and versatile adaption right? Let’s see how SCP-682 fairs.

SCP-682’s adaptation allows him to alter his physiology to counter attacks and survive them, suddenly become resistant or immune to abilities on the fly, develop hard counters to abilities he encounters, and… outright mimic his opponent's abilities on the fly-why do I feel like we’ve heard all of this before? Granted SCP-682’s version of altering his physiology is far more… drastic then Doomsdays-from on a dime becoming thinner than a penny, or growing to the size of the universe, 682’s control of his physiology is superior to Doomsdays, but doesn’t have constant growing stats like Doomsday does, which ends up leaving this general area as a sort of… draw I suppose? Both are really similar in this area but both have very similar abilities in terms of their adaptation.

Abilities and Resistances

So their regeneration keeps them from safely putting the other down with physical force-and their adaptations pretty much are equal, how about their abilities? Let’s discuss each of their abilities they have available and if the other has a counter to those abilities.

SCP-682’s abilities and Doomsdays counters

SCP-682 is capable of replicating Kill agents that shut down the brain and cause cardiac arrest-Doomsday has no brain nor heart to suffer, and his resurrection would counter that in mere moments.

SCP-682 is capable of unleashing sound attacks that have paralyzing and sleep-inducing effects-Doomsday is capable of countering ultrasonic attacks, and Doomsday is capable of surviving his own presence, which can induce comas.

SCP-682 is capable of absorbing other entities into itself-Doomsday is capable of being alive while as inorganic material. Which means that even when absorbed he would be alive and could theoretically adapt to be ‘unabsorbed’ as it were

SCP-682 is capable of creating singularities around itself, singularities can warp space-time, tear apart things at a molecular level and turn mass into energy-Doomsdays energy absorption would absorb the black hole itself, and due to surviving his own presence, Doomsday is capable of resisting both transmutation and molecular deconstruction. Basically meaning the black hole is harmless to him

SCP-682 is capable of replicating SCP-061’s mind-controlling music-Doomsday is capable of resisting Martian Manhunter's mind attacks, and battling against Brainiacs possession, which would likely allow him to resist 682’s mind attacks.

SCP-682 is capable of intangibility-Doomsday is capable of interacting with Martian Manhunter while he is intangible.

SCP-682 is capable of replicating SCP 1056’s ability to shrink other objects-Doomsdays own regeneration, power mimicry, and control of his physiology could allow him to counter that.

SCP-682 is capable of emitting beams similar to to SCP-923 that can mentally augment others-See the 061 mind controlling music

SCP-682 is capable of emitting large amounts of heat and generating explosions-Doomsday is capable of surviving Superman's heat vision, and his own presence which can cause sudden combustion

SCP-682 is capable of generating an electric arc-Doomsday just regens it off

SCP-682 is capable of firing out beams of radiation-Doomsday just regens it off

SCP-682 is capable of causing internal bleeding-Doomsday quite literally just regens it off

Doomsday’s abilities and 682’s counters

Doomsday is capable of breathing fire-682 is capable of generating heat enough to melt his containment cell without being affected in the slightest

Doomsday is capable of assimilating other material-682 is capable of resisting assimilation from the likes of SCP’s 1361, 835, 165, and 204-1, meaning that Doomsdays own assimilation isn’t likely to have any permanent effects

Doomsday is capable of telepathic blasts-682 has laughed off mental attacks from the likes of SCP-3519 and 923.

Doomsday is capable of using telekinesis-682 has survived and even countered attacks from SCP-2501, which was capable of telekinetically crushing objects.

Doomsday is capable of creating portals powered by the Phantom Zone, theoretically being able to banish people to it-SCP-682 is capable of escaping from extra-dimensional locations like the Ravelwoods.

Doomsday with his mere presence is capable of causing molecular instability-682 is capable of holding himself together with quantum effects

Doomsday with his mere presence is capable of causing comas-SCP-682 was capable of resisting SCP-923 on intensity 75, which usually causes catatonic states.

Doomsday with his mere presence is capable of causing combustion-See fire breath.

Doomsday with his mere presence is capable of causing cellular decay-SCP-682 is capable of interacting with SCP-106 without decay happening to them.

Doomsday with his mere presence is capable of absorbing energy-SCP-682 is capable of resisting SCP-239 draining his electrical signals.

Doomsday with his mere presence is capable of absorbing life forces-682 is still capable of being ‘alive’ even with no life signs. And 682 is capable of fighting without a soul as shown by SCP-158

And then there’s the Doomsday Virus. An ability that is probably one of the most potent and well known(on the versus side) abilities that Doomsday has, an ability that mentally attacks the infected with their own version of Doomsday, and… basically turns them into Doomsday junior for lack of a better term.

This ability is far more of a hindrance to Doomsday than it ever will be to 682, as 682 can not only resist the mental effects, be it by removing his own conscious from his body, redirecting the mental attack back to Doomsday(even if it’d do literally nothing to Doomsday), or just resist it normally. This is very problematic as it allows 682 all of the benefits of the Doomsday Virus without any of the negative consequences.

What does the Doomsday Virus end up giving? Literally all of Doomsday's powers including his own strength and speed-literally meaning the speed gap once established earlier is now null, and adds on more support for 682 being able to match Doomsday in stats to begin with… granted even if 682 gained all of Doomsdays powers, Doomsday can counter or resist all of them so the abilities don’t help as much as it seems. 

The general summary of this section is that they both can counter, resist or regen from literally every ability the other can throw at them, which puts us with no victor in sight.

Can either even put the other down with the powersets they have available to them?

To reuse this image again, and with everything we’ve discussed so far, the answer is quite obvious.

Now does this mean that neither can die in this fight?

Okay I’ll stop using this image-And that segways into probably the most important factor in this entire fight, the only reliable way either can kill the other.

Let’s discuss Entropy itself.

Entropy, otherwise known as the end of the universe in both SCP and DC’s worlds are described very similarly, but what’s more important that the(second) most well-known (in the versus community) death for either of them happened due to entropy annihilating them at the end of the universe. Meaning neither of these two are immune to entropy if it ends up entering the fray(which it will). So, who ends up winning at this fight at the end of the universe? 

Well, who wins doesn’t really matter because there’s only two outcomes the end of the universe has.

Either SCP-682 wins the battle at the end of the universe, leaving Doomsday to die from entropy and entering a new universe, or both die at the same time.

Now that seems like a lot to take in with how much I’ve advocated for Doomsday winning in the past, but allow me to explain why there are a few factors that make Doomsday winning this fight nigh impossible

The first major problem is the true extent of SCP-682’s regeneration. I neglected to mention this earlier to say it here and now, SCP-682s regeneration is capable of allowing him to exist as long as he is perceived… Something that Doomsday wouldn’t be able to know and thus means that at worst, the first round with entropy(since Doomsday is very unlikely to figure out the extent of 682s regeneration the first time around) they both die because 682s regeneration is simply beyond the scope of what even entropy can do as long as Doomsday is also alive and remembers 682.

The second major problem is SCP-682’s auxiliary advantages, now Doomsday is capable of growing in intelligence rapidly as shown on several occasions, and has been operating for thousands of years. But 682 is a super-genius in comparison and has been around for almost as long as existence has. Add on 682’s better battlefield control via growing to the LITERAL SIZE OF THE UNIVERSE. And Doomsday ends up losing in the auxiliary advantages hard.

So what, does Doomsday have no wincon then even if he does win in the first battle at the end of the universe? Well, theoretically he could figure out SCP-682’s regeneration given enough time, as it takes 10^106 years for the universe to suffer its heat death surely gives Doomsday enough time to grow in intelligence to be able to figure out what he needs to do right? Well there lies the problem… of if Doomsday becomes too smart. Which I’ll cover in this next section.

Doomsday has to walk a tightrope known as his growing intelligence the entire fight.

Doomsday growing in intelligence to figure out 682’s regeneration and thus wipe it’s own memory immediately after killing 682 with entropy is an interesting wincon. But there’s literally one major flaw about this that means Doomsday is on a tightrope of intelligence, as there’s one entity that Doomsday theoretically will be able to comprehend in the same theoretical way as him figuring out 682’s own regen.

SCP-6820-A, otherwise known as 682’s own concept, would also theoretically be able to be identified if Doomsdays intellect grows too large… basically meaning that Doomsday’s intellect has to do the following to not instantly die due to SCP-6820-A being able to attack Doomsdays concept or just warp reality to annihilate him.

-Grow intelligent enough to recognize how 682 as an entity works with memory-based regen

-NOT grow intelligent enough to recognize 682’s concept.

And Doomsday has to survived what is likely at minimum 2 * 10^106 years without his intelligence breaking the second barrier while breaking the first… you can see the problem with how unlikely this is right?

Meanwhile, 682 only needs to win at the battle of entropy once, or allow Doomsday to identify his concept by growing too intelligent, both of which are nigh infinitely more likely than Doomsday managing to perfectly achieve every part of the singular win condition he has to kill SCP-682

Overall conclusion

So… With all this in mind, with all their abilities, advantages, stats and wincons laid out across the table. I just don’t see how Doomsday can win now, 682 is comparable in stats, has superior regeneration to the point where Doomsday can’t hope to realistically surpass, resists every single ability Doomsday can throw at him, has better auxiliary advantages, and simply has no way to die permanently that Doomsday can actually cause to happen, it’s just too unlikely for Doomsdays one wincon to happen over 682 creating new abilities, 682 winning at the battle of entropy, or 6820-A being realized by Doomsday.

Yes, this is still a very high difficulty fight that’ll last possibly the length of multiple universe lengths due to how unkillable both are, but I believe that this fight is SCP-682’s to win, they’ll be pushed to his limits and beyond, they’ll go to hell and back in terms of how much this fight will put them through, but he’ll survive, as for his opponent? This battle is his doomsday


The other verdicts above me go into a large amount of detail and cover the matchup better than I could, so I’ll keep this brief by and large. Both Doomsday and 682 share many abilities and resistances, a lot of their arsenals canceling out or being otherwise ineffective. Even abilities as potent as 682’s history alterations are unlikely to have an effect on Doomsday, and likewise, 682 would have no issue dealing with the negative effects of Doomsday’s deconstructing aura. That said, there-in lies the issue for Doomsday. Both have potent adaptation, but 682’s transformations are generally much more drastic and have a greater overall utility. Both can adapt at a rapid rate, but 682 has adapted his body to be entirely different forms of matter before, and can re-adapt past transformations should the situation call for it. Per SCP-6820 and the Reptilius tale, 682’s immortality is a lot more potent than Doomsday’s. 682 will continue to exist as its reptile self so long as it’s perceived or remembered by another living creature. Doomsday coming back from genetic scraps is nice, but it’s nowhere near as esoteric as 682’s immortality, which has allowed 682 to come back from complete destruction fairly quickly.

That said, 682’s standard strength generally isn’t too impressive, while Doomsday can of course easily box with the likes of Superman. Doomsday will certainly start out with a notable strength advantage, and that means 682 is likewise going to have a tough time killing him. Make no mistake, while 682’s immortality is greater, Doomsday’s still makes him nigh-impossible to put down for good. With that in mind though, 682 should be able to adapt to Doomsday’s strength given time. 682 has grown large enough to fill the entire universe, which, considering our observable universe is mostly empty, would suggest an absurd mass, the energy of which would likely match Doomsday in terms of finite numbers. While I don’t agree with the high-end number used for the size of an SCP universe, it ultimately wouldn’t affect the strength gap. Even going higher for Doomsday, such as by scaling him to the Guardians of the Universe, could be countered by 682 arguably scaling to Able, who was capable of cutting through and completely altering the Bloom, a structure which threatened the SCP multiverse. One could also argue for 682 participating in the Scarlet King’s conquest of the Wanderer’s Library in the Djoricverse, the Library constituting the Tree of Knowledge and the entire SCP multiverse. 

If that isn’t enough, the Doomsday virus helps 682 more than it hurts him. While the Doomsday virus drives people berserk, it also massively empowers them, turning them into versions of Doomsday who are on a similar level of power to the original. 682 has resisted such viruses before, such as SCP-610, and has a history of converting them and taking their benefits without any of the drawbacks. One could argue the Doomsday virus is on a higher level of potency in terms of its mental effects, but even in a worst-case scenario, 682 has the ability to render himself completely inorganic or into a different form of matter entirely, which would cancel out the virus and any of its negative effects. As such, it’s likely 682 could use the virus to reach Doomsday’s level in strength, at which point, both could be constantly getting stronger with continuous adaptations.

With all that in mind, 682 should be capable of ultimately comparing to Doomsday in strength. So who can kill the other? Both have died to the end of the universe and its entropy, but keep in mind 682’s immortality, being able to regenerate so long as it’s observed. Doomsday would need to wipe his own memories of 682 to put him down for good, a tactic which he has never had to do before and would have no way of knowing about. The universe lasts a long time, which could give Doomsday time to hypothetically adapt a greater level of intelligence, but doing so would risk him conceptualizing 6820-A, who could then kill him by simply altering or absorbing his concept. Meanwhile on 682’s end, he simply has to grow strong enough to obliterate Doomsday with raw power, or to wait for entropy to finish the job off. 682’s greater number of offensive options and massive AOE, encompassing the entire universe with its greatest adaptations, should be more than enough to ultimately reduce Doomsday to a level he couldn’t come back from, even setting aside esoteric options such as 682’s assimilation. Such AOE would also counter any possible speed gap one could argue, which is itself contestable. Even if he can’t do that, the entropy of the universe would at worst force a draw in a scenario where neither can kill the other, and, while both have highly potent dimensional travel, only 682 has options for surviving such an event in the scenario it affects it, such as by finding someone in a different universe to observe and remember it.

All-in-all, while both are hard to kill, and even harder to kill permanently, 682 is overall just moreso. His adaptations have greater utility, and can allow him to compare in raw strength to what Doomsday can dish out, and as such give him a much more reliable way to put Doomsday down, in comparison to Doomsday being forced into a scenario of fighting someone who can regenerate from just being observed, which is something he’s simply never had to deal with or adapt to before, especially against someone more adaptable than him. 682 geck-owns him.

Team SCP-682 - tmk, MomoUra, TheoryCrafter, Ninjamonkey3904, KL

Team Doomsday - None

Next time…


  1. WOW Doomsday no votes that's a huge surprise. To be fair, I'm more recently familiar with SCP-682. This is rare, that creature too unkillable for Doomsday. Easily, one of the most ridiculous creatures I ever heard of!!!


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