Minecraft VS Terraria


"The rules of survival never change, whether you're in a desert or an arena."

-Bear Grylls

In the great unknown, where terrors stalk at night and mysteries abound the world, only a true survivor can not only live in these circumstances, but defeat the great forces of nature itself. Alternatively, you could also just stay at home and play video games like that! But between Minecraft and Terraria, which world of infinite potential shall breed the greatest warrior in a DEATH BATTLE?

Before We Start

For the purposes of the blog, we are treating the combatants as the player characters from their respective games, which is not limited to one identity or skin. However, for the sake of ease, they may be referred to as "Steve" or "Terrarian" in the blog at times, even though the latter may not technically be correct. It is important to preface this, as there is an actual item in Terraria called the Terrarian, not the player character. 

In addition, for this analysis, we will be analyzing an endgame survival Minecraft avatar and Terraria avatar. No crossover material, such as Steve’s promotional skins or Terrarian’s Don’t Starve or Dungeon Defenders II equipment, and no dubiously canon material, such as non-Mojang published books, will be used for scaling purposes.



"You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby."

The world of Minecraft can be one of excitement and creativity, where one can do almost anything they want, explore vast ecosystems, and create to their heart's content. However, it's not all good - several monsters stalk at every corner, and the player character must do everything within their power to survive them, from the slimes in the Overworld to fiery blazes in the Nether and the fierce Ender Dragon in the End. The standard, and most well known inhabitant of Minecraft is known as Steve, however there are also far more adventures with the same capabilities. The player must learn to mine ore and craft items for themselves if they wish to survive and learn the secrets of the world - or, do whatever they wish, really.


"This is going to be a terrible night..."

Terraria is a peaceful place, most of the time. Different words intersect and coexist, such as the Crimson, the Corruption, and the Hallow, creating a world as diverse as can be. However, this peace was threatened when Cthulhu attacked, threatening the very sanctity of Terraria itself. The Dryads of Terraria did their best to fend the eldritch beast off, but the best they could do was force a retreat, as Cthulhu seeked shelter within the moon to recover his strength. Now, a lone survivor is all that stands between Cthulhu and Terraria. They must gather equipment, kill frightening beasts, and rebuild the world in order to face Cthulhu’s prophesied return head-on.



Swords and other Blades

Steve has crafted a large variety of swords in his adventures with the different materials he has gained. With his various blades Steve is capable of slashing away at foes and blocking projectiles like arrows

  • Wooden Sword: A sword made of pure wood, it’s Steve’s weakest blade.

  • Gold Sword: A sword made of pure gold. It’s only as strong as a Wooden Sword and is rather fragile, but it does have the fastest striking speed out of any of Steve’s swords.

  • Stone Sword: A sword made of pure stone.

  • Iron Sword: A sword made of pure iron.

  • Diamond Sword: A sword made of pure diamond.

  • Netherite Sword: A sword made from Netherite, a material stronger than Diamond. It is the strongest sword Steve can obtain in the base game and is completely immune to the heat of Fire and Lava, with extremely high blast resistance to boot.

  • Broken Sawblade: A saw blade forged in the nether. Does long continuous attacks until it overheats.

  • Mechanized Sawblade: A stronger variant of the Broken Sawblade.

  • Claymore: A massive sword noted to look impossible to carry, but rests well in the hands of a warrior. Thrust attacks do 20 percent more damage. Has pushback with attacks

  • Broadsword: A stronger variant to the Claymore. Thrust attacks for 20 percent more damage. Does 10 percent more due to sharpness. Has push back with attacks.

  • Backstabber: A small blade used by thieves, does extra damage to unsuspecting enemies.

  • Swift striker: A stronger variant than the backstabber. On top of extra damage to unsuspecting enemies, it sometimes does two attacks with one hit.

  • Heartstealer: A variant of the Claymore, steals 5 percent of health with each kill. Has pushback with each hit.

  • Coral blade: A blade with stinging accuracy. Has rapid attacks.

  • Sponge striker: A unique variation of the Coral Blade. Absorbs damage from combat, and releases in bursts.

  • Cutlass: A curved blade used for combo attacks. 

  • Dancer's sword: A unique variant of the Cutlass. A double bladed sword, used to increase range and attack with either end.

  • The Nameless blade: A blade that weakens enemies attacks.

  • Daggers: A pair of dual daggers.

  • Fangs of frost: A pair of dual daggers that freezes people solid and slows down enemies with each hit (effect lasts 20 seconds).

  • Moon Dagger: A Pair of daggers gathers souls. The more souls it has, the more damage he does.

  • Sheer Dagger: A pair of daggers that causes area damage.


Steve has access to several different axes for not only harvesting purposes but also melee combat. Typically these axes can hit harder than Steve’s swords, though are harder to swing around quickly. We will list Steve’s different axes from worst to best in terms of power

  • Wooden Axe: An axe made of pure wood.

  • Gold Axe: An axe made of pure gold. It hits as hard as a Wooden Axe, but is able to be swung faster at the cost of lower durability.

  • Stone Axe: An axe made of pure stone.

  • Iron Axe: An Axe made of pure iron.

  • Diamond Axe: An axe made of pure diamond.

  • Netherite Axe: An axe made from Netherite, it has all the additional benefits that a Netherite sword would have, including high heat and blast resistance.

  • Firebrand: An axe made in the blackest depths of the fiery forge, gifted with natural fire aspect

  • Highland Axe: An axe polished and expertly crafted for war that stuns its opponents

Various Extra Tools

Along with his primary weapons, Steve carries multiple tools useful for affecting the terrain around him apart from just his basic axe. Said tools are additionally still capable of dealing damage even if they are inferior in comparison to Steve’s combat focused tools. These tools include a pickaxe for breaking hard stone, a shovel for digging away at sand and dirt, and, most importantly, a hoe for preparing farm land. Said tools can be made from the same materials as Steve’s other tools, ranging from wood to Netherite.


Download Bow - Minecraft Bow Png - Full Size PNG Image - PNGkit

Steve carries around a bow capable of shooting at foes from a long range by readying an arrow and then firing it. Normally in Minecraft there is only the standard version, however Minecraft Dungeons adds a large variety of additional bows Steve can play with that have additional effects.

  • Standard Bow: A simple bow made of sticks and string capable of hitting one enemy at a time.

  • Twin Bow: A bow weaker than its one arrowed counterpart, it is able to hit two enemies at the same time.

  • Longbow: A bow made more so for hunting, it is still useful in battle.

  • Red Snake: A variant of the longbow that allows its arrows to explode.

  • Trick Bow: A very versatile but weak bow, capable of changing the power of its shot in detriment of the speed of the projectile.

  • Green Menace: A variant of the trick bow that allows its arrows to spawn a poisonous cloud.

  • Soul Bow: A bow capable of harvesting souls.

  • Short Bow: A weak yet extremely quick bow.

  • Snow Bow: A bow capable of shooting arrows that freeze enemies on impact.

  • The Winter’s Touch: A variant of the Snow Bow, a bow capable of shooting three arrows instead of one, each arrow freezing the enemy on impact.

  • Hunting Bow: A bow that does practically the same as its standard counterpart, but allows for coordination in fights, its arrows commanding the user’s pets to attack targeted enemies.

  • Master’s Bow: A variant of the hunting bow that deals extra damage.

  • Wind Bow: A bow capable of turning every arrow fired into a gale arrow, which will draw enemies closer in a helix of wind.

  • Echo Of The Valley: A variant of the wind bow that grants a chance of the arrow ricocheting and doing even more damage.

  • Power Bow: A bow that deals great damage.

  • Elite Power Bow: A variant of the power bow that deals even greater damage than its variant.



Similar to his bow, Steve’s crossbow can be used to shoot at foes from a distance. The difference however is that rather than arrows needing to be drawn back and readied right before firing, for his crossbow, Steve just needs to ready an arrow before being able to shoot it later like a gun. This does mean the crossbow must be reloaded frequently however. The crossbow also has an edge over the traditional bow in that Steve can use it to fire very explosive and dangerous fireworks, though he needs to make sure not to be caught in the blast himself.

  • Standard Crossbow: A simple crossbow made of sticks, iron, a tripwire and string capable of hitting one enemy at a time. More powerful than it’s bow counterpart

  • Dual Crossbow: Dual Crossbows are just that, two regular crossbows that give you double projectiles.

  • Spellbound Crossbow: A variant of the dual crossbow that is far better since they give extra strength against enchanted mobs.

  • Heavy Crossbow: A strong crossbow, it packs a stronger punch than its standard counterpart

  • Slayer Crossbow: A variant of the heavy crossbow, it has a chance to ricochet 

  • Doom Crossbow: Another variant of the heavy crossbow, replaces the ricochet effect with knockback power

  • Soul Crossbow: Crossbow for soul gathering, rather weak without soul artifacts

  • Feral Soul Crossbow: Variant of the soul crossbow that gives critical boosts to souls

  • Rapid Crossbow: As the name suggests, a crossbow that shoots at an extremely high rate

  • Butterfly Crossbow: A variant of the rapid crossbow that can shoot two enemies at once

  • Burst Crossbow: A powerful ranged crossbow that deals damage very quickly.

  • Soul Hunter Crossbow: A crossbow from the Creeping Winter DLC that helps you gain a boost to your crit.

  • Scatter Crossbow: A crossbow that sends multiple projectiles at your enemies

  • Lightning Harp Crossbow: A crossbow that gains a chance for those projectiles to ricochet, creating a huge amount of AOE damage.

  • Exploding Crossbow: A crossbow that lives up to its name by firing shots that explode on impact.

  • Firebolt Thrower: A variant of the exploding crossbow that will also give you the chance of a chain reaction.

  • Imploding Crossbow: A variant of the exploding crossbow that also pulls in enemies as its extra effect.


Arrow | Minecraft Wiki | Fandom

Steve can equip his different bows with a variety of arrows, though we’ll only be mentioning the arrow variants that actually help in battle rather than help the enemy in some way. Because for some reason an Instant Health Arrow exists. Ask Mojang, not us.

  • Arrow: The typical standard arrow for hitting enemies at a distance.

  • Spectral Arrow: An arrow that will cause the target to glow and be able to be seen through walls. This effect lasts for eight seconds.

  • Arrow of Slowness: An arrow which reduces the target’s movement speed. The first variant causes the enemy to be 15% slower for thirty seconds, while the stronger variant has a 60% speed reduction though only lasts for two seconds.

  • Arrow of Weakness: An arrow that causes the enemy to do significantly less damage when shot for the next thirty seconds.

  • Arrow of Harming: An arrow with the instant damage effect, which will result in its landing causing way more damage than normal. It is key to note that the additional instant damage effect is direct and thus cannot be reduced with armor.

  • Arrow of Poison: An arrow that will inflict poison damage upon the target. The traditional effect will last for eleven seconds, with the stronger Poison II variant lasting for only two seconds.

  • Arrow of Decay: An arrow that inflicts the Wither II effect on the target. This inflicts damage each second for five seconds.

  • Arrow of Slow Falling: An arrow that causes the enemy to fall slower when, well, falling for thirty seconds. This can lead to enemies being left wide open if they are hit whilst in the air.


Trident | Minecraft Wiki | Fandom

Steve carries around a special trident from the sea. It hits as hard as a Diamond Sword (though swings slightly slower) and is capable of being thrown long distances, though after being tossed Steve will have to go pick it up from where it landed. Allows him to fly longer when it’s raining and he has the Elytra.

Fishing Rod

Fishing Rod – Minecraft Wiki

Steve’s fishing rod does not do much damage, though it is capable of grappling onto targets and flinging them around.

Weapon Enchantments

Minecraft Enchanted Book and Netherite Sword Cursor

Steve is capable of applying various enchantments to his different weapons to enhance them in multiple ways. For the sake of saving time, we will only be mentioning the best level of each enchantments

  • Sword Enchantments

    • Sweeping Edge III: An enchantment that causes each sword swing to have a slightly higher area of effect.

  • Axe and other tool enchantments

    • Efficiency V: By applying this enchantment to a tool, Steve can increase the rate at which his tools can break their designated blocks.

    • Silk Touch: This enchantment lets Steve pick up the exact block he breaks with his tools, regardless of if the block normally becomes a different substance when broken down. For instance, a block of Diamond Ore would normally drop a diamond, but Silk Touch would cause Steve to get the entire block of Diamond Ore.

    • Fortune III: This enchantment raises the probability of Steve getting better if not multiple drops of items from the blocks he destroys with his tools.

  • Trident Enchantments

    • Loyalty III: An enchantment that results in Steve’s Trident quickly returning to him after he initially throws it.

    • Riptide III: Rather than be able to throw his Trident, this enchantment lets Steve fly through rain or water by gesturing his Trident forward when under rain or in water.

    • Channeling: If a target is hit with a thrown Trident during a thunderstorm, this enchantment will cause lightning to rain down from the sky and strike the target.

  • General Melee Enchantments

    • Sharpness V: An enchantment that increases the attacking strength of any melee weapon by 3 Attack Damage.

    • Bane of Arthropods V: An enchantment that greatly enhances the damage done to spider-like creatures.

    • Smite V: An enchantment that greatly enhances the damage done to undead creatures.

    • Impaling V: An enchantment that greatly enhances the damage done to aquatic creatures.

    • Knockback II: An enchantment that enhances how far away an enemy is hit back by a melee attack.

    • Fire Aspect II: An enchantment that lights the enemy on fire upon contact

    • Looting III: An enchantment that greatly enhances how many materials Steve gets upon slaying an enemy with the enchanted weapon.

  • Bow and Crossbow Enchantments

    • Power V: This enchantment increases the force and thus damage of Steve’s bow shots.

    • Punch II: This enchantment increases the knockback enemies receive upon being hit by an arrow.

    • Flame: This enchantment lights Steve’s arrows on fire, resulting in the same happening to whatever Steve’s arrows hit.

    • Infinity: With this enchantment, as long as Steve carries one arrow in his inventory, he will never run out of arrows to fire and thus technically have infinite ammo. Eat your heart out Raiden, no bandanna required.

    • Piercing IV:A crossbow exclusive enchantment that allows arrows to pass through enemies when hitting them, meaning multiple enemies can be hit with one shot.

    • Multishot: An enchantment that allows Steve to shoot out multiple arrows with a single shot.

    • Quick Charge III: An enchantment that increases the speed at which Steve readies ammo for his bow or crossbow.

  • Dungeons Enchantments (General)

    • Anima Conduit III: Each soul absorbed grants 6% of health (souls are harvested after killing an enemy). Used on melee and ranged weapons.

    • Committed III: Deal up to 100% extra damage against already wounded mobs.

    • Critical Hit III: Gives a 20% chance to inflict critical hits dealing triple damage.

    • Dynamo III: Adds damage to the next attack after rolling.

    • Enigma Resonator III: Up to 25% chance to deal triple damage based on the number of souls the hero has.

    • Gravity III: This effect pulls mobs in range towards the weapon's impact point for two seconds.

    • Poison Cloud III: Has a 30% chance to summon a poison cloud that deals damage to enemies in an area for three seconds.

    • Prospector III: Find more emeralds on fallen enemies.

    • Radiance III: Has a 20% chance to spawn a circular area that heals all allies within it.

    • Refreshment III: Defeating a mob reduces health potion's cooldown time by three seconds, allowing the player to heal more quickly.

    • Unchanting III: Deals 100% more damage to enchanted enemies.

    • Void Strike III: Attacking a target applies a damage multiplier that rises steadily to a max level of 600%, then is removed.

  • Dungeons Enchantments (Melee)

    • Ambush III: Attacks on mobs that are not actively targeting you deal 60% more damage. 

    • Artifact Synergy III: Using an artifact causes the next attack to deal 80% bonus damage. Used on melee weapons.

    • Busy Bee III: Grants a 40% chance for a bee to spawn after defeating a mob, with up to 3 bees joining the hero's side.

    • Chains III: Has a 30% chance to chain a cluster of mobs together and keep them bound for three seconds.

    • Echo III: Some attacks can be followed up by another attack in quick succession.

    • Exploding III: Mobs explode after they are defeated, dealing 60% of their health as damage.

    • Freezing III: Slows mobs by 50% after hit for three seconds.

    • Guarding Strike III: After defeating a mob, gain a shield for four seconds that reduces damage by 50%.

    • Illager’s Bane III: Attacks deal 45% extra damage to Illagers.

    • Leeching III: Defeating a mob heals the hero by a 9% of the mob's max health.

    • Pain Cycle III: Attacking drains the player's life to grant one stack of Pain Cycle. At 5 stacks, pain is channeled into the next attack, dealing five times the normal damage.

    • Rampaging III: After defeating a mob, there is a 10% chance to increase attack speed by +50% for 15 seconds.

    • Shockwave III: The last attack in a combo launches a shockwave, damaging enemies.

    • Soul Siphon III: When hitting an enemy, gain a 20% chance to grant five extra souls.

    • Stunning III: 15% Chance to temporarily stun enemies.

    • Swirling III: The last attack in a combo performs a swirling attack, damaging nearby enemies with wind.

    • Thundering III: Has a 30% chance to summon a lightning strike that damages nearby enemies.

    • Weakening III: The player's attacks decrease the attack damage of all nearby enemies by 40% for five seconds.

  • Dungeons Enchantments (Ranged)

    • Accelerate III: Increases attack speed by 12% for each consecutive shot. Resets one second after the attack.

    • Artifact Charge III: When using an artifact, the player's next three attacks become charged.

    • Bonus Shot III: Firing a shot also fires a second shot at a nearby enemy. The second shot does 24% damage.

    • Burst Bowstring III: Shoots three nearby mobs when the player rolls, costing one arrow per roll. Projectiles deal 40% of a charged shot's damage.

    • Chain Reaction III: Has a chance to fire five arrows in all directions on impact.

    • Cooldown Shot III: Artifact cooldowns are decreased by 1.5 seconds when attacking with a charged shot.

    • Dipping Poison III: When you use a health potion, you are given a quiver of 12 Poison Arrows.

    • Fuse Shot III: Every third shot has a timed charge that explodes one second after impact, dealing 100% damage to nearby mobs.

    • Growing III: The fired shot grows in the air, dealing 75% extra damage to distant targets.

    • Levitation Shot III: After rolling, the next attack will cause the target to levitate briefly.

    • Overcharge III: Continue to hold the ranged attack button to double, triple, or quadruple charge a bow, increasing its damage each time.

    • Rapid Fire III: Increases attack speed by 20%.

    • Ricochet III: Small chance for arrows to ricochet off mobs.

    • Roll Charge III: After rolling the next shot is charged for three seconds.

    • Shock Web III: Beams of lightning connect the last few charged arrows fired, which deal lightning damage to enemies who touch a beam.

    • Supercharge III: Charged shots deal 40% more damage and have more pushback.

    • Tempo Theft III: Steals 50% of a mob's movement speed and gives it to the player for four seconds.

    • Wild Rage III: Hitting an enemy has a 40% chance to send it into a rage, making it hostile toward everyone.


The Terrarian acquires a plethora of different weapons across their journey to defeat the Moon Lord. These weapons can be separated into four categories: Melee, Ranged, Magic, and Summon. Summon weapons will be tackled in a later segment.

Melee Weapons

The first of the four major damage types is Melee damage, which includes weapons that physically hit the target as a result of the Terrarian’s own strength. Including, but not limited to, swords, spears, boomerangs, lances, and yoyos, the Melee class is great for those that prioritize a close and personal style of combat.


  • Terra Blade: This blade is able to shoot a green projectile that is able to pierce through two enemies and it costs no mana or ammunition.

  • Psycho Knife: This weapon gained after killing a Psycho allows Terrarian after standing still for a second to enter stealth mode and turns them almost transparent. 

  • Seedler: This sword once swung will shoot out grenade like projectiles and if it hits a target it will shoot out smaller shards.

  • Star Wrath: This sword once swung will send out three pink projectiles that do double the sword's damage.

  • The Horseman's Blade: This sword is able to summon pumpkins as projectiles that can home onto a target.

  • Volcano: Though it's slow while swinging it, this sword can put a fire debuff on whoever is hit by it.

  • Tizona: Terrarian is able to cause a bleeding effect onto anyone he hits with this blade

  • Flying Dragon: This sword can shoot out a projectile that is able to travel through blocks and can produce light so it can pierce through enemies.

  • Starlight: A rapier that jabs extremely quickly while releasing stabs of light.

  • Shadowflame Knife: This knife will bounce off two opponents and can set a Shadowflame debuff, preventing the target from healing for a short time.

  • Vampire Knives: This knife will take the blood of nearby enemies, bring it to the Terrarian, and use the blood to heal them. 


  • Chlorophyte Partisan: This spear when thrust will shoot out a cloud of spores that will do damage and will go through walls.

  • Ghastly Glaive: This spear when it hits an opponent will summon a ghost to attack nearby enemies.

  • Mushroom Spear: This spear will summon mushrooms to extend its reach.

  • North Pole: This spear will shoot out a projectile that will fire delayed ice projectiles to rain down on foes. 

  • Storm Spear: This spear will shoot out a bolt of electricity.

  • Tonbogiri: This spear will have the chance of inflicting a poison debuff on its foes.

  • Scourge Of The Corruptor: This spear will shoot out several tiny eaters and will target nearby enemies.


  • Sunfury: This mace can set a fire debuff on the people hit with the mace.

  • Drippler Crippler: This mace can shoot out projectiles to hit enemies. 

  • Chain Guillotines: This looks like a normal mace but it shoots out two blades in quick succession.

  • Dao Of Pow: This mace can inflict a confused debuff.

  • Flower Of Pow: This mace can shoot out petales projectiles the longer it stays out and doesn’t return. 

  • Flairon: This Flail shoots out bubbles and will act as a homing attack to nearby enemies. 


  • Cascade: With this Yoyo, once it hits an opponent, it can set a Fire debuff.

  • Hel-Fire: Similar to the Cascade Yoyo whoever is hit by this Yoyo will be inflicted with a Hellfire debuff which is a stronger version of the Fire debuff.

  • Amarok: This Yoyo has the chance of setting the Frostburn debuff once it hits someone.


  • Paladins Hammer: With the strongest base damage this boomerang can blow through multiple enemies.

  • Sergeant United Shield: A shield that homes onto enemies and can chain its attacks to 4 more targets. It can also be used defensively and is clearly herald tier.

  • Bananarang: A fast firing banana that can shoot out 10 rangs at once.

  • Thorn Okhram: Can inflict the poison debuff on enemies it hits.

  • Possessed Hatchet: A fast flying hammer that will home in on enemies.

Ranged Weapons

The second of the four damage types, Ranged damage allows the Terrarian to shoot projectiles at his opponents, usually from some sort of vessel. There are two components to a good ranged weapon: the weapon itself and the ammo used. Each classification of ranged weapon has its own arrow type: bows have arrows, guns have bullets, and launchers have rockets.


  • Aerial Bane: This bow will split an arrow into six special arrows.

  • Daedalus Stormbow: This bow doesn’t actually shoot arrows but makes several other arrows to rain down on foes like a firing squad.

  • Eventide: This bow is able to shoot out rainbow-like arrows that can pierce up to four enemies.

  • Phantom Phoenix: This bow shoots out two arrows at a time but it has the chance of shooting out a Phoenix which can set a fire debuff and hit foes through walls.

  • Pulse Bow: This bow will turn its arrows into blue lightning bolts which pierce through several enemies and can bounce off walls for a period of time.

  • Shadowflame Bow: This bow can turn any arrow into a Shadowflame arrow which can pierce through three enemies and will cause the Shadowflame debuff, preventing the target from healing for a short time.

  • Sharanga: This bow can turn its arrows into spectral arrows which will make the target get a cursed inferno debuff.

  • The Bee’s Knees: This bow will turn its arrows into bees which will target the enemy. It has a chance to make Queen Bees.


  • Candy Corn Rifle: This gun shoots out Candy Corn (who could’ve guessed that) and is able to pierce through two enemies and bounce off walls. 

  • Dart Rifle: This gun as the name implies shoots out darts as ammunition and can inflict poison onto its targets.

  • Elf Melter: This Christmas themed weapon is able to shoot and pierce up to four enemies and can set a Frostbite debuff.   

  • Super Star Shooter: This gun shoots out fallen stars that you can find in game. When you fire, it will summon an extra projectile to do extra damage to the target.

  • Xenopopper: This gun shoots out bubbles that do no damage on their own, but they will quickly pop and release bullets.


  • Proximity Mine Launcher: This launcher shoots out proximity mines that will blow up anyone who comes too close. 

  • Nail Gun: This launcher shoots out nails which, when they hit the target, trigger a delayed explosion. They do the same if they hit a wall.

  • Stynger: This launcher shoots out Stynger bolts which, upon collision, break and will spread across the area, damaging any nearby foes.

  • Jack ‘O Lantern Launcher: This Halloween-styled launcher shoots out explosive Jack ‘o Lanterns that bounce off nearby walls until they hit a target and explode.

  • Snowman Cannon: This launcher will shoot out homing missiles and hit nearby targets.

  • Electrosphere: This launcher is not a normal canon, it will shoot out a energy ball to where Terrarian shoots at and will stay there for a few seconds and will damage anyone that comes close to it

  • Celebration Mk2: This upgraded version of the gun Celebration will shoot out a whole fireworks show to damage targets 

Magic Weapons

The third type of damage at the Terrarian’s disposal is Magic damage. Drawing from the user’s mana pool, Magic weapons have a diverse range of effects. From wands to spellbooks to even other styles of weapon, the Terrarian’s supply of Magic is only limited by his own latent mana. 

  • Meteor Staff: Rains down meteors for large damage to opponents.

  • Life Drain: Deals damage to nearby opponents and gives the Terrarian increased regen for as long as it continues to deal damage.

  • Betsy's Wrath: Fires 3 fireballs that do massive damage and can reduce an enemies defense.

  • Charged Blaster Cannon: A mega buster reference that has 5 different firing types.

  • Bubble Gun: It may sound weak but this gun can be very strong with the mass of bubbles it shoots.

  • Golden Shower: A book that pisses shoots out a stream of Ichor which lowers an enemies defense.

  • Solar Flare: Calls down blue flames from the sky to smite enemies with massive amounts of damage.

  • Stellar Tune: Fires waves of stars that home onto enemies and go through walls.

  • Nebula Blaze: A glove that fires powerful homing purple flames at enemies.

  • Razorblade Typhoon: Launches out fast razor disc that will ricochet off surfaces.

Terrarian’s Best

You may have noticed that some of the more important weapons were missing from their respective categories. That’s because they’re listed here. By the end of the game, the Terrarian is expected to have the most powerful gear the game can offer, and this section serves to give an overview of what the endgame has to offer for the Terrarian. With few exceptions, these weapons are found as part of the Lunar Events: they are either crafted using lunar fragments or dropped from the Moon Lord itself.

  • Zenith: The Terrarian’s best weapon, and the culmination of all of their adventures. Made from combining several different swords from across their journey, from as rudimentary as the Copper Shortsword to as powerful as the Meowmere, the Zenith shoots forth all of these swords in an awe-inspiring flourish. 

  • Solar Eruption: The main melee weapon crafted from the Solar Pillar’s remains. It shoots forth a fragment of the sun, inflicting the Daybroken effect on hit. 

  • S.D.M.G: Standing for the Super Dolphin Machine Gun, the S.D.M.G is dropped by the Moon Lord. It stands as the pinnacle of firearms, shooting forth any bullet at blistering speeds.

  • Phantasm: Crafted from the remains of the Vortex Pillar, the Phantasm quadruples the amount of arrows in the Terrarian’s quiver as well as shooting phantasmal arrows upon hitting a target.

  • Nebula Blaze: Crafted from the fragments of the Nebula Pillar, the Nebula Blaze engulfs the Terrarian’s hand in ethereal purple flames, allowing their punches to soar through the air and seek out targets.

  • Last Prism: Dropped from the Moon Lord itself, the Last Prism is the quintessential magic item for any worthwhile mage. After taking a moment to concentrate, it fires a prismatic beam of refracted light, dealing massive amounts of constant damage.



Primary Armors

Armor – Minecraft Wiki

In Minecraft there are a variety of useful and durable armors that Steve can use. Consisting of helmets, chest plates, leggings, and boots. Here, we’ll be listing down from worst to best in terms of defense and durability

  • Gold Armor: An armor composed of gold that provides minor protection from damage, but rather than being dyeable it just has worse durability than Leather Armor. It just kinda sucks. Like it’s a huge waste never make this stuff for the love of Notch.

  • Leather Armor: An armor composed of leather that provides minor protection from damage, but at the very least can be dyed different colors, so it gets coolness points

  • Chainmail Armor: An armor made of chainmail that provides decent protection from damage.

  • Iron Armor: An armor made of iron that provides good protection from damage.

  • Diamond Armor: An armor made of diamond that provides great protection from damage.

  • Netherite Armor: An armor made of Netherite that provides the best protection against damage of any of Steve’s armors. It also has extra resistance to fire and explosive attacks on top of its already top tier protection

Turtle Shell

The turtle shell is a helmet that, while also granting Steve an extra boost in defense, also allows him to breathe underwater for 10 seconds.


While wearing the Elytra, Steve can glide across the sky at high speeds for hundreds of blocks. Steve can glide at a minimum speed of 7.2 m/s but when increasing his angle of descent he can quickly accelerate up to 125 m/s. By using fireworks or a trident, Steve can give himself a massive momentary burst in velocity further improving his flight capabilities. Prolonged usage of the Elytra will wear down on its durability however and it requires special material to repair.


Pumpkin – Minecraft Wiki

Steve can place a pumpkin on his head. While this does not provide any additional defense enhancements, it prevents direct eye contact with enemies such as the Enderman, so it can have situational use.

Dungeon Armors

Additional unique armors were also introduced in Minecraft Dungeons, all of which Steve has access to.  These armors come in many forms so here is a short list of the most notable ones.

  • Rugged Climbing Gear: Grants resistance to environmental effects such as low temperatures and reduces knockback.

  • Opulent Armor: Increases rate of emerald collection and grants invincibility while collecting emeralds.

  • Sturdy Shulker Armor: Deflects incoming projectiles, fires shulker projectiles at enemies, and reduces damage by 50% when being attacked by four or more enemies.

  • Frost Armor: Emits a chilling aura, slowing down nearby enemies.

  • Living Vines Armor: Traps and poisons nearby enemies when rolling.

  • Unstable Robe: Allows Steve to teleport when rolling.

  • Full Metal Armor: Grants a 35% damage reduction and 30% chance to negate damage.

  • Beehive Armor: Has a 30% chance to summon a bee when hit and can summon a maximum of three.

Armor Enchantments

Minecraft Enchanted and Chainmail Armor cursor – Custom Cursor

Just like with his combat related tools, Steve can apply various enhancements to his armors which can serve a variety of purposes.

All Armor Pieces

  • Protection IV: A basic enchantment that reduces the damage Steve receives from attacks

  • Fire Protection IV: An enchantment that greatly reduces the damage Steve takes from fire and lava

  • Projectile Protection IV: An enchantment that greatly reduces the damage Steve specifically receives from projectile attacks

  • Blast Protection IV: An enchantment that greatly reduces the damage Steve receives from explosive damage

  • Thorns III: An enchantment that causes the enemy to endure damage upon hitting Steve with any attack. Key word, any, as this revenge damage effect even applies to things like projectiles.


  • Feather Falling IV: An enchantment that greatly reduces the fall damage Steve can take

  • Depth Strider III: An enchantment that greatly raises Steve’s movement speed underwater

  • Frost Walker II: An enchantment that allows Steve to walk on water by turning said water into ice

  • Soul Speed III: An enchantment that greatly enhances Steve’s speed while moving on Soul Sand


  • Respiration III: A helmet applicable enchantment that allows Steve to hold his breath underwater for a much longer period of time

  • Aqua Affinity: Another helmet applicable enchantment that greatly increases the speed at which Steve can swing his arm around while underwater


  • Swift Sneak III: A leggings applicable enchantment that increases Steve’s speed when he is sneaking around

Dungeons Enchantments

  • Acrobat III: Reduces the cooldown time between rolls by 40%.

  • Bag of Souls III: Increases the maximum number of souls that can be carried by 150%.

  • Beast Boss III: Increases the amount of damage dealt by pets by 60%.

  • Beast Burst III: Using a healing potion causes an explosion at pets' locations, dealing damage to mobs around them.

  • Beast Surge III: Using a health potion boosts pets' attack and movement speed by 150% for 10 seconds.

  • Burning III: Every 0.5 seconds damages all nearby enemies.

  • Chilling III: Emits a blast every two seconds that reduces the movement and attack speed of nearby enemies by 60% for one second.

  • Cool Down III: Reduces the cool-down time between uses of artifacts by 37%.

  • Cowardice III: Deal 60% additional ranged and melee damage while at full health.

  • Death Barter III: The first 50 Emeralds collected are stored and then spent to save the player from death.

  • Deflect III: Grants a 45% chance to deflect incoming projectiles.

  • Electrified III: Rolling zaps three nearby enemies with lightning bolts, dealing damage.

  • Explorer III: Regain 1% of health for every 100 blocks explored on the map.

  • Final Shout III: When the player's health drops below 25%, all artifacts are used (ignoring cool-down periods). Activates up to every 8 seconds.

  • Fire Focus III: Increases fire damage by 75%.

  • Fire Trail III: Rolling creates a trail of fire that deals damage to mobs for four seconds.

  • Food Reserves III: Using a healing potion also creates three  random food items.

  • Frenzied III: Attack speed is increased by 30% when below half health.

  • Gravity Pulse III: A blast happens every three seconds that pulls enemies closer.

  • Health Synergy III: Regain 5% health when using an artifact.

  • Life Boost III: After losing a life, gain 101% extra max health.

  • Lightning Focus III: Increases lightning damage by 75%.

  • Luck of the Sea III: Increases chance for rare drops by 30%.

  • Lucky Explorer III: Chance to spawn 5 emeralds every block walked.

  • Multi-Roll III: Grants 4 extra rolls

  • Poison Focus III: Increases poison damage by 75%.

  • Potion Barrier III: Take 90% less damage for 9 seconds after taking a healing potion.

  • Prospector III: Find 300% more emeralds on fallen enemies.

  • Reckless III: Decreases player health by 40% but the player deals 90% more damage.

  • Recycler III: Every tenth projectile that hits the player creates a quiver of arrows.

  • Rush III: Movement speed increases by 90% for one second after taking damage.

  • Shadow Blast III: Leaving Shadow Form triggers a powerful blast that harms nearby mobs.

  • Shadow Surge III: Mobs defeated in Shadow Form give 16% extra souls.

  • Snowball III: Fires a snowball at nearby mobs every second, stunning those hit.

  • Soul Focus III: Increases soul damage by 30%.

  • Soul Speed III: Gathering a soul causes a gain of 1% stacking movement speed boost for four seconds.

  • Speed Synergy III: When activating any artifact, gain +20% movement speed for three seconds.

  • Surprise Gift III: Using a healing potion sometimes also creates a random consumable.

  • Swiftfooted III: Rolling increases movement speed by 50% for three seconds.

  • Tumblebee III: 101% chance to summon a bee when rolling, with up to 3 bees joining the player's side.


Utility Armors

Before we get into the Terrarian’s main gear, we first have to address the various pieces of equipment that give mild bonuses. These likely aren’t going to be applicable in a widespread combat situation, but it does give situational counters to certain conditions.

Snow Armor

A more basic armor, found as loot in the snowy areas. Wearing the full set gives complete immunity to being chilled or freezing.

Mining Armor

Found from the remnants of the miners of olden days (or purchasable from the Merchant), the Mining Armor allows the Terrarian to both mine faster and have visibility even in the darkest of environments.

Diving Helmet

Obtained as a rare drop from sharks, the Diving Helmet greatly prolongs the Terrarian’s ability to breathe underwater. Due to it being a suit of diving gear, thus directly supplying oxygen directly to the Terrarian, it can be assumed that this is also functional against other forms of low-oxygen environments, such as smoke or space.

Ancient Hallowed Armor

While this armor is lacking in direct values in comparison to the Terrarian’s later-game armors, it makes up for this with a unique trait - after landing an attack, the Terrarian becomes completely invulnerable for a few seconds. This allows the Terrarian to have powerful offensive pushes without much risk for damage.

Lunar Armors

The Lunar Armors are the Terrarian’s pièce de résistance in the form of armor. They’re the Terrarian’s absolute masterclasses of equippable armors, so we feel that including a laundry list of the Terrarian’s other irrelevant armors would be a waste of time and space. Crafted from fragments of the Lunar Pillars, these four sets of armor define how the Terrarian fights.

Vortex Armor

The Vortex armor corresponds to the Ranged damage type, and is crafted with Vortex Fragments. Alongside greatly increasing the wearer’s ranged damage and boosting the chance for the user to not consume ammo, it also provides a secondary “stealth mode” that nearly turns the Terrarian invisible as well as massively boosting their damage output.

Solar Flare Armor

The Solar Flare armor corresponds to the Melee damage type, and is crafted with Solar Fragments. Alongside boosting melee damage and regeneration speed, it also provides an innate shield that mitigates damage if the wearer has gone for long enough without getting hit. Additionally, the wearer can manually expend “charges” to dash, igniting any foe caught within its fiery warpath.

Nebula Armor

The Nebula armor corresponds to the Magic damage type, and it is crafted from Nebula Fragments. In addition to boosting the magic damage and mana capacity of the wearer, it also allows the summoning of various “boosters” that may be picked up to increase damage, life regeneration, and mana regeneration for 10 seconds.

Stardust Armor

The Stardust armor corresponds to the Summon damage type (more on that later), and it is crafted from Stardust fragments. In addition to boosting summoning damage and increasing the maximum number of minion slots, the armor also summons a JoJo reference Stardust Guardian that seeks out enemies and hits them with a rapid barrage of punches.

Pets and Summons



Pigs can have a saddle put on them and then be directed when ridden by using a carrot on a stick. They are not very fast or useful in battle, but hey, we got to include a picture of Goku riding a pig. That’s a win.


Wolf – Minecraft Wiki

By giving wolves bones, Steve is capable of tamings multiple hounds. They are not particularly strong, but they can serve as a good supporting force in combat by attacking with bites. Skeletons also will run away when seeing them due to having a great fear of their bones being chewed on.


Using Raw cod or salmon, Steve tamed multiple different breeds of cats. They are immune to fall damage even off big cliffs. They can still see Steve while invisible and can most likely see others with the same status effect. 


Down underwater Steve finds Axolotls. These small aquatic mobs can regenerate Steve's health and can also attack other aquatic mobs except turtles, dolphins and frogs. Also they are decently smart as if they are in water and attacked they will try and play dead.

Horses and Donkeys

Horse – Minecraft Wiki

Steve is capable of riding into battle on a fast moving horse. Said horse can also dawn leather, gold, or preferably diamond armor, and can recover health by consuming apples. Donkeys in comparison cannot equip armor and are less efficient when it comes to movement speed and jump height. They can however be equipped with a chest that allows Steve to carry more items around the world.


Steve can find a Llama during the game, though Steve can not ride it into battle because it does not accept a saddle, it will accept a Chest where Steve can put items in that chest allowing Steve to hold a lot more items in battle. 


Bees found in Beehives will go out to pollinate plants. Though if it's attacked it will retaliate by hitting The Player with its stinger which will inflict a poison effect. Also if any Bees are nearby another Bee that is attacked they will also attack the player who attacked the bee.


Found in dark caves, Bats are passive and will fly around any nearby area. 

Enchanted Sheep

Summoned with the Enchanted Grass, Enchanted Sheep can spawn as three different colors each color having a different effect. 

  • Blue Sheep: This color will increase the speed of Steve

  • Red Sheep: This color will burn any nearby mobs 

  • Green Sheep: This color will summon poison clouds and poison mobs 

Guardian Vex

Summoned with the Vexing Chant, a Guardian Vex will swing their mace around damaging any nearby mob. Though eventually they will despawn. 

Snow Golem

Snow Golem – Minecraft Wiki

By placing down two snow blocks on top of one another and then a pumpkin on top of the snow blocks, Steve is capable of bringing to life a Snow Golem. These wintery creatures are not very strong, are quite fragile, and natural heat will eventually be enough to kill them, but DAMN those snowballs can be annoying.

Iron Golem

Iron Golem – Minecraft Wiki

By making a T shape out of Iron Blocks and placing a pumpkin on top, Steve can create an Iron Golem. These three block tall juggernauts are capable of dealing massive damage, punching at foes and easily being able to toss mobs into the sky.

Soul Wizard

Summoned by the Soul Lanturn, a Soul Wizard will help The Hero by battling alongside them. They will shoot out Soul Bolts at mobs but after a certain amount of time they will disappear.  

The Wither

Wither | Minecraft Wiki | Fandom

By placing three dreaded Wither Skulls on top of a T-Shape made of soul sand, Steve can summon the terrifying Wither. This beast shoots out explosive skulls capable of causing major damage to enemies while also inflicting the Wither status effect, which passively wears down health similar to poison, except even faster. This effect can also be applied by Wither Roses, which gives anything that touches them the Wither status for a short while. The Wither also is capable of regenerating health and will initially prefer to stay in the air. But when it goes below half health, it will become immune to projectile attacks and lower itself to the ground.

Now obviously it is worth noting Steve has no control over the Wither and it could go on to attack him as well. But as a distraction, it can prove very useful.


Minion Staves

The Terrarian’s fourth and final damage class is Summoning damage, which is accumulated via the usage of Summoning weapons. Minion staves are a type of summoning weapon that magically call upon a certain creature, construct, or other benevolent being to aid in attacking the target. These creatures are intangible and cannot be targeted by enemies.

The Terrarian can also use minion staves to specifically target a certain enemy. If an enemy is targeted, minions will completely ignore any other possible target and exclusively attempt to attack the targeted individual. This effect can be cast without any mana cost.

The maximum amount of minion summons the Terrarian can have is determined by their minion slots, which is altered by various accessories, armor sets, and potion effects. Naturally, the Terrarian has one minion slot, but this can be upgraded to 11 minion slots within normal gameplay.

Listed below are a series of minion staves that the Terrarian has access to. Due to a substantial lack of minion staves throughout the game, all possible options will be listed.

Staves marked with an * are stacking minions. Stacking minions may only be summoned once, but every subsequent summon boosts their individual power substantially.

  • Abigail’s Flower*: Obtained from picking flowers at a graveyard, Abigail’s Flower summons the ghost of Abigail (yes, the Abigail from Don’t Starve) to speedily charge towards foes. Abigail can go through walls and attacks decently fast.

  • Finch Staff: Obtained from either beginning as a Journeyman or as loot from within a massive tree, the Finch Staff summons a small white finch that flies towards opponents.

  • Slime Staff: Obtained as a massively rare drop from slimefolk, the Slime Staff summons a small slime that bounces towards targets and rams into them, dealing damage.

  • Flinx Staff: Obtained from crafting using the furs of the Flinx, the Flinx Staff summons a purple Flinx that jumps towards opponents, crashing into them.

  • Hornet Staff: Obtained from crafting using beeswax, the Hornet Staff summons a hornet that shoots poisonous stingers at the target from a distance.

  • Vampire Frog Staff: Obtained from the waters of the Blood Moon, the Vampire Frog Staff summons a parasitic frog that bites into targets, slightly healing the player upon successful hits.

  • Imp Staff: Obtained from crafting using the devilish and tough resource known as Hellstone, the Imp Staff summons an imp that shoots igniting fireballs at the target, lighting them on fire for a short duration upon contact.

  • Spider Staff: Obtained from crafting with spider fangs, the Spider Staff summons a poisonous spider that can crawl along walls to bite foes with its poisonous fangs. Spiders are special in that they only cost 3/4ths of a slot to summon, meaning the Terrarian can summon 5 spiders with only 4 minion slots.

  • Sanguine Staff: Obtained from slaying the abhorrent Dreadnautilus, the Sanguine Staff summons a crimson bat that floats above the Terrarian’s head, quickly striking any visible opponent and returning to its original position.

  • Blade Staff: Obtained from defeating the illustrious Queen Slime, the Blade Staff summons an enchanted blade that floats above the Terrarian’s head that quickly dashes back and forth to rapidly strike its target. Despite having low damage, the Blade Staff has a significant armor piercing statistic, allowing it to do incredibly potent chip damage.

  • Pirate Staff: Obtained from braving the barbaric Pirate Invasion, the Pirate Staff summons a pint-sized crew of pirates to fight on your behalf, each brigand armed with a cutlass.

  • Optic Staff: Obtained from crafting using the verdant Souls of Sight, the Optic Staff summons a miniature duplicate of The Twins (Spazmatasm and Retinazer) to chomp and blast enemies respectively. One minion slot summons both twins, effectively doubling the amount of minions able to be summoned with this weapon.

  • Pygmy Staff: Obtained from defeating the jungle matriarch Plantera, the Pygmy Staff summons a tribal warrior that can throw spears to puncture opponents.

  • Desert Tiger Staff*: Obtained from opening the Desert Chest deep within the Dungeon, the Desert Tiger Staff summons the Desert Tiger to pounce on opponents with the fury of a sandstorm.

  • Deadly Sphere Staff: Obtained from the Deadly Spheres that roam during the Solar Eclipse, the Deadly Sphere Staff summons a chrome orb that erratically charges towards its target.

  • Raven Staff: Obtained from the wicked Pumpkin Moon, the Raven Staff summons a corvid that flies towards enemies.

  • Xeno Staff: Obtained from the interstellar Martian Invasion, the Xeno Staff summons a miniature alien spacecraft that shoots lasers at the target.

  • Tempest Staff: Obtained from the putrid Duke Fishron, the Tempest Staff summons a tornado that launches sharks at the target.

  • Stardust Dragon Staff*: Obtained from crafting with the remnants of the Stardust Pillar, the Stardust Dragon Staff summons a wormlike dragon that repeatedly bashes into foes. With each subsequent summon, the dragon gets longer.

  • Stardust Cell Staff: Obtained from crafting with the remnants of the Stardust Pillar, the Stardust Cell Staff summons a cluster of stardust that seeks out and repeatedly damages foes.

  • Terraprisma: Obtained from bravely defeating the enraged form of the Empress of Light without taking a single hit, the Terraprisma is commonly considered to be the apex of summoning weapons within the world of Terraria. Using Terraprisma summons a prismatic sword that seeks out nearby targets to rend them asunder with the power of light. While motionless, the swords form a pair of wings upon the Terrarian’s back.

Sentry Staves

In addition to minion staves, the Terrarian also has access to a variety of sentry staves. Unlike minions, sentries remain in one position and attempt to damage the target while motionless. Sentry staves use a different type of minion slot than minion staves, meaning that sentries can be summoned even if the minion slot limit has been otherwise reached. Just like minion staves, the normal sentry limit is 1, but this limit can be increased via equipment.

  • Houndius Shootius: Obtained from the rampaging Deerclops (once again, yes, the Deerclops from Don’t Starve), the Houndius Shootius summons a pylon adorned with a floating eyeball that fires lasers upon any incoming target.

  • Queen Spider Staff: Obtained from crafting with spider fangs, the Queen Spider Staff summons a spider matriarch that shoots eggs filled with poisonous spider hatchlings.

  • Staff of the Frost Hydra: Obtained from the mythical Tundra Chest within the Dungeon, the Staff of the Frost Hydra summons a powerful serpent that spits chilling bolts of frost at foes.

  • Lightning Aura Staff: The first of the Tavernkeep’s four staves, the Lightning Aura Staff creates an electrified area that repeatedly zaps any hostile enemy.

  • Flameburst Staff: The second of the Tavernkeep’s four staves, the Flameburst Staff summons a fiery golem that lobs balls of embers at the target.

  • Explosive Trap Staff: The third of the Tavernkeep’s four staves, the Explosive Trap Staff places a landmine that explodes upon being stepped on by an enemy.

  • Ballista Staff: The fourth of the Tavernkeep’s four staves, the Ballista Staff summons a ballista that shoots ballista bolts at enemies.

  • Lunar Portal Staff: Obtained from slaying the astral Moon Lord, the Lunar Portal Staff summons a malachite portal that blasts foes with green energy,

  • Rainbow Crystal Staff: Obtained from slaying the astral Moon Lord, the Rainbow Crystal Staff summons a crystalline construct that sprays prismatic beams at enemies.

Boss/Event Summoning Items

Not everything that the Terrarian is capable of summoning is inherently an ally. In order to fight a multitude of bosses within the game, the Terrarian must craft various items to call the boss to the field of battle. While some bosses remain without a proper item, several bosses may be summoned directly from the Terrarian’s inventory. All of the applicable bosses, as well as their limitations, are listed below.

  • Goblin Battle Standard: Invokes a Goblin Army.

  • Slime Crown: Summons the gelatinous King Slime.

  • Suspicious Looking Eye: Summons the gazing Eye of Cthulhu. Can only be used at night.

  • Worm Food: Summons the wormlike Eater of Worlds. Can only be used within a Corruption biome.

  • Bloody Spine: Summons the cerebral Brain of Cthulhu. Can only be used within a Crimson Biome.

  • Abeemination: Summons the pollinated Queen Bee, Can only be used within a Jungle biome.

  • Deer Thing: Summons the boreal Deerclops. Can only be used within a Snow biome during a blizzard.

  • Suspicious Looking Egg: Summons the springly Lepus.

  • Gelatin Crystal: Summons the illustrious Queen Slime. Can only be used within a Hallow biome.

  • Pirate Map: Invokes a Pirate Invasion.

  • Mechanical Worm: Summons the mechanized Destroyer. Can only be used at night. 

  • Mechanical Eye: Summons the mechanized Twins, Spazmatasm and Retinazer. Can only be used at night. 

  • Mechanical Skull: Summons the mechanized Skeletron Prime. Can only be used at night. 

  • Solar Tablet: Invokes a Solar Eclipse. Only usable during the day.

  • Pumpkin Moon Medallion: Summons the Pumpkin Moon. Only usable at night.

  • Naughty Present: Summons the Frost Moon. Only usable at night.

  • Celestial Sigil: Summons the impending Moon Lord.

Food and Potions


Basic Foods

Steak – Minecraft Wiki

Steve carries around plenty of traditional foods for the sake of restoring his hunger. Would it be apples or full steaks, he carries around plenty. It is worth noting however that the more basic foods Steve has only restore his hunger, not his health. Though a full hunger meter will allow him to heal from damage slowly, and as long as it is above 3 Hunger Bars he will be able to keep sprinting. So I guess a balanced diet really is the key to success.

Amplification Potions

Potion – Minecraft Wiki

Steve carries around numerous potions that can amplify his performance in various ways, with the potions being able to both be drunk directly or be splashed around Steve’s area to be applied. The potion effects can typically last up to eight minutes for weaker variants, and stronger variants lasting a minute and a half. This time span can depend on the potion however. The Splash ones do also run the risk however of amplifying enemies were they to be caught in the potion’s release, though them being able to be applied much faster than the basic potions is worth noting however. With these potions, Steve can amp himself in numerous ways:

  • Potion of Night Vision: This potion allows Steve to be able to see through the dark. It does not have a stronger variant, so it will always last eight minutes when used.

  • Potion of Invisibility: Steve is capable of making himself completely invisible and unseeable, though any items he is holding or armor he is wearing will be exposed. Just like with Night Vision, there is no stronger variant, so this potion will always last eight minutes.

  • Potion of Leaping: A potion that will either allow Steve to jump a block higher for eight minutes, or two blocks higher for a minute and a half.

  • Potion of Fire Resistance: A potion that will make Steve completely immune to fire or lava. It has no higher variation and thus will always last eight minutes.

  • Potion of Swiftness: A potion that increases Steve’s running speed. It can make him 20% faster for eight minutes, or 40% faster for a minute and a half.

  • Potion of the Turtle Master: By consuming this potion, Steve can gain a large defensive increase at the cost of reduced speed. To be exact, the forty second variant reduces walking speed by 60%, but also reduces damage taken by just as much. The second variant lasts for twenty seconds and reduces walking speed by 90%, but in turn makes Steve an incredible 100% immune to physical damage. As in he just takes no damage at all from physical attacks. It is important to note with the resistance effect that it does not reduce damage taken from non-physical damage like poison however. It also does not reduce damage from explosions.

  • Potion of Water Breathing: A potion that makes Steve able to breathe underwater for eight minutes, with once again, no higher variation.

  • Potion of Healing: A potion that will immediately heal six hearts when used. Interestingly enough, this potion will cause a good amount of unblockable damage to undead creatures like zombies instead of healing them.

  • Potion of Regeneration: A potion that’s effect will progressively heal Steve overtime. The weaker variant lasts for a minute and a half, with the faster variant only lasting for twenty two seconds. The same undead counter effect the Healing potion has also applies to this potion, resulting in progressive damage being dealt.

  • Potion of Strength: A potion that increases Steve’s striking strength. The eight minute variant provides a buff of three extra damage points, while the minute and a half one applies a buff of six extra damage points.

  • Potion of Luck: A potion lasting for five minutes that increases Steve’s luck when it comes to getting good drops from slain enemies.

  • Potion of Slow Falling: A potion that reduces Steve’s fall speed when well, falling.

Negative Effect Potions

Poison | Minecraft PC Wiki | Fandom

Steve is also capable of using various potions that inflict various determinants upon his enemies. Just like with the amplification potions, Steve can drink these directly which is absolutely not advised. He can however splash them upon his foe for the sake of making them actually useful, though he has to be careful to not get caught in the resulting splash himself. Alternatively, he can inflict one of his arrows with these effects, afflicting the negative effects on whoever he shoots. The negative effects Steve can apply include the following:

  • Potion of Slowness: A potion that reduces the enemy’s movement speed. This effect can either reduce movement speed by 15% for four minutes, or by 60% for twenty seconds.

  • Potion of Harming: A potion that causes immediate damage when it affects someone. This damage is not reduced by armor. This potion will also heal the undead rather than harm them.

  • Potion of Poison: A potion effect that causes progressive poisonous damage to the enemy. This effect can last for a minute and a half, with the stronger variant lasting for twenty-one seconds. Just like with the Potion of Harming, the Poison effect will actually heal the undead rather than hurt them, healing them over time until the effect wears off.

  • Potion of Weakness: A potion effect that greatly reduces the physical damage an enemy deals for four minutes.


With some periodic elements and proper chemistry, Steve can create various medicines to remove negative status effects.

  • Antidote: A medicine that cures the user of the Poison effect.

  • Elixir: A medicine that cures the user of the Weakness effect.

  • Eye Drops: A medicine that cures the user of the Blindness effect.

  • Tonic: A medicine that cures the user of the Nausea effect.

Golden Apples

Golden Apple – Minecraft Wiki

A Golden Apple is a consumable food item with great additional benefits apart from just filling the hunger bar. It provides Steve with the Regeneration II potion effect for five seconds, and increases his health total by an additional 20% for two minutes. Though running through this extra health will obviously remove the effect. But if Steve wants even greater benefits, he can use an Enchanted Golden Apple. This version applies the Regeneration II potion effect for an extended twenty seconds, and increases Steve’s health total by 80% instead of just 20%. In addition to this, Steve gains Fire Resistance, for a full fire and lava damage immunity, and Resistance, for 20% extra damage reduction, for an insanely long five minutes. 


Recovery Potions 

If Terrarian is low on health or mana he can use several of his recovery potions to recover both at the same time. Though they can’t use them all at once because they can be hit with a Potion and Mana sickness debuff where they can not use a healing potion till it wears off. 

Food and Drink Potions 

There is a number of foods and drinks Terrarian has so they won’t starve to death. Eating or Drinking any of them will grant the Well Fed buff which will boost the players stats that can last to 4 to 40 minutes.

Buff Potions 

Terrarian has several potions that will buff them in battle. They have several different ones but the most notable ones include: 

  • Ammo Reservation Potion: This potion grants the Ammo Reservation buff which will allow The Terrarian to not use any ammo with their guns.

  • Archery Potion: This potion will increase the damage of Terrarian bows.

  • Dangersense Potion: This potion will grant The Terrarian the ability to reveal dangerous items and can be used in the dark.

  • Endurance Potion: This potion will decrease the damage The Terrarian takes.

  • Featherfall Potion: This potion will decrease The Terrarian’s fall speed.

  • Greater Luck Potion: This potion increases The Terrarian’s luck.

  • Heartreach Potion: This potion will increase the speed of The Terrarian’s recovery of damage.

  • Hunter Potion: Similar to the Dangersense Potion but the Hunter potion reveals enemies instead.

  • Inferno Potion: This potion will make a ring of fire around The Terrarian and will cause a Fire debuff on anyone hit by it.

  • Invisibility Potion: As the name suggests it makes The Terrarian invisible. 

  • Ironskin Potion: This potion increases The Terrarian’s defense. 

  • Lifeforce Potion: This potion will increase The Terrarian’s health. 

  • Magic Power Potion: This potion will increase the magic attack The Terrarian uses.

  • Mana Regeneration Potion: This potion will increase the rate of The Terrarian restoring mana.

  • Obsidian Skin Potion: This potion makes The Terrarian immune to fire debuffs. 

  • Rage Potion: This potion will increase the chance of The Terrarian getting a critical hit.

  • Regeneration Potion: This potion will regenerate The Terrarian's health.

  • Summoning Potion: Increases the number of summons The Terrarian can summon.

  • Thorns Potion: If The Terrarian is hit the person that hits them also gets hurt.

  • Wrath Potion: This potion will increase The Terrarian damage.

  • Wiesenbräu: This potion will make The Terrarian drunk but also halve any incoming damage.


Similar to the Buff potions The Terrarian has a number of potions to buff him in battle, the difference with Flasks is that it makes Terrarian's melee weapons have buffs. The notable ones include: 

  • Flask Of The Curse Flames: This makes a melee weapon have curse flames and will cause the curse inferno debuff.

  • Flask Of Ichor: This flask will make the melee weapon have Ichor and will cause the Ichor debuff which lowers the victim’s defense.

  • Flask Of Nanites: This flask will make the melee weapon have nanites and will cause the confusion debuff.

  • Flask Of Poison: This flask will make the melee weapon have poison and will cause the poison debuff.

  • Flask Of Venom: This flask will make the melee weapon have venom and will cause the venom debuff.



General Enchantments

Enchanting Table – Minecraft Wiki

Many of Steve’s enchantments do not just apply to only his weapons or armor, as they are capable of applying to both.

  • Unbreaking III: An enchantment that increases the durability of Steve’s weapons, tools, and armor. Making them more capable of enduring repeated use or hits.

  • Mending: By gaining experience points, would it be from slaying mobs, completing achievements, making trades, straight up dumping himself with Experience Bottles, etc, Steve is able to directly heal the damage done to his gear and restore its durability.


In Minecraft dungeons, the heroes gain other items that help them on their journeys that can summon, heal, defend, etc. The notable ones include:

  • Eye of The Guardian: Summons a beam that damages mobs.

  • Updraft Tome: Send mobs in the air and make them fall for damage. 

  • Harvester: Makes an explosion that damages and can heal the hero.

  • Lightning Rod: Summons a lighting bolt to damage mobs.

  • Blasts Fungus: Thrown by the hero’s that will blow up automatically. 

  • Corrupted Seeds: Seeds that will inflict poison. 

  • Gong Of Weakening: Will reduce the health and damage of a mob.

  • Ice Wand: A wand that will stun mobs. 

  • Love Medallion: Will turn mobs into allies with damage boost that will die after a certain time.

  • Satchel Of Elements: Will inflict either a burning, frozen or lighting debuff. 

  • Buzzy Nest: Will summon Bees. 

  • Enchanted Grass: Summon Enchanted Sheep. 

  • Golem Kit: Summons a Iron Golem.  

  • Soul Lantern: Summons a Soul Wizard. 

  • Tasty Bone: Summons a Wolf.

  • Vexing Chant: Summons Guardian Vexes. 

  • Boots Of Swiftness: Grants a boost in speed for a short time. 

  • Death Cap Mushroom: Increases attack and movement speed. 

  • Ghost Cloak: Allows the hero to go in a Ghost Form, increasing their speed and letting them pass through enemies.

  • Iron Hide Amulet: Applies defense buffs. 

  • Shadow Shifter: Allows the hero to go in a Shadow Form, rendering them invisible.

  • Totem of Casting: Speeds up the cooldown on other Artifacts.

  • Totem of Regeneration: Makes an aura that heals the hero.

  • Totem Of Shielding: Protects the hero from projectiles. 


To defend against all manner of weapons and projectiles, Steve usually carries a shield in off-hand.  It can block arrows, tridents, fire balls, beams of heat, and even explosions.  This also prevents any status effects from the projectiles from effecting Steve.  Steve can even customize his shields with special banners for some added flair.


Bucket – Minecraft Wiki

Steve can carry various liquids in his buckets, with each liquid having its own advantage. It is worth noting that technically speaking, Steve is technically capable of storing any type of liquid in a bucket that he comes across. Not just the existing liquids in Minecraft

  • Water: Steve can carry a bucket of water. Said water can be used for putting out fires, extinguishing lava and turning it into Obsidian, or can be fallen into to completely negate fall damage. Reminder that if you cannot perform an MLG Water (dumping water below you right before you land to stop fall damage) you are bad at the game and are diagnosed with a severe case of Skill Issue

  • Lava: Steve can carry a bucket of lava, useful for randomly dumping lava onto foes for the sake of damaging them

  • Milk: By drinking milk, Steve can miraculously remove any status effect that is currently inflicting him. Would it be poison, slowness, weakness, you name it. It can even remove effects that cannot be contained in potions like Withering. Unfortunately there is the downside that this potion will also remove any beneficial effects Steve has, so he has to be wise when deciding to take a sip.

Flint and Steel

Whenever Steve needs to light a fire, he pulls out this handy tool. It can light fire to any flammable surface or ignite TNT and Creepers, although each usage costs durability. Also, it can be used alongside obsidian to generate a portal to the Nether.

Fire Charges

Another method of igniting things is the fire charge.  It works the same way as the flint and steel but each usage consumes one fire charge. However, they have the added usage of turning into fire balls when released from a dispenser.

Ender Pearls

Ender Pearl – Minecraft Wiki

Harvested from the otherworldly Endermen, these pearls grant Steve their power of teleportation. When thrown, the ender pearl will teleport Steve to wherever it lands and deal a small amount of damage to him. These pearls will keep moving until they hit a solid surface and are even capable of moving through lava without being destroyed. While in the End, ender pearls are also capable of moving through end gateways and teleporting Steve to the outer islands.

Ice Bombs

With a little tweak of chemistry, Steve creates these bombs that will instantly freeze any water in a 3x3x3 cube around where they land. Although they do not do any damage or knockback, they can be used to trap enemies in ice.


Found deep in the caves, Redstone dust can be used for many purposes given enough time. Redstone can be used to set traps, clocks, Dispensers and powered rails. Redstone dust can also be made into other Redstones items like the Redstone blocks and Torches. All Redstone items can be used for a variety of things and with enough dust, blocks and torches can activate traps from a good distance. If only sticking with Redstone dust the signal of the item the Redstone Dust is connected with will grow weaker and not work, but with Redstone Blocks and Torches it can grow back up into the signal.   


Useful for mining, traps, and griefing, TNT is Steve’s go-to way of destroying that which he does not want. It can be ignited with fire, redstone, or by other explosions making it very easy to start a chain reaction. Equal to about 1.82 tons of, well, you know.

Totem of Undying

This mystical artifact is dropped by the evokers and grants Steve a second chance. If Steve receives fatal damage while this is in either hand, he will survive with one heart, be cured of all status effects, and granted Regeneration II for 45 seconds, Fire Resistance I for 40 seconds, and Absorption II for 5 seconds.

Shulker Box

Harvested from the titular mobs in the End, these shulker boxes greatly increase Steve’s inventory size by allowing him to carry them around while they still hold their contents. This effectively increases Steve’s inventory by 26 slots per shulker box, potentially allowing up to 999 inventory slots. But they must be placed down before their inventory can be accessed.


One of the most sought after items in all of Minecraft, a beacon grants positive status effects to anyone standing in a certain area. In order to activate these effects, however, the beacon must be properly surrounded by blocks of very valuable materials, such as iron, gold, diamond or netherite. To get the full power of the beacon, a pyramid of 164 blocks is required. Beacons can grant boosts in movement speed, attack speed, defense, jump height, or regeneration.


The conduit is essentially a beacon for underwater bases. It must be surrounded on all sides by water and also have a specific structure built around it out of prismarine. If a complete frame composed of 42 blocks is constructed, the conduit provides water breathing, night vision, and a boost in attack speed to those underwater in addition to attacking enemies.



Terrarian has access to a plethora of accessories. Each one serves a different purpose, and the Terrarian can equip a maximum of seven at once.


  • Terraspark Boots: Greatly increases the Terrarian’s speed, as well as allowing limited flight, water walking, and lava resistance.

  • Magiluminescence: A necklace that increases speed and speeds up acceleration and deceleration.

  • Neptune's Shell: Turns the Terrarian into a merfolk when in water, granting enhanced mobility and letting them breathe underwater indefinitely.

  • Bundle of Balloons: Grants the Terrarian three extra midair jumps as well as negating fall damage.

  • Master Ninja Gear: Gives the Terrarian the ability to climb and slide down walls, dash forward, and gives a chance to dodge attacks.

  • Wings: Allows the Terrarian to fly, controlling their rising and descent speed at will. The effectiveness of the wings depends on the material they are made of.


  • Arcane Flower: Decreases mana costs and automatically uses mana potions when depleted

  • Charm of Myths: Greatly increases health regeneration.

  • Mana Cloak: Calls down stars when Terrarian takes damage, said stars can then be used to restore mana.

  • Mana Regeneration Band: Increases the rate at which Mana regenerates.

  • Celestial Cuffs: Restores mana whenever the Terrarian takes damage, as well as increasing maximum mana.


  • Ankh Shield: Increases defense, negates knockback, and provides total immunity to a plethora of status conditions, including Poison, Slowness, and Weakness, among others.

  • Avenger Emblem: Increases all outgoing damage by 12%.

  • Bee Cloak: Summons bees whenever the wearer is attacked. These bees actively seek out and sting any hostile enemies within the area.

  • Berserker's Glove: Increases melee swing speed, enables autoswing for all melee weapons, and provides moderate defense.

  • Celestial Shell: Turns the user into a werewolf at night and a merfolk in water.

  • Fire Gauntlet: Increases knockback, melee damage, and allows all melee hits to inflict the Hellfire debuff.

  • Frozen Shield: Negates knockback and provides a shield that reduces all incoming damage when below half health.

  • Molten Quiver: Turns all arrows into flaming arrows.

  • Papyrus Scarab: Increases minion damage, knockback, and quantity.

Portable Storage

Terraria has multiple methods of increasing player storage space, each working slightly differently. The maximum amount of inventory slots the Terrarian can utilize is 98, though many of these slots have a particular purpose, such as being reserved for armor, accessories, or other items. When it comes to spaces that can be used for any purpose, the Terrarian has 51: 10 on the hotbar, 40 in the inventory, and 1 in the trash space (though it’s risky to place things here.)

  • Piggy Bank: The first personal storage item obtained, it has 40 storage slots that can hold anything, similar to chests.  The Piggy Bank has to be placed on the ground before it is opened.

    • Money Trough: Summons a Flying Piggy Bank, which is the normal Piggy Bank with wings that now follows the player.  It shares inventory space with the normal Piggy Bank.

    • Eye Bone: Able to summon a version of the Piggy Bank named “Chester.”  Chester has the same contents as any other Piggy Bank. 

  • Void Vault: A portal to an extra storage space that has 40 storage slots.  The portal must be placed to use the vault.

    • Void Bag: When carrying an open Void Bag, any items picked up beyond the normal inventory cap are instead transferred to the Void Vault.  It can also be used to pull items for the Void Vault.

  • The Safe: A portable safe with 40 storage slots that can be carried anywhere and must be placed to be accessed.  All safes share the same inventory.

  • Defender’s Forge: A placeable storage space that grants an additional 40 storage slots.




  • Found the Portal to the End and defeated the Ender Dragon

  • Has defeated other powerful beings such as the Wither, Elder Guardian, Warden, and the Arch-Illager

  • Destroyed the Orb of Dominance

  • By achievements, should have visited every single biome in the world

  • Crafted a full set of Netherite armor and tools, with Netherite being one of the rarest materials in the world

  • Broke Twitter



  • Is able to move in tandem with and block arrows

  • With trident and Elytra, can fly up to 125 m/s (Mach 0.36).

  • Able to fight the Warden, who can create sonic booms

    • However, Steve is physically incapable of dodging or blocking the Warden’s sonic boom attacks in-game, and the Warden runs much faster than Steve

  • Can battle Endermen, who can avoid arrows fired from a crossbow within less than a hundredth of a second (Mach 4)

  • The trident is capable of summoning lightning, which moves at Mach 352


  • Can survive explosions from creepers, or even charged creepers

  • Is able to survive and fight in the Nether just fine, which is hot enough to instantly evaporate water

  • Can swim at the bottom of the ocean with no issue (12.5 times atmospheric pressure)

  • Capable of enduring attacks from the Wither, which can destroy 36 Netherite blocks in a single explosion (104 kilotons of TNT)

  • Can endure attacks from the Ender Dragon, who can completely destroy several blocks of Netherite at once (605 kilotons of TNT)



  • Protected Terraria from the Moon Lord’s revenge by conquering the Lunar Events

  • Dug a hole to hell itself and slew the Wall of Flesh, the guardian of Light and Dark

  • Built a town hospitable for several dozen separate villagers, each with their own unique quirks and desires

  • Quelled the Corruption, the Crimson, and the Hallow, fully purifying the world

  • Killed the Eye, Brain, and Skeleton of Cthulhu

  • Passed the Torch God’s test


  • Able to mine through ores leagues tougher than steel

  • Reduced the Wall of Flesh to a pile of bloody viscera (15 tons of TNT)

  • Has enough energy to summon meteors with the Meteor Staff (6.21 kilotons of TNT)

    • Some of the strongest weapons in the game, such as the Zenith, could have a damage stat as high as 190 - when compared to the Meteor Staff's damage stat of 50, it could be worth around 23.59 kilotons of TNT

  • Defeated the Duke Fishron, who can make massive whirlpools of water

  • Completely destroyed the Flying Dutchman, a massive midair ship


  • While equipped with the Terraspark Boots, is capable of casually running at 34 mph

  • Can move in tandem with arrows, bullets, rockets, and “pew pew” lasers

  • Can dodge attacks from the Eye of Cthulhu, which can attack fast enough to appear as a blur

  • Capable of dodging electric attacks from the Lunatic Cultist

  • Evaded every single attack from an enraged Empress of Light

  • Can move in tandem with his own meteors, which move more than a hundred times the speed of sound (Mach 189.5)

  • The Last Prism, as well as other crystalline weapons, shoots refracted light

    • While having the Master Ninja Gear equipped, the Terrarian is able to dodge attacks such as this from other players

  • Keeps pace with the Moon Lord, who retreated to the dark side of the moon to escape the Dryads


  • While equipped with the Cobalt Shield and its upgrades, is incapable of flinching from attacks

  • Can survive explosions from sticks of dynamite

  • Can survive attacks from the Eater of Worlds and the Destroyer, who can easily burrow through the ground 

  • Is able to endure a multitude of hordes and attacks from the lunar pillars

  • Survives being hit by gunfire, rocket launchers, energy beams etc



Everything comes at a cost, and Steve should be very well aware of this by now. He can only carry so many items and enchantments at once and needs to switch gear often. Most of his best gear doesn't come cheap, and often requires sacrificing something else on his part - for instance, he can't use elytra without sacrificing armor, and most of his arsenal is prone to wearing down or simply running out of resources. Speaking of resources, he needs to eat or he'll die. That shouldn't be a notable weakness for anyone - but as a video game character, it can be an issue.


While the Terrarian’s potential arsenal is incredibly diverse, it’s not common for them to utilize this diversity to the fullest. Different combinations of armor sets and weapons can create certain “builds” which the Terrarian tends to stick to throughout a majority of the game. Swapping builds is possible, but it both takes time and requires precious inventory space to pull off, something which the Terrarian doesn’t have much to spare.



"And the universe said I love you, because you are love."


  • Hundreds to thousands of times stronger and more durable

  • A plethora of defensive options, such as golden apples and totems, make killing blows difficult to land

  • Larger carrying capacity of unique items through shulker boxes

  • Enchantments grant bonuses when defeating minions

  • Highest selling game of all time

  • Milk and medicines can get rid of any negative status effects…


  • …but the milk will also remove any current beneficial status effects

  • Poorer aerial mobility

  • Less useful summons

  • Beacons, and conduits require long setups

  • Even his most rudimentary tools have durabilities that may run out mid-fight

  • Much slower

  • DreamSMP


"A solar eclipse is happening!"


  • Much faster

  • Far better ranged options

  • Wings are much more controllable than Elytra

  • Larger carrying capacity of stackable items through portable storage

  • More combat experience against varied opponents

  • Debuffs can stop Steve from healing and cripple his survivability

  • Accessories and armors grant immunity to most debuffs

  • Calamity Mod


  • Hundreds of times weaker 

  • Much more fragile armor

  • Not as great defensive options

  • #EmmetSweep

Before the Verdicts…

The events of the endgame of Terraria involving the lunar pillars as well as the implications of the Moon Lord lead many passive observers to believe that the endgame Terrarian is capable of planetary or higher levels of destruction due to defeating the Moon Lord. While we’ve given every claim of this to be the case ample thought, we’ve decided to rule out these notions from our verdicts.

1) The Moon Lord threatened to destroy Terraria

This came from the official lore statements from a forum post made to celebrate Terraria’s eighth anniversary, which confirmed the origins behind several of Terraria’s anomalous entities, including the Moon Lord (referred to in text as “Cthulhu). In the writings, the Moon Lord is described as “a creature of immeasurable power and unknown origin” who threatened “to rain destruction on and to have dominion over all the sentient life that flourishes.” As a result of his presence, “the very fabric of Terraria itself seemed on the precipice of doom.”

So, does this mean that the Moon Lord can blow up planets? Not necessarily. Cthulhu's goals and descriptions of bringing doom to Terraria and the such are more reasonably referring to how he would have conquered Terraria and ended all life within it, subjugating the world. This isn't just us being stingy with these kinds of statements either - the forum post directly quotes such motivations, which would be incongruent with his actions if he were to just destroy the planet.

"Your story begins with Cthulhu - a creature of immeasurable power and unknown origin - who arrived long ago with its seemingly sole purpose being to rain destruction on and to have dominion over all the sentient life that flourishes on your world."

"Ultimately, this substantial damage forced Cthulhu to retreat to the dark side of the moon, where it dwells to this day, gathering strength for another attempt at total conquest."

In addition, the final page literally directly tells us how Cthulhu was trying to accomplish this. His goal in annihilating and subjugating all life was by making everyone into zombies, not punching the planet so hard that it explodes.

"Many across Terraria have fallen under the possession of the cult, including the benevolent Old Man who oversees the dungeon, a once thriving city full of life until a curse forced all its inhabitants to go mad - living beyond the point where their bodies rotted away and they became mindless undead servants of evil. Without some intervention, some forces to stem this tide, some hero to save the day, Terraria's doom is nigh at hand!"

Interestingly enough, we have found similar statements relating to Minecraft Dungeons that would scale back to Steve. Obviously, we decided to not use them, but it goes to show how unreliable taking such statements at face value can be.

"As he wanders through deep forests and up craggy mountains, he stumbles upon a dark cavern—with a sinister secret waiting inside. Archie discovers an object which whispers to him promises of power: the Orb of Dominance. With it, Archie realizes he can wield incredible magic and reshape a world that turned its back on him. All he needs to do is exactly what it tells him. After all, it’s called the Orb of Dominance for a reason, right? But is it named for the way Archie uses it—or is it using him?"

"Somewhere far beneath the waves, a shard of the Orb of Dominance festers. Among the brilliant corals and bubbling vents, corruption seeps from a dark trench and threatens to suffocate all life."

2) The Celestial Towers moved the moon

When you activate a lunar event to battle the Celestial Towers, the background will change to show what seems to be the moon closer to the Earth. The assumption from this argument would then be that the towers telekinetically dragged the moon closer, thus the player would scale to such power.

This assumption isn't actually founded upon anything stated in game or otherwise, there isn't really anything explaining what occurred - it is a vague event showing a large cosmic object which is being extrapolated to its most beneficial degree. Even if taken literally, it is equally possible that the towers teleported the moon closer, which would have no energy requirement. Without any clear statement regarding these events in game, it is impossible to definitively judge them, especially when the interpretation being provided would make the Terrarian many quintillions of times more powerful than he would be otherwise. According to one of the developers, Terraria has a very interpretive canon, making it more difficult to say in good spirit what actually occurs when in all likelihood, the feat is just a cool backdrop change without very much thought put into it.

In addition, the moon becomes visible within one frame, which would make its speed faster than light and thus uncalcable for kinetic energy if we assume it was literally dragged through space. The people who made the calc on VSBW were likely aware of this, which is why they elected to make up a timeframe of 3 seconds that would conveniently fit a relativistic speed quite nicely.

3) Wall of Flesh scaling to the Solar Eclipse

This is the most interesting argument, albeit it falls under certain assumptions that are never directly stated and would act contradictory to other things in the game. 

When you defeat the Wall of Flesh, you will get a message on the screen saying "The ancient spirits of light and dark have been released." This will change the game to hardmode, where different enemies and events will become available to the player. The argument then would be that since one of the hardmode exclusive events involves a solar eclipse taking place that said spirits must be causing it, and that the Wall of Flesh would then scale to these spirits under the assumption that it was able to contain them.

There are two major flaws with this argument. The first one is one that I didn't realize at first, because the assumption seemed reasonable, that is that the Wall of Flesh did contain the spirits. After all, once you defeat it, it says that they have been released, but the anniversary forum post shed some doubt on that notion.

"Within each world is a Guardian who serves as the world's master and core. Once this creature is destroyed the world will release the Ancient Spirits of Light and Dark to expedite the process of finding a new Guardian."

What this essentially means is that the Wall of Flesh is the "Guardian" of the world, and that once a Guardian dies, the spirits will be released to try and find a new Guardian to take their role. The Wall of Flesh did not seal these spirits away at all, they are a precautionary force that seeks out a new Guardian once one has died, which means they lack a proper scaling chain.

The second major problem with the argument is that it assumes that everything that happens in Hardmode is a result of the spirits, and not just a general gameplay progression that changes the difficulty. Many enemies, events and objects in Hardmode are provably not a direct result of these spirits, leading credence to the idea that a solar eclipse is just a natural occurrence that happens with a higher difficulty. For instance, there are pirates, frost legions, even Martian aliens that you can encounter in Hardmode. In addition, a solar eclipse can only happen after you defeat a hardmode-exclusive mechanical boss, which further supports the idea that the events of solar eclipses are just meant to happen during the progression of the game, rather than be caused by any outside force.

4) Lunar Hook

This one is just silly.

One of the hooks has a description that says 'You want the moon? Just grapple it and pull it down!', which is a reference to It's A Wonderful Life.

In case you were wondering, no, you can't actually use the lunar hook to pull the moon towards Earth. It's a joke. 



You cannot rest now.

You feel an evil presence watching you.

There are monsters nearby.

This is going to be a terrible night.

Minecraft vs Terraria. Steve vs The Terrarian. 2D vs 3D, pixels vs voxels, groomers vs harassers, it’s the ultimate matchup of the decade! God, I love these two games to absolute death, and it’s going to be difficult to actually come up with a fair and completely unbiased verdict to this one. But I think I can manage. This is my second time tackling one of tmk’s blogs, and coming hot off the heels of the Heisenberg Sweep should get me right in the mood to make this special.

But boy, is this an absolute goliath of a blog. I think I almost had an aneurysm trying to read, write, and record everything that I was tasked to to make it a reality. Over 90 pages of pure arsenal make for a beefy blog.

Speaking of which, versatility is both of these characters’ mantras, and it shows in their arsenals. Swords, bows, axes, armors, wings, pets, and so much more! So, before we actually break down all this stuff that these two survivors can throw at each other, let’s go ahead and get the boring part out of the way.

Stats (yaaaaayyyy)

Right off the bat: Cosmic Terraria. Do I buy it? Kind of, but not really.

By the end of the game, it’s abundantly clear that the Terrarian is meddling in cosmic affairs.The Celestial Pillars each depict the moon in a drastically different location, likely meaning that the moon itself is being shifted around, the gear you get is made out of astrological phenomena such as suns and nebulae, and the game concludes in a fight against LITERAL CTHULHU, now bestowed power strong enough to escape the moon and raze the land of Terraria.

At first glance, this seems pretty blatantly cosmic, and I still think that, with a little more leeway, cosmic Terraria is definitely arguable. But, after scrutinizing the details like the vs debaters we are, they just don’t hold enough water to truly be considered “cosmic” beyond a shadow of a doubt.

The most direct statement we get regarding the Moon Lord is that he “threatened the fabric of Terraria.” Terraria has several definitions, ranging from a field, to a world, to a collection of worlds, to as high as a goddamn universe. There’s not enough info to really say for certain which definition of “Terraria” is meant for this statement, so the only fair thing to do is to discredit it.

Then there’s the matter of the Lunar Pillars and how they move the moon. We’re never given a time frame, the only thing we can really assume is that the moon is in a different (and oftentimes closer) position as the Terrarian fights through the pillars. But, again, a lack of info really shoots this argument in the foot. The background changes are likely only there for aesthetic effect, and there’s no real way to get a quantifiable number for the KE of the moon in that particular instance, since it solely depends on how close the Pillars spawn to one another and how quickly the Terrarian can run in order to change the backgrounds faster. This feat will have to be discredited as well.

tmk did a good enough job explaining the Solar Eclipse and the Lunar Hook. No need to retread those.

So yeah, it’s not abundantly clear how strong Moon Lord or the Pillars actually are, despite their nature. If you argued that Moon Lord and the pillars were planetary, I wouldn’t knock you, but I feel like we’re lacking enough concrete information to make a definitive judgment on how powerful the Lunar Events are.

So, let’s give Steve the benefit of the doubt and assume that Moon Lord is just a massive poser. Makes my job more interesting. Let’s run those numbers!

Strength-wise, Steve takes it by a relatively high margin. I know, I was shocked too when I was initially going into it, but Steve’s got muscle to spare. Should probably be expected from a guy who punches down trees for fun. Scaling to the Ender Dragon is more than enough to dwarf Terrarian’s more impressive strength feats by a few dozen times, let alone scaling him to the Orb of Dominance (which would give Steve roughly a 434 thousand times strength advantage, if you buy the storm feat. I have problems with it, more on that in a bit, but, hey, let’s throw Steve a bone for now.)

Speed, on the other hand, comfortably goes to the Terrarian. The Warden, a monster that heavily utilizes sound, is outright faster than Steve, with its attacks being guaranteed to hit, even if the player blocks. At absolute maximum, Steve can keep pace with endermen that can react at Mach 4, but I think Steve’s clear anti-feat against the Warden should be more than enough to quantify him in the subsonic to transonic range. Meanwhile, an endgame Terrarian is capable of both using and dodging attacks made of light from the Last Prism and the Empress of Light. This should make the Terrarian roughly 874 thousand times faster than Steve. Even if you don’t buy light-speed Terraria, Terrarian’s lower end speed feats casually reaching upwards of Mach 190 are more than enough to blitz Steve by hundreds of times. It’s no “hundreds of thousands of hits per second”, but it’s still a chunky enough speed advantage to make a difference.

Of course, all of this is giving Steve a bit of the benefit of the doubt. Many of the other verdicts (and the blog in general) have no issue scaling Steve to the storm of the Wretched Wraith, which threatened to “turn the entire world into a never-ending winter.” However, the lack of urgency when dealing with the Wraith in addition to the storm never leaving the isles of the Creeping Winter during the game itself and a general lack of detail on what this “never-ending winter” would entail generally cause me to scream “outlier.” Jumping Steve from Town to Island based on a hypothetical doomsday scenario with no given time frame from a spinoff game seems a bit disingenuous when representing the core “survivor” aspect of his character. I’m much more comfortable with using his more direct showings within the confines of Minecraft, since that’s the foundation for this debate. If you did want to use the Creeping Winter quantifiably, I’d say just stick to the winter that we visibly see on the island. Not some hypothetical maximum that we have know way of knowing the true extent of, or how it would even be achieved should Steve have not even intervened.

There’s also the matter of the calc used to determine the Ender Dragon’s attack potency and the assumptions it makes about netherite, which is overall sketchy to me. To summarize, the process that tmk used to find the destruction value of netherite was by taking the destruction value of iron (60915.7 j/cc, assuming vaporization) and multiplying it by two hundred, since a netherite block has a blast resistance of 1200 compared to a block of iron’s 6. This seems fine at first, but looking at the destruction values of other blocks for more than a second immediately poses several questions about this assumption. For starters, anvils (which are made of iron) have the exact same blast resistance as netherite. Iron also shares a blast resistance with several other materials that, realistically, are nowhere near as resilient, such as cobblestone, bricks, coral, and, in the case of the jukebox, even wood. These insights, in my opinion, make it hard to take the blast resistances of blocks at face value due to the many internal inconsistencies. Applying real life logic to the destruction values of iron but not to other aspects of the table is a clear example of cherry picking, and I believe that the calc used in the blog is completely inflated. Running the numbers myself, and still assuming vaporization, the highest feat that Steve should directly scale to from the ender dragon (and the wither, by extension, since they use the same value for netherite) should be worth about 3.028 kilotons of TNT. Ironically enough, this would give Terrarian a direct AP advantage by about eight times. But, for the sake of the argument, let’s run with the numbers that the blog’s presented.

Additionally, many of my fellow blog contributors don’t buy the Terrarian having light-speed reactions due to how situational it is. But, again, I believe that this enforces a sort of “double standard” within how we view these characters. Steve’s stats were absolutely min-maxed, using the sandbox elements of his game to the fullest. It’s highly improbable that the Ender Dragon would find itself destroying hundreds of blocks of netherite simultaneously, but we still considered it due to it being possible within the engine. So, how is this different from using Master Ninja Gear to dodge the Last Prism? It follows a very similar strand of logic of “this likely wouldn’t happen, but the fact that it can should be proof enough,” but for some reason I don’t see people supporting it all that much. Terrarian’s faster regardless, but I still think it’s a bit unfair to apply situational leeway to Steve but not to Terrarian.

And, with that, those wrap up my thoughts on these two character’s stats. Steve is stronger, and Terrarian is faster. So, let’s break down their arsenals and see which would matter most in this debate. Will Steve’s overwhelming brute force seal the deal, or will the Terrarian’s alacrity edge out a win? Let’s find out.

Arsenals (a.k.a. The Interesting Part)

Allow me, if you will, to propose a thought experiment. Think about your most recent experience when playing Minecraft, if applicable, when you were initially gearing up to fight the Ender Dragon. How much preparation did you make? I’d imagine a good bit - suitable weapons and armor, potions and food for days, and enough water buckets to drown a desert temple. Maybe even a few beds if you were feeling speed-runner-y. You probably brought your crafting table with you as well in case of an emergency. Imagine how much inventory management was needed during that fight - swapping out your hotbar, restocking your arrows, making sure your water bucket is always on deck in case you got launched to the stratosphere.

Now imagine if the dragon was nearly a million times faster. You wouldn’t have time to switch to your buckets, to rearrange your potions, to do anything, really. You’d basically be stuck with the sword in your hand, the armor on your back, and the fight in your spirit. Which, for a survivalist, isn’t exactly optimal.

Steve, or, as I should say, the average Minecraft player, needs time to properly think things through. A survivalist needs a plan, and a plan needs time. If Steve is getting absolutely shit-blitzed by his opponent, he’s not going to have time to craft the perfect tool or create the perfect trap, especially considering how large his pool of options is. He’s essentially locked into fighting with his base equipment since he doesn’t have time to switch to any of his other preparations without losing a hefty amount of ground.

Granted, if Steve is strong enough to simply tank anything the Terrarian throws at them, then they can sit there and craft all they want while Terrarian does their best Raiden impression. But I feel like this is where the Terrarian’s massive arsenal advantage kicks in.

You see, a massive amount of weapons means a massive amount of debuffs. And with these debuffs come plenty of ways to bypass Steve’s survivability or otherwise cripple his viability as a fighter.

For starters, Steve’s potions and consumables; instant health, regen, absorption, and even cheating death itself are staples of any good survivalist within the world of Minecraft. You’d think that the Terrarian would have no way around that, but you’d be mistaken.

There’s a pair of endgame weapons called the Daybreak and the Solar Eruption. Any melee build worth their salt should have them, since they’re the weapons gained from the Lunar Events. Only the Zenith, the most powerful weapon in the game, period, and a few swords dropped by the Moon Lord itself are even capable of rivaling it, and those are much more difficult to come by, so it can be assumed that the Terrarian would be likely to have at least one of these two weapons in a melee build.

Why do I bring up these weapons, you may ask? They inflict a specific debuff on a hit called Daybroken. Daybroken completely negates any form of regeneration the target may have while also inflicting massive amounts of true damage over time.

This is an absolute counter to anything Steve might think to use to replenish his health. Taking into effect Terrarian’s massive speed advantage, they should have absolutely no issue with applying this debuff continuously throughout the fight. Additionally, enemies that are killed by Daybroken carry over the debuff to all surrounding enemies, allowing the Terrarian to quickly shred through any sort of backup that Steve might summon.

But we’re not done.

Ichor is a status effect that can either be inflicted by the Golden Shower (haha), a mid game magic weapon, or by applying a Flask of Ichor to a melee weapon (such as the already relevant Daybreak or even the Zenith). It reduces an enemy’s defense by 15. Betsy’s Curse is another status effect that can be inflicted by Betsy’s Wrath, a magic weapon obtained from the Old One’s Army prior to the Lunar Events. It reduces defense by 40. These two debuffs stack.

While it’s hard to exactly pinpoint what “removing 55 defense” means when carried over to Minecraft, it should at least provide some sort of way for the Terrarian to bypass the protectiveness of Steve’s higher grade armor. Add the Blade Staff onto that, which is a summon weapon that straight-up ignores durability altogether and goes for chip damage, and the Terrarian has more than enough options to at least partially ignore the massive gap in AP.

Then there’s the matter of Terrarian’s numerous other DoT effects, such as poison, fire, and acid, the ability to inflict confusion, and a small nigh-unkillable army of minions that can keep the pressure on while Terrarian applies these debuffs. 

Additionally, there’s one more factor that I want to bring up; Steve’s tools and armor, and their durability.

Max enchanted netherite armor fully breaks after 2,368 hits. The Terrarian can achieve that many hits almost 370 times over before Steve can get the chance to swing once. In a tiny fraction of a second, Terrarian can hit Steve enough times to absolutely shred through his armor, leaving a naked Steve without any major way to defend himself.

All of these taken into account lead me to the conclusion that Steve will always be on the backfoot during the fight, despite his raw physical advantage. While Steve is a proverbial juggernaut in more ways than one, the Terrarian should have more than enough speed and tricks to chew through his beefy exterior and take him out for good.


Before I get to the conclusion, I’d like to go over a few points made by both people within this blog and friends outside of it regarding the matchup.

Q: Can’t Steve just drink milk to remove any negative effects such as Daybroken?

A: Sure, Steve could drink milk to remove the Daybroken effect, but that would also get rid of any of his regenerative buffs as well. Not to mention that it would be incredibly easy for the Terrarian to simply hit Steve again, given the massive disparity in speed. Then, the cycle would simply repeat itself until Steve runs out of milk. Steve’s supply of debuffs and debuff negation is limited - Terrarian’s isn’t.

Q: What about the Totems of Undying? They can instantly bring Steve back from death, AND they clear all debuffs! How is the Terrarian going to circumvent that?

A: By hitting Steve again. It’s not rocket science. If the Terrarian has a way to effectively cut off all of Steve’s regenerative capabilities in a single hit, the Totem isn’t going to be very effective. At best, Steve will be left at minimal health with no absorption or regeneration to help him regain his footing due to Daybroken. Even if Steve happens to have multiple, they’re going to get chewed through relatively fast. Not to mention the fact that a) Totems are incredibly hard to come by and Steve isn’t likely to have a massive surplus of them, and b) the Totem has to be in Steve’s hand in order to activate, which means that Terrarian can likely blitz and finish Steve off before he has time to pull one out.

Q: What about Tempo Theft? If Steve even lands a single hit with an arrow, he gets half of the target’s speed!

A: Yeah, as if Steve could even land a hit with a bow and arrow. The Terrarian’s far too fast for anything like that to hit. Sure, Steve could target a minion, but there’s nothing that insinuates that Terrarian’s minions even scale to the Terrarian in speed, so the boost received would be minimal at best. (Unless you’re referring to boss summons, which I don’t think the Terrarian would even resort to using.) Not to mention Confusion, which just straight-up makes ranged attacks not an option and can be applied just as easily as Daybroken via the usage of flasks.

Q: Can’t Steve use the Love Medallion to turn some of the Terrarian’s minions against them?

A: Sure, but what would that accomplish? With a maximized summoning setup, the Terrarian would still have plenty of minions to spare in order to combat the few rogues. Even then, they expire after ten seconds, so it’s not like they’re going to be a constant thorn in the Terrarian’s side or anything. Most, if not all, of the Terrarian’s other summons would be hostile towards them regardless.

Q: What about Gravity Pulse? Wouldn’t that allow Steve to close the gap and land a hit?

A: The Terrarian is faster than the standard pull of gravity and has far more viable movement options to escape the pulse: wings, boots, hooks, and even a portal gun. If Steve makes an attempt to pull the Terrarian closer, it wouldn’t be overly complex for the Terrarian to escape.

Q: What about Chilling? Can’t that slow the Terrarian down enough for Steve to land a hit?

A: The Ankh Shield, an essential item for any Terraria playthrough, provides total immunity to a plethora of debuffs, including one called Chilled that has near identical effects to that of the Chilling enchantment. 

Q: Well, what about the Sturdy Shulker Armor from Dungeons? It can naturally reflect projectiles, so can’t Steve just effortlessly reflect any attack Terrarian chooses to throw?

A: The Solar Eruption is a melee weapon. It’s a long flail that can hit from a healthy distance, but it’s qualified as a “melee” weapon, which shouldn’t cause the Sturdy Shulker Armor to reflect it. Same goes for the Zenith as well as most of the Terrarian’s other melee weapons. The Terrarian can certainly keep a safe distance from Steve without succumbing to the reflection effect of the Sturdy Shulker Armor, given the fact that Steve even has the time to put the armor on.

Q: Aren’t there lasers in Minecraft and Minecraft Dungeons? How come Steve doesn’t get laser timing, but the Terrarian does?

A: Most instances of lasers within Minecraft can’t exactly be deduced to be actual light in the same way that the Last Prism can. Most of them come from ambiguous sources and, other than general appearances, show no properties of being lasers in the scientific sense. Meanwhile, the Last Prism actively shoots refracted light and possesses most, if not all, of the attributes associated with scientific lasers (moving in a straight line, burns at the point of contact, refracts off of reflective surfaces, etc.)

Q: How exactly does the Terrarian scaling to the Last Prism’s speed work? Isn’t it frame 1?

A: It is, but so is the player’s dodge. The dodge and the beam are executed on the exact same frame, and it can be done as close as point-blank. While this makes it hard to get an exact number, it shows that the Terrarian is at least comparable to the beam’s speed; otherwise, dodging wouldn’t be an option.

Q: Let’s say Steve was able to defy the odds and land a lucky hit on the Terrarian early on in the fight. Would it kill them?

Probably, but it would be a lot trickier than one would imagine, given the AP gap.

First of all, the Ankh Shield should completely shut down any attempt Steve makes to debuff the Terrarian. While Steve’s method of disregarding debuffs applied to himself is an active and conscious choice, the Terrarian gains full passive immunity simply by having this accessory equipped. All of Steve’s offensive debuffs options (poison, slowness, and weakness) are all addressed and negated by the Ankh Shield.

Secondly, the aforementioned Confused debuff (which can be applied via the Flask of Nanites) completely shuts off any sort of ranged ability that Steve may have. If Steve is inflicted with the Confused effect, he is required to use melee attacks to take down the Terrarian. And, even then, his controls will be reversed, which can be taken as mistaking left from right in the middle of a fight. From this point, it would be incredibly easy for the Terrarian to simply zone Steve out using their vast arsenal of ranged weapons and summons.

Third and finally, if Steve did eventually land a devastating blow, it wouldn’t be without consequence. The Terrarian has a plethora of recoil options upon being hit, such as the Star Veil raining down stars upon the attacker or the Brain of Confusion instantly applying the aforementioned Confused debuff. If the Terrarian is still alive after a single hit, it’s very possible that Steve would be worse off than he was before landing the attack.

Q: Aren’t Steve’s summons a lot more useful? Shouldn’t he just outnumber the Terrarian in an army battle and win through brute force?

A: First of all, I highly doubt that the Terrarian would be pushed to employ anything akin to an “army battle.” Depending on the staff, the Terrarian can only have a dozen or so summons out at once, and even then they aren’t the highlight of their kit. Summoning builds, while fun, aren’t the most practical, and I doubt that the Terrarian, with all their battle experience from fighting the various bosses, would opt to use it over something like the Zenith or the Solar Eruption. Summoning a boss would ultimately cause more harm than good, and I doubt the Terrarian would feel pressured enough to even consider it.

And secondly, yes, I suppose Steve’s “summons” (if you can call some of them that, if I recall correctly there isn’t a way to directly summon half of the things listed under Steve’s summon section without it being quantified as outside help) are more beneficial due to the scaling they get, but they’re all still getting blitzed. Daybroken makes dealing with large crowds particularly easy, and none of them have armor that can rival Steve’s netherite, so it would likely be a relatively simple task to shred through them with the given speed advantage. The only summon that Steve has that would really be an issue would likely be the Wither due to its unique debuff that isn’t covered by the Ankh Shield, but I highly doubt that Steve would even have enough time to summon it due to its unique method of summoning. Building a wither monument would likely take too much time, given the speed gap.


If it wasn’t abundantly clear at this point, I side with the Terrarian.

With everything taken into consideration, the Terrarian’s oppressive arsenal is going to give Steve a massive run for his money, regardless of how strong or durable he may be. He has no passive counters to status effects, unlike the Terrarian, so there’s nothing fundamentally stopping the Terrarian from just spamming their more debilitating status effects, especially considering the most useful debuffs come from endgame gear that Terrarian would likely be using regardless. Milk and medicines can temporarily relieve these debuffs, but they also take away any buffs that Steve may have, and the Terrarian is fast enough to simply reapply them without much issue.

Nothing that Steve can throw out is even remotely likely to hit the Terrarian without some sort of serious prep time (time that he doesn’t have), and the best he can do is hunker down with his most powerful defensive options and pray to Jeb that Terrarian can’t rush him down at the speed of light. But, as the Warden proves, no amount of defense can protect you from something that’s just flat-out faster than you. With Terrarian’s massive arsenal of debuffs and weaponry, I just don’t see Steve having room to breathe, let alone fight back.

All these factors taken into account in addition to the questionable validity of some of the scaling used for Steve lead me to believe that, more often than not, the Terrarian will come out victorious. While Steve has many innate advantages, the Terrarian’s sheer speed and versatility dig Steve straight down into his own casket. Maybe he’d have better luck in a Dream speedrun, but for now, he should probably stick to Creative Mode. There’s only room for one Survivor.

Hi Hi

Before I start I’d like to say thanks to tmk for allowing me to help in the blog. It was fun as a fan of these games as a kid and I am glad how it turned out. So Minecraft Vs Terraria (Or if you are lame and call it Steve Vs Terrarian) is one of my favorite matchups, def in top 5. So when this blog was announced I was really excited and instantly joined. It's a matchup that is simple yet it works so well and the big rivalry helps as well. But let's not get sidetracked. This is a Vs blog after all and I am writing this verdict to decide who wins so lets do that! 

Now there is a lot to go through for both series and I mean a LOT, funny how you wouldn’t expect that with both not having like 20 games or something. But let's start off with the basics! 


First let's go over Terraria. Now prior to this blog there was a lot of thrown around stats for them be it Mountain, Planet or even Uni, but as you’ve seen before the verdicts those cosmic feats are not quite usable which thankfully makes the job of finding Terraria highest stats easy. Thanks to the Meteor Staff, Terraria would be able to get around 6 kilotons of TNT via pulling Meteors and with weapons having stats higher than the Meteor staff the feat can get a boost up to 23 Kilotons. Now for speed I can already hear people ask “What about FTL Terraria is that still good?” NOPE! I honestly don’t know how it wasn’t discovered earlier but it's blatant that Terrarian is not in tandem with any of the light attacks in the game. So where does that leave Terraria in the speed department? Well funny enough it's also from the Meteor Staff. Terrarian can move in tandem with the falling meteors which would get them around Mach 190

Now lets go over Minecraft stats. So for AP Steve can scale to the Ender Dragon which has a feat where she destroyed a large amount of Netherite with one attack which got around 605 Kilotons of TNT. Though we are not done with AP yet thanks to Dungeons. In the Creeping Winter DLC for the game a piece of Orb of Domination was going to cover the world in an endless winter which would be around 10 Gigatons of TNT. With speed it's not hard to find Minecraft's best speed feat. Endermen can dodge arrows shot from a crossbow which gets around Mach 4. Now it's safe to point out some other speed feats some people might be wondering about. “What about Steve dodging lightning?” Sadly this feat also becomes unusable due to Steve not being in tandem with the bolt, the same can be said with other mobs that “dodge” lightning bolts. “What about light magic in Dungeons?” Well thankfully you can move in tandem with them, however they are not exactly light beams and are more energy beams if anything so no FTL Minecraft people.


So with stats out the way let's go over both enormous arsenals. First off it's fair to say Terraria has more deadlier weapons and has more variety with swords that can shoot out more swords, YoYos, shields etc. Also Terraria has a lot more range options compared to Minecraft, while Minecraft has bows, Terraria has guns, pretty simple to see who has better range. Also their armors don’t really contribute much in this debate other than I guess Terraria has more fragile armors. So when it comes to their basic stuff Terraria has the edge but what about the not so basic stuff? Well there Terraria has a plethora of weapons but when it comes to melee combat Steve has more options with enchantments with faster attack speed, more damage and being more durable compared to Terrarian melee weapons.              

With defensive stuff both have your usual shields and armors though I would say Steve has more durable armors. Also dungeons gave Armors more options with enchantments that can help out with the speed difference that can lift Terrarian in air and pull them near Steve. There is also the normal stuff like increased health, resistance to certain attacks and deflect attacks, that also helps. Though let's not count Terrarian out because they have the Ankh shield that can help out a lot. The Ankh shield can allow Terrarian to resist any Debuffs that come their way. So while Terrarian can possibly just throw debuffs Steve can’t retaliate with their own debuff attacks or potions.      

Though what about healing items? Well to be completely honest Minecraft has better healing items. Now both have stuff that can Heal, buff, give a special effect etc. Though Steve does have a leg up in some items like Milk that can take away any debuff Steve has and have medicine which also helps remove debuffs. There is also the Golden apple which can increase Steve health which just makes it harder on Terrarian along with the AP gap. Though let's say Terrarian eventually lands a fatal blog on Steve, well that is not doing much thanks to Totem of Undying which can allow Steve to avoid that. 

Now their summons which is a clear advantage for Terraria. Yes there are some summons with Steve that can prove useful like the enchanted sheep, but that is one summon compared to the other summons in Terraria that prove to be far more useful than a sheep. Also when it comes to army numbers Terraria has Minecraft beat. However there is one summon for Minecraft that can prove really useful that being the Wither. Now I am not saying the wither alone can take down Terraria full summons because I would be wrong, there are just too many summons from Terraria for the Wither to fully take out, but it would be a good distraction and can take down some summons even after death with the Wither debuff which wears down anything that was hit by the wither. Also there is the Artifact the Love Medailan which can just turn all of Terraria summons against them which can turn the number of armies around in Steve’s favor.  

Lastly to cover this section let's talk about both mobility options which are obviously in Terraria favor. Sure compared to Minecraft Terraria has less options but they are more useful. Minecraft has items like the ender pearl, wings with fireworks and many more they are just not as reliable as Terraria more movement based stuff like the Ninja armors, Balloons which grants more jumps and the wings just allow them to fly around the battlefield. Also bundled up with the speed difference that just makes the wings extra annoying for Minecraft. Though when it comes to on land movements options Steve has many ways to help with the speed difference thanks to artifacts and enchantments that increase Steve’s speed. 


Now we have come to the end of the debate. So as for who wins well while it was a tough choice I ultimately side with Minecraft. So let's go over the reasoning.

First off in stats yes Terraria is way faster there is no denying that and has ways to counter Steve’s debuffs like the Ankh shield. Also Terraria has more mobility that can possibly take control of the battlefield. Yes these are good advantages and I can see Terraria outlasting Steve, however there is a lot more going for Steve with his arsenal that involves a lot less mental gymnastics. 

First Steve is AP stomping no matter how you put it. Excluding Dungeons scaling the AP difference is 23 Killotons Vs 605 Kilotons which makes Minecraft dozens of times stronger. There are also many ways for Minecraft to increase their speed and even out the speed gap along with ways to just close the speed gap like Gravity for example allowing the one hit needed for Steve. Steve also has ways to survive against Terraria to eventually land that one hit with Golden Apple which increases Steve's health, Milk and medicine which can take away any debuff and totem of undying which can help Steve avoid death. Also stuff like the Love Medailan can help against Terraria summons and turn the tides in numbers. 

Honestly I am most likely forgetting other stuff (Writing this late at night does that to you) but hey that is what multiple verdicts are for. But ultimately the winner is Steve thanks to being to strong, ways to even speed or just close it and ways to survive long enough to land that one hit in for a victory. The Winner is Steve Minecraft!   

Uh don’t exactly have a pun so…LOOK A CREEPER!!!


Heya, guys, ManofPower here! Also known as MoP! I want to thank TMK for letting me be of help to this blog (My very first one!), it was a pleasure to finally use my 3ish years of Minecraft research for something like this! Especially against one of Minecraft’s biggest rivals when it comes to Versus Debating… Terraria.

So, there is a buttload of things we would have to go over considering how much each game has to offer (which is a lot), so let’s go over the basics… Their stats!

Steve first, one of the first things people bring up when talking about Steve’s strength is either his ability to break trees with his bare hands or… carrying more gold than a kindergartener’s nostril. And looking at the latter, it’s rather impressive if you get into the nitty gritty of calculations and whatnot. Thanks to TheoryCrafter, going full-on 10th Grade Math Teacher and calculating this, in which he got 7.49 tons from it. Which is around large building level I believe. A pretty decent calc but nowhere near his peak. There are other feats such as scaling to The Wither and The Ender Dragon, but the absolute pinnacle of AP you can get this blocky character. And it comes from Minecraft Dungeons, where your player defeats a boss named “The Wretched Wraith” who was going to engulf the entire world in a never-ending winter. WHICH gave us a calculation of 10 gigatons, or island AP. 

As for speed, he isn’t really that impressive. Being able to run at about 12 and a half miles per hour, which is around the speed of someone running for their life. He can move in tandem with arrows and can go about this fast with a trident and elytra. But his “fastest” feat is probably is scaling to Endermen, which only gets him to Mach 4. And he can use his trident to summon lightning which moves at Mach 352

His durability is a rather tricky and weird topic to discuss, he’s able to endure attacks from The Wither and Ender Dragon, 104 KT and 605 KT respectively, and he can endure the heat of the Nether (which instantly evaporates water) and can endure the pressure at the bottom of the ocean

As for Terrarian, he’s kinda lacking in the AP department. With feats such as mining through ores stronger than steel, reducing walls of flesh to bloody viscera (15 tons of TNT), and his meteor staff stuff (6.21 Kilotons) and if we’re being generous, we could upscale other weaponry such as the Zenith and allow Terrarian to get 23.59 Kilotons of TNT. So, at bare minimum Steve is 423,908 times stronger IF you accept the upscaling of weaponry, if you do not, Steve would be 1.6 million times stronger. Either way it's a complete AP stomp.

BUT, Terrarian does have speed going for them. Terraspark Boots allows them to move at 34 mph, almost 3 times faster than Steve with no potion effects and about twice as fast with potion effects. They are capable of reacting and fighting on par with people FTE, capable of producing electric-based attacks, And can move in tandem with their own meteors, making them Mach 189.5, making them 47.3 times faster than Steve is. 

Their durability also allows them to survive explosions from sticks of dynamite (0.0002 tons of tnt bare minimum), can survive gunfire, and even survive a rocket launcher (0.0015 tons of tnt), which honestly doesn’t compare to Steve, who would be 403 million times more durable, thankfully, one’s AP must match their durability (although his AP would still be bare minimum 423 thousand times stronger than their durability)

So, going off stats only, this is really a case of Steve's AP stomping VS Terrarian’s Speedblitzing which would definitely go in Steve’s favor considering the Terrarian’s speed blitz lacks the necessary AP to affect Steve, but that’s only taking it at face value, looking at their arsenal makes this a completely different story.

Looking at their basic “casual” equipment, such as Steve’s handy dandy Netherite sword or The Zenith wielded by Terrarian, and their bows, axes, and all the extra stuff, there’s no clear cut, on who would have an advantage. But that’s only the simple stuff, digging deeper, we can see who really has the better arsenal. Minecraft Dungeons boosted Steve’s arsenal immensely, granting him more hax at his disposal, more weapons, etc


Such as a bow that can create poisonous clouds, a bow that can harvest the souls of its victims, a bow that can freeze its targets, and even a bow that creates a wind attack. He also has specialized arrows, the spectral arrow with surrounds the target with a light that can be seen through walls, the arrow of weakness, of slowness, poison, decay, etc, there are no limits to the creativity of how Steve could attack. 

However, Terrarian is no slouch in this department, having spears that can shoot spores, electricity, and poison. A bow that has a chance of shooting a Phoenix which causes a fire debuff, the shadow flame, etc (yada yada, basically repeating the entire blog, I’m sorry XD)

Which then I would say Steve has the better and arguably more versatile arsenal, basically can do the same exact thing as Terrarian but better and with more options, not even acknowledging the fact that milk, potions, and water can counter most if not all of Terrarian’s weaponry, which the same can’t be said for the latter. Hell, Steve can even counter the summons of Terrarian which I will try to get into soon. 

Steve has your typical armor such as gold, iron, diamond, netherite, etc but let’s get into the good stuff. He has armors that deflect ALL projectiles, grants him resistance to low temperatures and knockback, armor that can slow down his enemies, poisons their enemies, and even summons bees (which could counter Terrarian’s Bee’s Knees weapon), not to mention he has the thorns enchantment to deal BACK damage to the attacker. And damn, you’ve seen all of the enchantments of Dungeons.

But Terrarian also has some counters to some of Steve’s things, such as the snow armor (counters freezing abilities), armor that sets enemies ablaze, can regenerate the wearer (can negate harming, decay, poison options), and amongst other options. So yet again counters to each other.

As for summons, Steve has the wolf, the pig, the cat (which can see the invisible), Axolotl (which regenerates health), the enchanted sheep (which has different status effects)

AND the big bois like The Iron Golem (OP Iron T-Poser), Soul Wizards (Knock Off Orko), and even the Wither (Emo Skeletor). But Terrarian’s summons is just more OP and can easily take out most of Steve’s, and they don’t buff Steve like they do Terrarian. But Steve makes up for that with his own status enhancements, enchantments, etc, and could legit turn Terrarian’s summons against them with the love medallion. Also, Steve has OP Totem of Undying and Notch Apple lmfao

So, with all that being said, I’ve already talked your heads off. I’m siding with my boy, Steve-O. The only thing really going for Terrarian is superior speed and summons. But Steve has an answer to damn near every summon and then some. And a speed blitz doesn’t matter if said character lacks the AP necessary to harm the character being blitzed. Terrarian’s high end (23.59 KT highballed) is weaker than Steve’s proven end (605 KT), that is still a difference of 25.64, more than enough for a one shot. Terrarian doesn’t really have any answers to Steve’s versatility nor the haxes that DO work against them. And Steve could simply even the mere 47x speed difference with the speed enhancements, slowness, specialized armors, etc. Steve counters everything, almost quite literally. He can turn Terrarians summons against him, negates any debuff Terrarian throws at him, he just realistically has more options available and more realistic options at that. So, in my opinion, the winner is the big blocky cocky boi, Steve wins

Puns are overrated so this dude beats Terrarian


Minecraft and Terraria is one of the biggest and most genuinely wholesome video game rivalries in recent years.  Both games pioneered the survival-crafting genre and are enjoyed by millions the world over.  Despite their many similarities, the communities around both games are very friendly to each other, which is a rare occurrence in video games.  With all of this in mind, despite the obvious versus context of what we are doing, I like to think of this blog as a love letter to both franchises and their fans.  Regardless of who wins, I hope that reading this blog has made you appreciate both series just a little bit more.

Now as for who actually wins, both hold their own distinct advantages.  I am sure my fellow verdict writers have already explained at length the stats for both so I will give a relatively short (compared to my normal verdicts at least) rundown of how I view their stats.


If you read the advantages and disadvantages, then you already know that Steve is far stronger and Terrarian is far faster.  By calculating the destructive yield of the meteor staff and then upscaling through in-game metrics Terrarian should reliably be able to dish out 23.59 kilotons of TNT.  It is possible that his strength is even greater given scaling to Cthulu, a world conquering being of immeasurable power.  But there is no evidence that Terrarian is anywhere as strong as Steve.  The Wretched Wraith alone was capable of plunging the world into eternal winter, which would require about 10 gigatons of TNT’s worth of energy to be removed from the world’s atmosphere.  That is over 400,000 times stronger than Terrarian’s best showing.  And the Wretched Wraith only had one shard of the broken orb of dominance.  Steve was able to defeat the Arch-Illager, who was using the full power of the orb. 

Now, some might argue that we are underestimating Terrarian, given the seemingly cosmic stakes at the end of the game.  After all , you can wear the “Nebula Armor'' while swinging “Star Wrath” at CTHULHU.  That sure seems pretty high power.  Unfortunately, none of this is given any of the needed context or detail to reliably draw conclusions that any of this is truly cosmic in scale.  Also Steve has fought opponents that could similarly be interpreted to be cosmic in scale such as the Heart of Ender, a manifestation of the orb of dominance that corrupted and absorbed the energy from the End dimension.  This feat is of course vague but we do know that the End is, ironically, endless.  So even if we give some serious leeway to how we interpret Terrarian’s feats, Steve would get the same leeway and still be far above him in strength.  By similar logic, Steve’s durability is also likely far greater, since he can take attacks from the above mentioned entities as well.

But in terms of speed, Terrarian is the one with the edge.  Scaling to his own meteors, Terrarian should be around 189.5 times faster than sound.  Terrarian is also able to dodge magical electric attacks, which could get even faster.  Steve on the other hand can react while flying at Mach 0.36 and might scale to the Enderman moving Mach 4, although this is unlikely.  That makes Terrarian a minimum of 47 times faster and potentially even 526 times faster.  

So it is going to be hard for Terrarian to physically hurt Steve and it is going to be hard for Steve to land a hit on Terrarian.  If only these two both had incredibly vast arsenals that could help them overcome these stat gaps.  OH WAIT.


So it took our team over 50 pages to adequately explain the arsenals of both and now I need to use that information to explain how those arsenals affect this fight.  Needless to say, I am going to need to filter things down.  I will focus only on what matters most in this fight but this will still take a while.  Let’s start with weapons.

Both have a lot of weapons to go through and I cannot cover all of them but I will at least explain how their arsenals compare.  For melee weapons, they are pretty evenly matched.  Both have weapons that inflict debuffs, heal the user, generate projectiles, summon mobs, and more. Terrarian does have numerous ways to negate Steve from regenerating health which is an important advantage. Overall though, I think Steve has the advantage in melee.  Of course the massive difference in strength is very important, but Steve also just has more plentiful and powerful enchantments.  While they share many of the same abilities and Terrarian even has more variety in melee weaponry, Steve’s enchantments are just better overall.  Unchanting, void strike, rampaging, guarding strike, tempo theft, etc all increase Steve’s stats as he continues fighting, allowing him to continue growing in power.

In terms of range though, Terrarian definitely takes this category.  While Steve does have some very powerful and versatile ranged options with his many bows, crossbows, and enchantments, Terrarian just has more.  He has bows, boomerangs, guns, launchers, and magic weapons which all have their own specific abilities and advantages.  Steve’s infinity enchantment might allow his ranged ammunition to last longer, but it will never adequately compare with the sheer scope of Terrarian’s.

But weapons are not all both have, what about defense?  Steve and Terrarian have many different sets of armor that each provide their own major advantages.  Both have armors suited for almost any enemy or situation so neither really has an advantage here.  Although Steve does take a slight advantage in accessibility due to enchantments.  The many high level enchantments Steve can add onto his already versatile armors, makes the individual armor sets better overall when compared to those of Terrarian.  Steve also has the shield which is a great extra method of protecting himself.  To his credit, Terrarian does have the Ankh shield, which grants extra defense and grants immunity to many status effects.  However, it does not completely block damage in the same way Steve’s shield does.

Next up is consumables.  Both have potions and food galore that can provide plenty of positive effects and save them from near death.  They also both have potions that can inflict negative status effects on enemies.  Since they both share so many potion effects (boosts to strength, speed, durability, healing, etc.), I will focus more on how their consumables differ.  Terrarian’s potions and foods tend to be more combat-oriented and last longer.  The dangersense and hunter potions grant Terrarian incredible battlefield awareness, making it unlikely he could be caught off-guard.  There are also potions that restore mana and reserve ammo, ensuring that Terrarian does not run out of ranged options.  The flask of nanites also inflicts the confusion debuff, something that Steve has never had to deal with before and does not have a medicine or potion to counteract (outside of milk which removes all status effects).

For Steve, his food and potions focus more heavily on survival.  Of course, he has his potions that instantly heal him, grant regeneration over time, and temporarily boost his defense.  But his golden apples are even more impressive, as they grant him extra health temporarily to get him out of a tight spot in addition to the increased defense and regeneration.  Although it is not exactly a food or potion, Steve’s Totem of Undying is also very useful as it negates lethal damage, cures Steve of all status effects, and then grants regeneration and greater health.  With these golden apples and totems, Steve will be able to recover from tight spots and keep fighting.  Offensively, Steve’s splash potions provide valuable area-of-effect, meaning that Steve does not need a direct hit on Terrarian to bestow these effects.  A splash potion of harming could be devastating given the instant damage it deals.

Mobility is also a very important factor in this fight so how do these two compare in this category?  Well Steve does have some pretty great ways of maneuvering around the battlefield.  His elytra and rockets let him fly above the battlefield at high speeds.  Ender pearls and the Unstable Robe grant Steve short range teleportation and the ender pearls can be thrown over far distances, but where Steve teleports will be far less predictable.  Also, if the fight goes underwater or it begins to rain, the trident can be used for very high speed traversal.  These all grant Steve methods of very fast, albeit imprecise, movement.  On the other hand, Terrarian has less varied movement options but they are far more reliable and precise.  The bundle of balloons grants Terrarian three extra mid-air jumps and his master ninja gear lets him climb and slide down walls as well as dash.  His terraspark boots let him run at high speeds, even over the surface of water and lava.  Neptune’s shell grants improved movement in water and grants unlimited water breathing.  Finally, the wings allow Terrarian to hover in place and move in all directions with ease.  In general, I believe Terrarian has the advantage here.  He is already naturally faster than Steve and his movement options allow for much more precision in movement compared to Steve’s less controllable methods.

Exploring the vast sandboxes of these worlds gets lonely without companions and these two have a lot of them.  Terrarian has countless minions and sentries to summon with his many staves.  From massive golems to giant spiders to ballistas, Terrarian can summon an overwhelming amount of assistants whenever he desires to overwhelm his opponent.  If he wants even more fire power though, Terrarian can summon boss enemies.  While they will not fight on his side, they are great for causing chaos at a moment’s notice.  He can summon an entire army of hostile goblins or the disastrous moon lord.  Steve’s pets and summons are far more basic but still useful.  He has standard pigs and horses for movement and llamas for extra storage space.  His pet dogs and cats can fight along his side and the cat’s are even able to detect invisible entities.  The many weapons, enchantments, and artifacts that Steve carries can also summon bees, bats, enchanted sheep, vexes, and soul wizards to his side.  Steve can even build allies such as the iron and snow golems.  But if worst comes to worst, Steve can unleash hell on earth by constructing the Wither, which will attack all life and destroy massive portions of the terrain.  When comparing their minions directly, I believe it is obvious that Terrarian’s are superior.  He has far more of them, they are far more versatile, and he has more bosses to summon should he need to.

Wrapping up their arsenals, let’s go over any remaining items that have not yet been mentioned.  Steve and Terrarian both have artifacts and accessories that provide additional boosts to their stats and other abilities.  When compared, Steve’s artifacts are in general more versatile and have better synergy with his other items, such as providing additional benefits or reducing the cooldown of other artifacts.  Outside of just these, the two also have explosives and many other ways to set up traps during the fight.  However, neither of these will be incredibly useful given they require a lot of preparation.  The same is true for Steve’s beacon and conduit.  However, Steve does have one other item that grants him a notable advantage: shulker boxes.  Both of these two can only carry so much on themselves at once, which does put a limit on just how versatile they can be.  However, with shulker boxes, Steve can greatly increase this limit, far beyond that of his opponent.  While it is true that Terrarian also has portable storage items such as the piggy bank and the safe, these items have shared inventory spaces (ie. all safes use the same inventory space like ender chests in Minecraft), while shulker boxes all have independent inventories.  This means that Steve can keep more equipment on hand at all times, granting him greater access to his versatile arsenal.

Alright, that wraps up the most important parts of their arsenals.  But we are not done yet.

Summarizing Advantages

This is obviously a lot of information to throw at you at once so let me take a moment to basically sum up the most important factors both characters have going for them.

Steve is far stronger and tougher.  It is very unlikely that Terrarian will ever be able to defeat Steve with physical force alone and Steve should really only need a few hits to put Terrarian down for good.  Steve’s golden apples, potions, totems of undying, and various healing bonuses from weapons and armors will allow him to continuously regenerate any health lost over the course of the fight.  Milk and medicines can also nullify negative status effects.  The various enchantments that Steve has also will allow him to continuously grow in power as the fight progresses.  Shulker boxes grant Steve an overall larger inventory space, meaning he is unlikely to ever run out of options.

Terrarian takes the speed and mobility advantage very handily which means it will be very difficult for Steve to land hits on him.  Superior ranged options also allow Terrarian to keep his distance while fighting.  The dangersense and hunter potions give Terrarian superior spatial awareness which also helps him avoid attacks.  Terrarian has plenty of different debuffs that he can apply to Steve to wear down his health over time and to prevent him from healing.  There is also the Ankh shield which protects Terrarian from many status effects himself.  In terms of summons, Terrarian has far more and far better summons, which can easily create a numbers advantage and overwhelm Steve. 


Now it is time for me to say who I think wins and why.  With the advantages for both that I just laid out, you can probably see that this is not an easy choice.  Both have so much going for them in their own ways.  But after thinking it through I have ultimately decided that I think the winner should be Steve.  Here is my reasoning.

Steve’s big challenge against Terrarian is landing hits before Terrarian wears him down with debuffs.  The worst of these debuffs completely prevent Steve from healing.  If Steve cannot land a killing blow, Terrarian will bombard him with status effects until he dies.  So how can Steve kill Terrarian before this happens?

First, I want to re-emphasize Steve’s survivability.  Outside of sheer durability, Steve has a lot of ways to keep himself alive.  His many potions and medicines let him nullify effects such as burning, poison, and weakness.  His golden apples also provide amazing boosts in durability, regeneration, and health without sacrificing his positive status effects.  These should all be able to pull Steve back from the brink of death as he begins to be worn down.  But what about Terrarian negating healing?  Yes, this is a major issue for Steve as it means his consumables will only negate status effects without actually healing him.  While milk could be used to nullify this healing negation, it would also get rid of any beneficial status effects, which does not put Steve in a much better position.  Luckily, Steve has an ace-in-the-hole, the Totem of Undying.  The Totem of Undying will save Steve from fatal damage once per totem.  In addition, it will clear Steve of all negative status effects before giving him strongly increased regeneration, fire resistance, and absorption.  This means that even if Steve takes fatal damage with the healing negating effects, he will be able to recover if he has a totem.  There is also the fact that the potion of the Turtle Master and enchanted golden apples apply high levels of resistance, which will further slow the damage from Terrarian’s status effects.  So in summary, Steve has medicines to nullify some of Terrarian’s negative status effects and can use milk, potions, the Totem of Undying, and enchanted golden apples to overcome the other effects.

Second, Steve actually can use Terrarian’s endless hordes of minions to his advantage.  The Love Medallion artifact could, of course, be used to turn some of Terrarian’s minions to Steve’s side.  But even more importantly, Steve’s enchantments and artifacts grant him benefits for fighting the minions.  Leaching and anima conduit both make these minions a source of constant healing for Steve and they are not strong enough to deal anywhere near enough damage to overcome this healing.  Rampaging and guarding strike grant Steve boosts everytime he takes down a minion.  It is also possible that fallen minions could drop emeralds, which can even save Steve from death if he collects enough of them (Death Barter).  But possibly the greatest benefit Terrarian’s minions provide to Steve is that they allow Steve to temporarily keep up with the Terrarian’s speed.  Tempo theft is a ranged enchantment that lets Steve steal 50% of a mob’s speed for four seconds whenever he lands a hit with an arrow.  If Steve gets this off just once, he will gain a massive speed boost for four seconds, which is more than enough time to go in for a kill on Terrarian, or fight off more mobs for stat bonuses, or some other major move to give himself an advantage.  Remember, Steve steals this speed every time he lands a ranged attack with this enchantment, meaning that these many minion summons can actually grant Steve much greater speed for much longer than four seconds.  Sure he will likely still be only half of Terrarian’s speed, but that gap is small enough for Steve to do some serious damage.

Third and finally, how does Steve land the finishing blow on Terrarian?  Even with this big speed boost, Terrarians’ mobility and ranged options will make this extremely hard.  Well Steve has counters for these as well.  Steve’s sturdy shulker armor and deflect enchantments allow him to redirect incoming projectiles, allowing Steve to turn Terrarian’s ranged weapons right back at him. Steve could also just shield himself from most projectiles with… his shield.  Due to Terrarian’s limited and comparatively smaller inventory, he can not outlast Steve by simply keeping distance and fighting from far away, he will need to get up close.  Once the fight becomes close quarters, Steve has everything he needs to get in a killing blow.  The gravity and gravity pulse enchantments can pull Terrarian into a killing blow.  The chains enchantment and the traps from the living vines armor can trap Terrarian in place.  The snowball enchantment can get in a lucky hit and temporarily stun Terrarian.  Steve also has multiple area-of-effect options to deal damage such as the shockwave and exploding enchantments.  The thundering, electrified, and channeling enchantments all fire lightning bolts at nearby enemies, which are just as fast or faster than Terrarian.  Simplest and most reliable of all, the thorns enchantment will allow Steve to deal damage back to Terrarian, even when hit by ranged attacks and this damage likely scales to Steve’s durability.  Steve has so many ways of overcoming Terrarian’s superior speed and getting in the necessary damage to end this fight and, with his incredible survivability and larger carrying capacity, he has plenty of time to land these hits.

This fight will not be an easy victory by any means.  Ultimately, this is a battle of strategy, resource management, creative use of abilities, and survival.  And honestly, that is exactly what this fight SHOULD be.  Is there anything more thematic for these two icons of the survival-crafting genre?  Terrarian will put up a good fight and will definitely give Steve the fight of his life, but ultimately I believe Steve will prevail through a combination of superior strength, better survivability, more reliable healing options, versatile enchantments, and specific counters.  In the genre of survival games, Steve is still the biggest name on the block.


Talking survival games, there are dozens out there. But really, these two are the most iconic ones for a reason. Minecraft and Terraria, easily the best survival games out there. It was great to help with what I could on this blog, and I appreciate being a part of this. These games and characters have such similar gameplay, it was bound this fight have a good debate to it. No matter the winner, I hope you enjoy the read, and if you haven’t, go give these games a try. 


Let’s start with where I think the advantages are a bit more clear cut. The physical advantages each has. Terrarian has a clear speed advantage. Mach 4 scaling for Steve is just about as high as he is getting, where Terrarian hits around Mach 189.5 with their meteors. Making Terrarian much faster. A bit over 47 times faster to be more exact. Certainly a speed advantage not to be ignored, but nothing that can’t be overwhelmed. Steve does even have the trident in order to summon Lightning, which is actually faster than Terrarians best speed. Getting into Strength and durability, it’s a much different story. The Wither feat already hits at 104.8 kilotons. Which is above Terrarian's theoretical 23.59 kilotons feat by about 4.4 times stronger. But that’s not even the peak of it. The Ender Dragon can fly through materials at such speeds, 605 kilotons. Making Steve in a state where Terrarian couldn’t reasonably do much of any damage to him. That’s not even bringing in scaling to Wretched Wraith, which their winter causing feat would reach into 10 gigatons, a point where Steve is one shotting millions of times over. Ahh, but what about the Cosmic Terrarian! Well, Cosmic Terrarian has always been super vague. If you really want to bring in the kind of Planetary to universal level powers, One could easily Make Steve just as, and even more strong. Terrarian at peak would scale to a universe, where Steve could scale to the endless energy coming from The End. Actually putting Terrarian in a much worse case on assuming cosmic stuff is legit. They have a variety of such abilities that can manipulate their strength, but both share pretty much the same things. Making that point have no effect on these stats. But, now that we’ve covered their basic stats, this leads right into the fun part of this debate


And oh boy are these two equipped like you wouldn’t believe. Both have a huge arsenal to match melee wise, but while a lot of weapons may add versatility, I do want to be the one to say, 10 of the same weapon is not very useful. Both have a huge set of weapons, but some of these weapons do the exact same job. The big “difference” between some of these weapons is just the damage output and durability. That’s what makes this a bit trickier to determine. Steve still should have a bit of a better advantage when it comes to his melee with Dungeons offering such a large variety in close up weapons, on top of the many enchantments that offer a huge variety of abilities he can add onto any melee weapon he has. This does also mean Steves is likely more honed in melee combat given how much more he has to work with compared to his range options. 

Speaking of range, this is where Terrarian takes a distinct advantage. More to work with, likely longer range, and in the same view as Steve, should be more skilled with a range weapon than Steve would be. Steves got a few options, bows, fire balls, crossbows, Ect, but Terrarian just has such a bigger arsenal with the same kinds of weapons, thrown in with guns, magic, boomerangs, and more. With such a large variety too, it’s likely he’ll hold more natural ammo than Steve. Steve does have an enchantment that could help keep up in ammo, but it’s not helping the clear disadvantage he is at in everything else

When it comes to health items. This is where Steve takes another advantage. Terrarian does have some potions and health items, but it doesn’t compare to the scope and speed that Steves hits. Steve has potions that give him a faster regen, ones that instantly heal him, and ones like Golden apples, who not only heal, but give him physical buffs as well. And there’s of course, the Ace in the hole, the Totem of undying, something that saves him upon a death blow, and gives him buffs. Steve can carry several of these, especially with his pouches. The Terrarian has no equal to this, putting them at an even bigger disadvantage here. 

And as far as status effects. Both have many effects they could use on the other, while also being able to fight each other’s abilities back. Steve has less to work with, but immediate answers through drinking milk, (As milk removes any status effects), and certain items and enchantments offer resistance to effects. Terrarian has many more negative effects they could bombard Steve with, and should be able to handle most debuffs Steve has to offer. Most, until we look at The Nether effect. This effect, one that causes the victim to rot, is nothing Terrarian has faced anything like, or has any answer to. But given the speed, mobility, and more effects to offer. This is a point for Terrarian.

Frankly, there’s a lot more that could be talked about. You can definitely argue the advantages when splitting up their arsenal. Terrarian has an almost endless number of minions to use compared to Steve, but Steve has a stronger set of them. Steve can carry a lot more through his shulker boxes, but Terrarian has more weapons all together when considering every single one. Throw in you can also talk about how certain advantages handle these little ones. Like Terrarians huge army actually helping keep Steve alive, As he can steal health from one’s he killed, or Steve while able to remove negative effects, but also removes positive effects too, meaning Terrarian can make him choose to keep them both, or remove them both. These advantages and disadvantages go on and on. It’s time I give my final thoughts given what I think is the most important when it comes to this fight.  


While they have some clear advantages among each other, it’s still quite an either or match. But in the end, I see the Blocky Head Miner taking it. The main reason why, survivability. Fitting isn’t it? Steve is just so much stronger, that physically hurting him just isn’t much of an option. Steve is over 25 times stronger and tougher at the very least, when not even considering the gigaton feat. With the 10 Gigatons feat, Steve is one shot without effort. But, let's give the benefit of the doubt, and look at it with the Kilotons feat alone. Even when considering this. Steve is mowing through Terrarians army, and tanking any physical attack weapons without much issues. Terrarians' only reliable method of winning this fight is going to be through debuffs and overwhelming. With his speed, mobility, range, and army, it should definitely be the more likely outcome, right? No, as Steve should be able to handle each one of these advantages and overwhelm with his own power. 

First, the army is barely an advantage. Terrarian does have a bigger one, but Steve has a better one. Steve's army can scale to him, making them much stronger, though slower. While Terrarian could technically fight them, his army doesn’t hold all the same items and weapons that he does to actually fend them off. The quality in Steve's army is way better. Plus, for every death of a minion, Steve can heal from them. Giving him a virtually endless amount of health to draw from. He should realistically one shot any of Terrarians army, so, killing Steve is going to be seriously hard. Throw on all his instant heal items, regen, golden apples, and Totems, and Terrarian is going to have such a hard time actually overwhelming him with an army that just heals him as he one shots through them, and his army backing him up

Mobility. Terrarian definitely has the advantage in mobility through speed and flight, but someone who can fly and shoot projectiles isn’t anything new. Both The Ender Dragon and The Wither are ones Steve has faced before, who are much stronger than Terrarian is. Adding in. The Wither is someone Steve can naturally summon, who can easily take to the air and spam attacks at Terrarian. And here’s the worst part, Steve can use multiple withers at the same time. Summon up 5-10 of these things, and they would clear Terrarains army in seconds. Not only do they spam explosions that could clear the field in seconds, but inflict the Wither effect, which is an effect that Terrarian has no counter to. 

Effects. While Terrarian has a large amount of effects he could use. Milk is a counter. Even if it takes away Steve's good effects, his natural physical advantage, surplus of regen and health items, totems, and resistances should all keep him alive. Worst case scenario, he backs up to let his withers do the fighting for him. Each one scaling to him in physical power, as well each hit having a natural wither effect. 

Steve’s arsenal will also last longer since he can carry more with shulker boxes. Ammo also is increased with his enchantments, on top of a bigger arsenal in health. 

All together. This fight is probably going to get huge in scale. Summons coming by the dozens. But Steve’s army is more reliable, His survivability is far greater, He’s much stronger and tougher, And his arsenal and health items should help keep him alive and cover his weak spots. It starts at day with two miners crossing paths, but as the sun goes down, the field will be filled with creatures of all kinds. Steve decides to bust out the big guns, one massive explosion later, a skeletal figure flys up, bombarding the field with explosions, what survivors there are, quickly rot away, and before the Terrarian knows what happened, 5 more explosions go off. More of these skeletons firing a hailstorm of attacks. The speed lets him dodge some, but in such a large battle, with so much to dodge at once, he’s eventually struck down, weakening as the wither rots his insides, before Steve goes in and delivers the final blow. Unfortunately for Terrarian, he couldn’t Square up. The only thing he should have Mined, was his own business. Steve is our winner

Team Minecraft - Hi Hi, TheoryCrafter, ManofPower, Buttersamuri

Team Terraria - KingCorporeal


  1. Damn was hoping Terrarian won also what if you did give them their universal feat

    1. Terrarian does win. This particular blog page is a bit faulty.

  2. What a pathetic attempt as analysis, you guys are incredibly stupid

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  10. What a terrible blog, the Minecraft wanking is pathetic, and the Terraria downplay is sad, the skins from Vanilla Minecraft definitely don't scale to anything from Minecraft Dungeons, as only the main skins of that game are canon to the narrative, and the Wretched Wraith never create its worldwide storm, only affecting the island

    1. At maximum you could scale the main character to Minecraft Legends and give them the arsenal from that game, but Minecraft Dungeons have its established canon

    2. Noticed that too. I didn't mention it because I wanted to go over the Terrarian downplay, but proof for Steve's scaling wasn't given

  11. Not one mention of the Rod of Discord/Harmony. Also, as evidenced by Terrasteel's "How heavy would a Platinum Coin made of 1,000,000 Copper coins be in Terraria?" video, Platinum Coins weigh 350 million kilograms and the Terrarian can just straight up fire them from the Coin Gun while completely ignoring recoil, not to mention how much he can tank from another player firing at him with said coin gun. Not one mention of Parrying from Sergeant United Shield/Brand of the Inferno either, which would allow Terrarian to completely negate any and all melee attacks Steve could throw at him. And as seen with Piercing enchanted crossbows, Steve's shields can be negated by piercing attacks, of which the Terrarian has a ton of.

  12. I have a google doc contesting this blog for anyone interested:

  13. I've deleted my past comments because I think my doc is a better and more comprehensive statement on the matter

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I mean I am all for the moon feat. But if we gasing both franchises up to thier full potential. Then I am also willing to consider all of terria mods.

      Only! And only if we consider all the additional minecraft official media. We make the absolute best versions of both characters.

      Now let's see Steve's alone, military background as he lead the charge in legends, defeated the Ender dragon, wither, warden, all the bosses in Dungeons, the wither storm, the admin which is a creative player. So mark a God sapping weapon in his arsenal. Ender with hidden context clues from books and in game. Is a being below the two voices in the end poem. Which call themselves everything which isn't you. With Ender being a dark copy, a being of unity and is everything a person think is them.

      Heck I will even do you the favor and not include the official minecraft manga. Which shows minecraft mods are Canon essentially meaning any mod library. Is accessible to minecraft steve. So let go on the power scaling community working hard to power scale every mod.

      All of that in base survival because really creative would be unfair fair to most characters.

    3. "I mean I am all for the moon feat. But if we gasing both franchises up to thier full potential. Then I am also willing to consider all of terria mods."

      I mean, if we're using mods, I've made an unpublished Terraria mod wherein are lore items describing how the Terrarian is one with a being that is literally omnipotent. This forum regards the vanilla interpretations of both, though, so it can't be used.

      "Only! And only if we consider all the additional minecraft official media. We make the absolute best versions of both characters."

      No. The only canon Minecraft book is Rise of the Arch Illager, as per the devs words, and all other books aren't:
      HelenAngel - 'Rise of the Arch Illager was confirmed to be the only canon book by Jens. So far, that is.'

      "Now let's see Steve's alone, military background as he lead the charge in legends, defeated the Ender dragon, wither, warden, all the bosses in Dungeons, the wither storm, the admin which is a creative player."

      I mean, that wouldn't really scale anywhere by itself, except for battle IQ. This also assumes that you take the in-game Steve skin of Dungeons as literally applying to Steve the character, when it's most likely just a fun, niche reference without any canonical intent by it. Also, I would need a citation on a Creative Player being in the game.

      "So mark a God sapping weapon in his arsenal."

      I mean, beating a "god" doesn't really mean much. There are universe-level gods and city-level gods. It wouldn't scale anywhere.

      "Ender with hidden context clues from books and in game."

      Are you implying that you're making assumptions on lore based on what you perceive as context clues? If so, you can't really do that. It borders on headcanon, which, well, isn't necessarily canon, and thus can't be taken for scaling. And again, only one book is canon.
      "Is a being below the two voices in the end poem. Which call themselves everything which isn't you."

      The entities speaking in the End Poem don't refer to the character, Steve - they refer to literally you, the player. The one "behind the screen." It's not really meant to be lore-applicable, it's a conversation with the player about games, dreams, and life.

      "With Ender being a dark copy, a being of unity and is everything a person think is them."

      That's not really suggested anywhere. Again, it would seem to be headcanon.

      "Heck I will even do you the favor and not include the official minecraft manga. Which shows minecraft mods are Canon essentially meaning any mod library. Is accessible to minecraft steve."

      A) The only canon book is Rise of the Arch Illager, and so this manga wouldn't be considered canon.

      B) Which Minecraft mods are shown to be canon? I highly doubt that they declared that all mods period are canon, as mods with conflicting lore couldn't just coexist.

      "All of that in base survival because really creative would be unfair fair to most characters."

      Creative Mode Steve doesn't really scale as high as people think. The "hax" he shows (/kill, /teleport, etc.) can't be said to apply to beings who scale higher than anything they've been shown to apply to. To suggest otherwise would be to make a no-limits fallacy. And no, /effect wouldn't scale Steve higher. It increases arbitrary number values only relevant to the game itself, and thus are non-scalable game mechanics.

    4. Actually here's a funny tidbit if we include all crossovers.

      We can just give both fests to both set of characters.

      Since minecraft did a crossover with terria and terria did one with minecraft.

      Let them duke it out.

  14. Also they mentioned the most optimal builds for the terrain.

    I was a little disappointed that no set dungeon build for Steve was displayed. Which a optimal build can increase his durability ten fold with a artifacts which aren't potion effects. Let alon a high quality dungeon build cam be outputting million points of dps. Without counting criticals and runes which were never brought up.

  15. Also dang am I bad at spelling.

  16. Also I would love to include all crossovers for both..

    But that's kinda a lot of math and debating over what counts as a crossover..

    Full blown content what counts just skins? Maps? Official mojang dlc?

    Just a nod and a wink lie with that one dolphin weapon in terria?

    Do we count splash texts?

  17. Minecraft literally runs off on integers and numerical numbers. The two voices in the end poem which a good fraction of people consider ture. As it talks to you directly and separate the being you were controlling. With the comment of them being happy, that the minecraft universe still works on a source code a million years old.

    But I'm not about to get into how absolutely busted creative is.


    Since there was already someone calculating physical strength.

    Though I was disappointed that the reality crafting was never brought up. If you know how to code anything is possible. Even with a bad example like Romeo who lacked imagination and had several mental issues that lead to his down fall.

    But I reiterate, I want to make the best versions of both characters. All Mojang books have been disclosed to be their own self contained universe. Meaning very much that there are different loves and versions of a potential Steve. We are trying to make the best version.

    Well also paying respect to the franchise as a whole. Even if for some weird reason in games and in books it always shows as a Isekai setting. Except the official manga as that character has the power of mods. Which indicates it as essentially all the mods he just needed better training to access them. But his whole goal is to purchase milk at the far lands and find his father? Yeah it's a acid trip.

    But really gotta to discuss the totem of undying mechanic. Because in the blog they use a majority of Dungeons but stuck with vanilla totem of undying. Which in Dungeons is literally a second life. You don't need to hold in your off hand.

    But that wraith discussion was technically at it's lowest, as the thing used for such a feat was a simple shard of Ender. As at this point in the dlc Ender was reforming themselves and feeding off the entirety of the end dimension. If you want to say a infinite place go ahead as most media depictions say so, if you want to use the lore though, then with intergre limts being said canon then there should be a real calculatble energy mass there.

    Which would blow the moon feat out the water.

    That's without even bringing the fact the Ender dragon is essentially at galaxy level.


    As text seen in the Minecraft: The End novle said so.

    Because in the power scaling community, they usually try to make the best possible version of any character.

    Though they try to avoid cross overs as it gets messy real fast. I mean Steve with his smash bro's and super meat boy move set. Then that advantage of flying goes away real fast. As the man got hops and ways to grapple said enemy.

    So I understand not doing crossovers.

  18. Also people tend to forget that every mob vanilla or basic mobs of other games and media. Are essentially as physical strong as the player.


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